Good afternoon!
As I sat down to write in my blog today, I had to really think a few minutes about how I wanted to end my "blogging" year. This was the year that I started my blog(why is it that I cringe when I say the word blog..) and I wanted to end the year in a way that would bring glory to God.
SO, here goes...
In 2006, I am thankful for!!!!
Count your blessings, Name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God has done, count you blessings , name them one by one....count your many blessings see what God has done.
(these are in no specific order)
1. My daycare I had in Virginia beach.
2. My friends in Virginia beach but there are a few I would like to mention by name.
Nancy, my music director, Becky, Crystal and her girls who were like sisters -and mom- to my daughter, Brad and Steven who were friends with Tony, John (becky's husband) who watched my kids many times when Becky took me and one of my kids to the ER), DR (crystal's husband ) who was always so great with my Joey, Ernel and Chriss for being great landlords, Mike for preaching the word of God so boldly at Bayside, the eldership at Bayside.
3. I am thankful for Mike and my kids. God gave me the best family in the world.
4. The Massey's...yes , the whole lot of them for making the transition to Ohio such an easy success!!!
5. My landlord at the house I rent now. Good man who without him, I would not have this house we live in.
6. I am thankful for my house I have. It may be small but its really nice and after the other fiasco's I had, this is a dream!!
7. I am thankful for Donna ( my mother in law) who is more of a friend than an inlaw and I love her like my own mother.
8. I am thankful for homeschooling another year and for my oldest son Michael graduating this year.
9. I'm thankful for Allison, for being such a sweet young lady.
10.I'm thankful that God allowed all things to work smoothly for Sweet Inspiration to make their CD and the success of it!!!! Many people are and will be blessed by that ministry.
11. I'm thankful for the youth group at Bayside and how my kids gained such awesome friendships there.
12. I'm thankful that the opportunity came open for a family business that brought us back to my husbands home town after 20 years!!!
13. I'm thankful for all the people on Mike's ship who play music with him
14. I'm thankful for every military person out there fighting for our country.
15. I am thankful for the gift of writing that God has given me. Not saying that I'm good at writing but at the ability I have to write my thoughts down and hopefully bless others by what I write.
16. I am thankful for Sandy and Denise who helped the process of moving back to Ohio.
17. I am thankful for restoration of relationship that I have seen over the past couple of months.
18. I am thankful for my sons girlfriend's parents. If anything more serious comes of their relationship, what a blessing to have great inlaws.
19.I am thankful for 19 years of wonderful marriage to a man who is the best man in the world and best father to our kids and my best friend forever!!! Never will their be another like him in this whole world.
20. I am thankful for Jesus for WILLING to go to the cross for me. Anyone can be MADE to do something, but to do something WILLINGLY....that is love.
Well, I know there are many more I can mention and as the day goes on ...and draws near midnight, I will probably be adding to the list.
Have a comment? I would love to hear from you.
You can email me at
Be Blessed everyone!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Friday December 29th
Can you all believe its almost a new year?
Hmmm anyone thinking about what kind of changes they want to put into their lives for the new year?
This new year will bring about a lot of changes no matter what I choose to change.
With my husband coming home in April, a new business starting in the summer, Mike coming home to his "home town" for the first time in 20 years, him being out of the military....all of these bring about enough change that I really do not need to add anymore to this list.
I do not do well with change. At least not with change that I don't institute upon myself.
So, I have some anxieties about all the changes that will occur. But I am doing my best to not stress over it. I have no control over any of the previous changes. What happens, happens. God is in control and He knows what is best for us so what happens is for our good.
I know most people wait until after New Years to put their christmas stuff away but I might not wait. I have so many things to do to get ready for my husbands arrival in the spring that I do not want to wait. Each thing I do is for him...and I cannot wait to start.
Be Blessed
Hmmm anyone thinking about what kind of changes they want to put into their lives for the new year?
This new year will bring about a lot of changes no matter what I choose to change.
With my husband coming home in April, a new business starting in the summer, Mike coming home to his "home town" for the first time in 20 years, him being out of the military....all of these bring about enough change that I really do not need to add anymore to this list.
I do not do well with change. At least not with change that I don't institute upon myself.
So, I have some anxieties about all the changes that will occur. But I am doing my best to not stress over it. I have no control over any of the previous changes. What happens, happens. God is in control and He knows what is best for us so what happens is for our good.
I know most people wait until after New Years to put their christmas stuff away but I might not wait. I have so many things to do to get ready for my husbands arrival in the spring that I do not want to wait. Each thing I do is for him...and I cannot wait to start.
Be Blessed
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Ok, this blog might sound a bit old fashioned, but why wouldn't it, cause I am when it comes to this subject.
With my husband being gone most of the past year I find myself really looking back at all the mistakes I made with him. (not regret...just reflection lol)
I was reading a book lately and in it the author wrote about greeting your husband when he comes home, taking time to put some make up on, preparing for his homecoming.
Does anyone do this anymore?
I know that when I had the time....and I heard Mike coming thru the front door, everyone would be waiting at the door for a " Welcome Home Daddy!!!", all in unison. He loved it.
Now, with him gone so much, I am again thinking how I can really do my job as helpmeet better.
So, for the next 3 months, I want to do alot of reading on ideas to prepare house, kids and myself for my husband to make his home his castle.
January 2nd, I will begin my diet and exercise. I've let myself go. Why? I have no one who cares if I am in sweat pants all day and no makeup on. But I know Mike cares. So, time to prepare.
Its a time to prepare my heart also as Mike is my number one priority under God.
I remember when Mike would tell the kids to find something to do so he and I could actually sit together UNINTERRUPTED, and play a game together. I actually got upset with him when he would yell at the kids when they KEPT on interrupting this time. My excuse was, " but the kids need me". Oh I see....HE NEEDED ME MORE!!! It may seem silly, but he really is first before my kids. Oh why didn't I see that. Well, I want him to feel important too.
So, if you have any books that you have read on the subject of house, home, husband, kids etc, please feel free to either email me at or put it in the comment section of my blog.
I really would love some feedback here.
Be blessed,
With my husband being gone most of the past year I find myself really looking back at all the mistakes I made with him. (not regret...just reflection lol)
I was reading a book lately and in it the author wrote about greeting your husband when he comes home, taking time to put some make up on, preparing for his homecoming.
Does anyone do this anymore?
I know that when I had the time....and I heard Mike coming thru the front door, everyone would be waiting at the door for a " Welcome Home Daddy!!!", all in unison. He loved it.
Now, with him gone so much, I am again thinking how I can really do my job as helpmeet better.
So, for the next 3 months, I want to do alot of reading on ideas to prepare house, kids and myself for my husband to make his home his castle.
January 2nd, I will begin my diet and exercise. I've let myself go. Why? I have no one who cares if I am in sweat pants all day and no makeup on. But I know Mike cares. So, time to prepare.
Its a time to prepare my heart also as Mike is my number one priority under God.
I remember when Mike would tell the kids to find something to do so he and I could actually sit together UNINTERRUPTED, and play a game together. I actually got upset with him when he would yell at the kids when they KEPT on interrupting this time. My excuse was, " but the kids need me". Oh I see....HE NEEDED ME MORE!!! It may seem silly, but he really is first before my kids. Oh why didn't I see that. Well, I want him to feel important too.
So, if you have any books that you have read on the subject of house, home, husband, kids etc, please feel free to either email me at or put it in the comment section of my blog.
I really would love some feedback here.
Be blessed,
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
December 27th
Hello there cyber world and friends!
What's on my mind today?
Losing weight...
Of course, I'm sure I'm not alone. Each New Year brings so many people wanting to lose weight.
I have a different turn on that resolution.
I am 39 years old and not getting any younger. My husband is coming home in April and I have 20 pounds I really would LOVE to lose.
So, 12 weeks to lose 20 pounds? Thats about 2 pounds a week. Doable? ABSOLUTELY!!
It takes exercise and control. I think I might even go get myself an exercise ball. Never used one before but I would like to try it.
I need to pray, and ask God to give me the self control needed to make this a way of life.
I know this won't be easy. Especially with it being winter and I don't run unless I run outside.
And I know it will be painful to start....
Sore legs...sore abs.....and my list goes on.....
But to fit in clothes nicely and maybe..just maybe ...see some abs will give me something to think about until I see my husband in April.
I will log my progress here. I do not have a scale...nor will i buy one. I hate being obsessed with the scale. I would get so bad that I would weigh myself in the morning and evening. Not good. If i run right...the weight will come off.
Be Blessed..
What's on my mind today?
Losing weight...
Of course, I'm sure I'm not alone. Each New Year brings so many people wanting to lose weight.
I have a different turn on that resolution.
I am 39 years old and not getting any younger. My husband is coming home in April and I have 20 pounds I really would LOVE to lose.
So, 12 weeks to lose 20 pounds? Thats about 2 pounds a week. Doable? ABSOLUTELY!!
It takes exercise and control. I think I might even go get myself an exercise ball. Never used one before but I would like to try it.
I need to pray, and ask God to give me the self control needed to make this a way of life.
I know this won't be easy. Especially with it being winter and I don't run unless I run outside.
And I know it will be painful to start....
Sore legs...sore abs.....and my list goes on.....
But to fit in clothes nicely and maybe..just maybe ...see some abs will give me something to think about until I see my husband in April.
I will log my progress here. I do not have a scale...nor will i buy one. I hate being obsessed with the scale. I would get so bad that I would weigh myself in the morning and evening. Not good. If i run right...the weight will come off.
Be Blessed..
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Flu bug at the Vilano's...
Well, since last Saturday someone in my household has had the old nasty stomach flu bug. Started out with Tony, my 10 year old. I was trying to cook for a potluck last Saturday and Tony got sick. Of course with him being sick , Michael, my 18 year old stayed home with him Sunday. Sunday evening I didn't make it to church services but had to come to youth devotional afterwards because I had agreed to provide the food for crazy hungry teens!!!!
Since then, its been thru me...(big baby when sick) and now my son Michael has it. Joey has just been tired and so far it hasn't touched Angel at all. But wait...Christmas is just around the corner...I would not be surprised if it gets her Christmas eve!!!
Anyway, other than that things are well here in our house. Most of my shopping is done. I have to do some stocking stuffers "stuff" yet but we are pretty much done.
This time of year makes it hard for us with Mike being gone. I haven't even heard his voice since he left Oct 5th!!! Yes, I've gotten plenty of problem in that department, but actually hearing his voice.../sigh.
I also had planned to do school up until today BUT that bad bug changed my plans.
So we will start up again on January 2nd. If my kids keep on the ball, most of their subject could be done by May!!!
Here in Ohio, we are still waiting on a real snowfall. No snow for Christmas but I hope to see some soon after. Its one of the biggest things I was excited about with moving from Virginia !!
Sweet Inspirations new CD "For His Glory" has been mailed!!! This is our first CD. I was part of this CD process and I am so excited to hear the finish product since I will probably never be a part of another one. Sweet Inspiration is a ladies singing group ministry at Bayside Church of Christ in Virginia bEach. We do things like sing at nursing homes, shut ins, Christmas shows at the mall...stuff like that. Leaving that group to move was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I miss them sooo much!!! But the group is sooo talented!!!!!
Well, that is my update for today. great words of wisdom or anything today. Just the happenings at my house and in my life.
Be Blessed
Since then, its been thru me...(big baby when sick) and now my son Michael has it. Joey has just been tired and so far it hasn't touched Angel at all. But wait...Christmas is just around the corner...I would not be surprised if it gets her Christmas eve!!!
Anyway, other than that things are well here in our house. Most of my shopping is done. I have to do some stocking stuffers "stuff" yet but we are pretty much done.
This time of year makes it hard for us with Mike being gone. I haven't even heard his voice since he left Oct 5th!!! Yes, I've gotten plenty of problem in that department, but actually hearing his voice.../sigh.
I also had planned to do school up until today BUT that bad bug changed my plans.
So we will start up again on January 2nd. If my kids keep on the ball, most of their subject could be done by May!!!
Here in Ohio, we are still waiting on a real snowfall. No snow for Christmas but I hope to see some soon after. Its one of the biggest things I was excited about with moving from Virginia !!
Sweet Inspirations new CD "For His Glory" has been mailed!!! This is our first CD. I was part of this CD process and I am so excited to hear the finish product since I will probably never be a part of another one. Sweet Inspiration is a ladies singing group ministry at Bayside Church of Christ in Virginia bEach. We do things like sing at nursing homes, shut ins, Christmas shows at the mall...stuff like that. Leaving that group to move was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I miss them sooo much!!! But the group is sooo talented!!!!!
Well, that is my update for today. great words of wisdom or anything today. Just the happenings at my house and in my life.
Be Blessed
Monday, December 18, 2006
Looking back..regret or joy?
I have been reading a few blogs lately from other Christians. They all have something in common..Looking back.
When we look back, which alot of us are doing as we near the new year, how do we feel?
Do you have regrets? Do you look back with joy?
I had to sit and think about this. I don't have any regrets. WOW....I can't believe I said that. But what I mean about that is this....
THe regrets I hear are
I wish I had spent more time with my kids.
I wish I had helped more people.
I wish I hadn't done this or that....
Well, here is what I think. (if you don't care what I think , stop reading lol)
Make the most of every day and when its over, no regrets.
NO matter what you are doing, make the most of it. If you didn't do what you wanted to do that day, try the next day. Keep trying but if you fail, ask God to forgive you, ask Him to help you do better and keep on the path. NO REGRETS.
Regrets just cause you to think upon things that you have no control over anymore anyway. Why keep stuck on something in your past that might have made you into the Christian you are today?
I have alot of things in my life that I wish I hadn't done...sure...don't we all.
Some of our regrets even come from things that we didn't necessarily do wrong, but just have regrets about.
I know that those things brought me to be a Christian and to turn my life over to God.
For example, my mom died of cancer when I was 11.
Oh how I wish that I had had a mother growing up. I feel like I missed out on so much sometimes. But .....
being with out my mom made me cherish my family even more because of not having one. I cherish my husband , kids and friends even more because I know what its like to not have a mom and to have someone taken away in an instant. When you are a kid, you feel like your parents will always be around. I know I did. Most kids do too. Thats why kids mistreat their parents. Oh the regrets they will have when their parents pass away. But really, no regrets needed. Just make the best of what you are doing today.
If you made a mistake in the past, try to fix it.
Angry with parent? Call them and tell them you love them. Its never too late.
Problem with sibling? Go out bowling and have a cup of coffee.
What if that parent or sibling or so upset over what you did they don't want to make amends with you?
You don't have control over that either. Pray God will restore that relationship and just go about your day at a your life for God and know that you tried. You gave your best effort and in time, who knows.
You get my meaning with this?
Start need to wait till January.
You can make a list of things and do you best to remedy them. IF they can't be fixed, God's grace already covered it if you had asked Him .
Be Blessed All,
When we look back, which alot of us are doing as we near the new year, how do we feel?
Do you have regrets? Do you look back with joy?
I had to sit and think about this. I don't have any regrets. WOW....I can't believe I said that. But what I mean about that is this....
THe regrets I hear are
I wish I had spent more time with my kids.
I wish I had helped more people.
I wish I hadn't done this or that....
Well, here is what I think. (if you don't care what I think , stop reading lol)
Make the most of every day and when its over, no regrets.
NO matter what you are doing, make the most of it. If you didn't do what you wanted to do that day, try the next day. Keep trying but if you fail, ask God to forgive you, ask Him to help you do better and keep on the path. NO REGRETS.
Regrets just cause you to think upon things that you have no control over anymore anyway. Why keep stuck on something in your past that might have made you into the Christian you are today?
I have alot of things in my life that I wish I hadn't done...sure...don't we all.
Some of our regrets even come from things that we didn't necessarily do wrong, but just have regrets about.
I know that those things brought me to be a Christian and to turn my life over to God.
For example, my mom died of cancer when I was 11.
Oh how I wish that I had had a mother growing up. I feel like I missed out on so much sometimes. But .....
being with out my mom made me cherish my family even more because of not having one. I cherish my husband , kids and friends even more because I know what its like to not have a mom and to have someone taken away in an instant. When you are a kid, you feel like your parents will always be around. I know I did. Most kids do too. Thats why kids mistreat their parents. Oh the regrets they will have when their parents pass away. But really, no regrets needed. Just make the best of what you are doing today.
If you made a mistake in the past, try to fix it.
Angry with parent? Call them and tell them you love them. Its never too late.
Problem with sibling? Go out bowling and have a cup of coffee.
What if that parent or sibling or so upset over what you did they don't want to make amends with you?
You don't have control over that either. Pray God will restore that relationship and just go about your day at a your life for God and know that you tried. You gave your best effort and in time, who knows.
You get my meaning with this?
Start need to wait till January.
You can make a list of things and do you best to remedy them. IF they can't be fixed, God's grace already covered it if you had asked Him .
Be Blessed All,
Friday, December 15, 2006
Michael and Allison
Thursday, December 14, 2006
An email that will encourage you
I have asked Mike if it was ok to put his email up on my blog.
We have been discussing making plans and having back up...
This email brought tears to my eyes. What faith he has....The following is from Mike:
I always try to be wise as I can be about things and have a backup plan. If you don’t you only ask for trouble. I trust God to take care of us, and I think He would want me to try to be prudent about things and I just try to do my best, but my plans are always contingent on His guidance, and I will accept whatever He thinks is best, even when I don’t always see it. So all I can say is if the Lord is willing we will go to this city (Ferry) and do this or that (Dicarlo’s) and make money (if he allows it) or go here or there (Dahlgren) and do this or that (find another job). I trust God, all I am saying is I don’t trust myself. Things will only work out if he allows it. He knows what is best, and I only think I know what is best, I make plans but ask His guidance because my plans are flawed.
It may seem to you like I always have good plans and things always seem to work out, this is because my plans are not my own and I am made perfect in the weakness of my inability to see the future, that’s why trusting in God is the only answer, and he has chosen at times to bless our plans and sometimes things don’t seem to work out but in the end His plan is always better and things in the long run are better than we could have anticipated. Don’t think it’s because I am that good, the best plans are subject to God’s will. At times we have had to ask for the help of the Church, and at other times we have helped other brothers and sisters when we had opportunity and plenty to give, and this is God’s will because I don’t think he would want any of us to be so proud as to think that what we have is of our own doing. Our health, our skills, our plans, our fortune, our misfortune are for our own good, whether to learn a lesson or prevent us from being proud of our own accomplishments, and in it all may He have the glory and thanks He deserves.
My life is nothing really, I live to serve him in poverty or wealth and I will accept whatever he gives me, I only ask for his strength and forgiveness so that I can be in heaven someday, nothing else really matters.
Of course I wish the same for my family, and in turn the Church and all mankind.
We have been discussing making plans and having back up...
This email brought tears to my eyes. What faith he has....The following is from Mike:
I always try to be wise as I can be about things and have a backup plan. If you don’t you only ask for trouble. I trust God to take care of us, and I think He would want me to try to be prudent about things and I just try to do my best, but my plans are always contingent on His guidance, and I will accept whatever He thinks is best, even when I don’t always see it. So all I can say is if the Lord is willing we will go to this city (Ferry) and do this or that (Dicarlo’s) and make money (if he allows it) or go here or there (Dahlgren) and do this or that (find another job). I trust God, all I am saying is I don’t trust myself. Things will only work out if he allows it. He knows what is best, and I only think I know what is best, I make plans but ask His guidance because my plans are flawed.
It may seem to you like I always have good plans and things always seem to work out, this is because my plans are not my own and I am made perfect in the weakness of my inability to see the future, that’s why trusting in God is the only answer, and he has chosen at times to bless our plans and sometimes things don’t seem to work out but in the end His plan is always better and things in the long run are better than we could have anticipated. Don’t think it’s because I am that good, the best plans are subject to God’s will. At times we have had to ask for the help of the Church, and at other times we have helped other brothers and sisters when we had opportunity and plenty to give, and this is God’s will because I don’t think he would want any of us to be so proud as to think that what we have is of our own doing. Our health, our skills, our plans, our fortune, our misfortune are for our own good, whether to learn a lesson or prevent us from being proud of our own accomplishments, and in it all may He have the glory and thanks He deserves.
My life is nothing really, I live to serve him in poverty or wealth and I will accept whatever he gives me, I only ask for his strength and forgiveness so that I can be in heaven someday, nothing else really matters.
Of course I wish the same for my family, and in turn the Church and all mankind.
Thursday December 14th
So, its only 11 days until Christmas. Where has the time gone? I still have shopping to do and presents to wrap but can't seem to find enough hours in the day.
As my husbands time in the Navy is finally coming to a close, I can't help to think of how God has taken care of us through all of the years.
I wish I would have kept a journal like this the past 19 would be great to go back and read it.
As he finished his time in the Navy, and embarks on a new voyage...usually on that voyage you know where your destination is. What about if you do not? Say that you plan your voyage but it takes you somewhere else other than where you THOUGHT you were going to be. What then?
I know that we have made plans according to human intellect and planning on what he is going to do when he gets out. But God may have other things in store. Only time will tell but one thing IS for sure...God knows our needs now, and he will know them in June and we can only see the today and now. We can't even see one minute from now. I will trust in God to provide our needs when Mike retires because only God really knows what is best for everyone anyway and as we seek the righteousness of Him alone, God will take care of us.
Be Blessed
As my husbands time in the Navy is finally coming to a close, I can't help to think of how God has taken care of us through all of the years.
I wish I would have kept a journal like this the past 19 would be great to go back and read it.
As he finished his time in the Navy, and embarks on a new voyage...usually on that voyage you know where your destination is. What about if you do not? Say that you plan your voyage but it takes you somewhere else other than where you THOUGHT you were going to be. What then?
I know that we have made plans according to human intellect and planning on what he is going to do when he gets out. But God may have other things in store. Only time will tell but one thing IS for sure...God knows our needs now, and he will know them in June and we can only see the today and now. We can't even see one minute from now. I will trust in God to provide our needs when Mike retires because only God really knows what is best for everyone anyway and as we seek the righteousness of Him alone, God will take care of us.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Another one from NIKKI???
Am I on a roll or what? I guess lately I've had alot to talk about.
I plan to try to put up on my site alot more information on Creationism. This is a topic that is very close to my heart. I hate that Evolution is taught in public schools and I try to promote all the "scientific" evidence of Creationism as much as possible.
Think of this...
Science says a big bang just created everything.....
Oh please...
If you break a watch into its many many pieces, throw it up in the air and let it fall to the ground, do you think that it will just make a watch? NOPE. The watch had a person who carefully and thoughtfully planned this intricate invention. Just like our world took a creator.
It just makes me very sad when the world doesn't give the credit to God for his creation.
We must give our children the tools to tell others about God and His creation.
Equip our kids so they can "go into all the world..."
Be Blessed today
I plan to try to put up on my site alot more information on Creationism. This is a topic that is very close to my heart. I hate that Evolution is taught in public schools and I try to promote all the "scientific" evidence of Creationism as much as possible.
Think of this...
Science says a big bang just created everything.....
Oh please...
If you break a watch into its many many pieces, throw it up in the air and let it fall to the ground, do you think that it will just make a watch? NOPE. The watch had a person who carefully and thoughtfully planned this intricate invention. Just like our world took a creator.
It just makes me very sad when the world doesn't give the credit to God for his creation.
We must give our children the tools to tell others about God and His creation.
Equip our kids so they can "go into all the world..."
Be Blessed today
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Listen to this
In my Wednesday night bible study, we have been talking about Creation quite a bit.
Listen to this..
Listen to this..
My hero

Here is a picture that was taken before he left on deployment.
My daughter Angel is the "angel" on his lap :)
Let me tell you a little about this man.
He has had to endure so much with his job that he does. He's had to be away from his family, away from church , away from everything that means alot to him. All to provide a life and security for his family. On board a ship is not an easy task. Being away from fellow Christians means persecution in ways that no one really will ever understand.
He did this to provide security and freedom even for people he doesn't know.
What is YOUR definition of a HERO. Its someone who gives of themselves with only benefit to others. That is what he is about. OTHERS. All he asks for is a simple life and to be with his wife and friends and the kids he adores. Mike, I doubt you will see this..but you were my hero when I married you over 19 years ago and you are my hero now and forever.
I love you wherever you may be....
I love you wherever you may be....
Come home soon!!!
Rough Seas

Storm at sea?
THis was taken either by my husband or given to him to send to family and friends.
Its amazing to see that this much of the boat is under water during such a huge storm.
If you see the see that its pretty rough out there.
Please remember your service men and women who endure this and much more as they are away from their families during the holidays this time of year.
My husband is my HERO!!! What he does for so many, our family included, just blows me away sometimes. I hope someday, he will come to really understand how much of a hero he is to me and my kids.
Be Blessed,
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Just a thought...
Well, I was watching 7th Heaven tonight and after watching Mr. Camden be given extra time on earth because of all the good that was done by him while living.....It made me think....
Could it be that what we do in life, can give us more time to do more good?
I wonder if someday once all is revealed in Heaven, if I will find out that if I would not have become a Christian when I did (which resulted in all 4 of my kids being baptized believers) what my life span would have been.
You see, life means alot to me. I cherish it actually.
My mom died when she was 33 years old of Ovarian cancer. I was 11 and my sister was 6.
Ever since my mother died, I have learned to REALLY cherish the time I have with my kids. I try to do good wherever I go because I know that none of us really know how long we have here anyway and I want to raise Godly children and be a Godly helper to my husband.
Anyway, even IF there is a chance that God has given me the gift of "more time" with my family, I can only pray and say thank you...and that I will try to do my best glorifying Him in all I say and do.
Be Blessed Today....
Could it be that what we do in life, can give us more time to do more good?
I wonder if someday once all is revealed in Heaven, if I will find out that if I would not have become a Christian when I did (which resulted in all 4 of my kids being baptized believers) what my life span would have been.
You see, life means alot to me. I cherish it actually.
My mom died when she was 33 years old of Ovarian cancer. I was 11 and my sister was 6.
Ever since my mother died, I have learned to REALLY cherish the time I have with my kids. I try to do good wherever I go because I know that none of us really know how long we have here anyway and I want to raise Godly children and be a Godly helper to my husband.
Anyway, even IF there is a chance that God has given me the gift of "more time" with my family, I can only pray and say thank you...and that I will try to do my best glorifying Him in all I say and do.
Be Blessed Today....
Service men
Here is a poem sent to me by a friend...
Hits close to home ...
A Different Christmas Poem
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then thesure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.
"My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give youmoney," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.
"Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."
Hits close to home ...
A Different Christmas Poem
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then thesure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.
"My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give youmoney," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.
"Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."
Proverbs 31 Contribution
Good morning cyberspace!!!
Today I want to present a ? to all of you out there.
I would like to work at home to make some kind of contribution to the income. I make homemade lip balm with emu oil that heals skin so quickly its funny almost. But so far, I don't believe anyone knows about it.
But if you all reading have any other ideas to help make some money while being at home...please make a note of it in the comment section of the blog!!
More to come ....
Today I want to present a ? to all of you out there.
I would like to work at home to make some kind of contribution to the income. I make homemade lip balm with emu oil that heals skin so quickly its funny almost. But so far, I don't believe anyone knows about it.
But if you all reading have any other ideas to help make some money while being at home...please make a note of it in the comment section of the blog!!
More to come ....
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Saturday December 9th
Here is an article that caught my eye on
One question popped into my can a parent NOT know their way around AIM or Yahoo Messenger or ICQ? If their children are chatting, then parents really need to know their way around these too.
There are ways to check archives to see what was said....some call it "snooping"....and I call it preventive parenting :)
Of course, I respect the privacy of my kids but I am not nieve to the point to think that everything they do or say is always right.
I hear alot of parents say that they don't know their way around a computer and really don't care too either. I challenge parents to learn if their kids know their way around a computer .
Here are some advantages....
1. You might be able to surprise your kids that you actually could HELP them with their computer homework from school. I love to always surprise my kids with my elite parenting skillz lol.
2. If you know your way around computer games...then maybe you might like to play the same games they do and then another generation gap is bridged and you might become the "cool parent" in your kids' eyes :)
3. Learn the jargon for online chatting on AIM or ICQ or Yahoo Messenger. Then you might understand what your teenager is actually typing to one of his friends...
That is just a few advantages...
Take the plunge...
Be blessed!!!
One question popped into my can a parent NOT know their way around AIM or Yahoo Messenger or ICQ? If their children are chatting, then parents really need to know their way around these too.
There are ways to check archives to see what was said....some call it "snooping"....and I call it preventive parenting :)
Of course, I respect the privacy of my kids but I am not nieve to the point to think that everything they do or say is always right.
I hear alot of parents say that they don't know their way around a computer and really don't care too either. I challenge parents to learn if their kids know their way around a computer .
Here are some advantages....
1. You might be able to surprise your kids that you actually could HELP them with their computer homework from school. I love to always surprise my kids with my elite parenting skillz lol.
2. If you know your way around computer games...then maybe you might like to play the same games they do and then another generation gap is bridged and you might become the "cool parent" in your kids' eyes :)
3. Learn the jargon for online chatting on AIM or ICQ or Yahoo Messenger. Then you might understand what your teenager is actually typing to one of his friends...
That is just a few advantages...
Take the plunge...
Be blessed!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Friday December 8th
Hello everyone!! Yes, I know its been a few days since I last wrote. Hmmmm how come I just can't seem to write more often? I really don't know but I apologize to those who check on me regularly and are disappointed to find out that I haven't updated the blog.
Sometimes I get on here and I find myself at a loss for words....HA......
Seriously though-
Here is a joke I found. Enjoy!!
A Few Words
Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50."
The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100."
The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"
Have a great day!!!!
Sometimes I get on here and I find myself at a loss for words....HA......
Seriously though-
Here is a joke I found. Enjoy!!
A Few Words
Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50."
The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100."
The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"
Have a great day!!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Well, what a day!!!
Only slept a few hours last night and when I woke up from what LITTLE sleep I had had, it was only because I had a nightmare. You see, today was my first day teaching sunday school for grades K-2nd. I had a night mare that I forgot all of my teaching materials at HOME!!!
Then after service today, I had to go to the funeral home to support the family on the loss of my cousin's wife. I got home from there with an hour to spare until evening service. Of course my two kids were acting in such a way that made me stressed out the whole time at the funeral home. My 9 and 10 year old were, HOT < HUNGRY < and not HAPPY!!
But I came home, and all I wanted to do is go to bed but I went to evening service to be blessed by all the wonderful people there. Today was a special birthday celebration day after services so everyone with a birthday in the month of December got to celebrate with cookies and punch. When I went tonight, let me say I didn't know about the birthday celebration thing nor did I know that so many people would wish me happy birthday.
Mostly it was thanks to my Joey who is 14 who told one of the elders that it was my birthday today. What a great boy Joey is....
A fantastic lady named Sally, made me this beautiful awesome cake and gave me some goodies for me to use and a card that I was sooo blessed to recieve. I love you Sally!!!!
My daughter and her two friends each made me a birthday card and the kindness from those three girls made me cry. I love you Angel and Shaylyn and Bailey!!!!!
I wasn't sure what kind of day this was going to turn out to be but God did...Yes, in all of these ramblings, there is a lesson.
When you don't feel like going to church...GO ANYWAY!!! Yeah, i know, its simple and to
the point and you may even say to me " oh but....."
and you fill in the blank.
God will bless your efforts. Isn't it funny. He blesses YOU for worshipping HIM? Doesn't that just sound sooo wrong?
I also was blessed to know that someone in the Columbus area reads my blog. Someone I don't know personally but likes what I have to say!!! WHOA...Imagine that. So, if you are reading this out there in Columbus-land..... and thanks for reading. It means alot to know that my ramblings aren't just...well...ramblings lol.
To end the day, my 18 year old son called me (he is away on vacation) and sang to me for my Birthday. I have been so blessed by so many people in my life. God continues to shower me with blessings and all I can say is I am very humbled. I know I do not deserve it.
But he continues anyway.
I try to look at all the little things...just waking up in the a blessing.
I think HE wants us to recognize even those little things. And if you are a sound sleeper, it might not be such a LITTLE thing after all lol.
A little note to a fellow blogger....thanks for the reminder JOHN....I'll try to do better :)
Be blessed today...
Remember God in your husbands hug today...
or your child's tug on your clothing to play a game with him or her....
or that paycheck you are spending on a Christmas present on a boss who really doesn't appreciate you....
God is everywhere....
Only slept a few hours last night and when I woke up from what LITTLE sleep I had had, it was only because I had a nightmare. You see, today was my first day teaching sunday school for grades K-2nd. I had a night mare that I forgot all of my teaching materials at HOME!!!
Then after service today, I had to go to the funeral home to support the family on the loss of my cousin's wife. I got home from there with an hour to spare until evening service. Of course my two kids were acting in such a way that made me stressed out the whole time at the funeral home. My 9 and 10 year old were, HOT < HUNGRY < and not HAPPY!!
But I came home, and all I wanted to do is go to bed but I went to evening service to be blessed by all the wonderful people there. Today was a special birthday celebration day after services so everyone with a birthday in the month of December got to celebrate with cookies and punch. When I went tonight, let me say I didn't know about the birthday celebration thing nor did I know that so many people would wish me happy birthday.
Mostly it was thanks to my Joey who is 14 who told one of the elders that it was my birthday today. What a great boy Joey is....
A fantastic lady named Sally, made me this beautiful awesome cake and gave me some goodies for me to use and a card that I was sooo blessed to recieve. I love you Sally!!!!
My daughter and her two friends each made me a birthday card and the kindness from those three girls made me cry. I love you Angel and Shaylyn and Bailey!!!!!
I wasn't sure what kind of day this was going to turn out to be but God did...Yes, in all of these ramblings, there is a lesson.
When you don't feel like going to church...GO ANYWAY!!! Yeah, i know, its simple and to
the point and you may even say to me " oh but....."
and you fill in the blank.
God will bless your efforts. Isn't it funny. He blesses YOU for worshipping HIM? Doesn't that just sound sooo wrong?
I also was blessed to know that someone in the Columbus area reads my blog. Someone I don't know personally but likes what I have to say!!! WHOA...Imagine that. So, if you are reading this out there in Columbus-land.....
To end the day, my 18 year old son called me (he is away on vacation) and sang to me for my Birthday. I have been so blessed by so many people in my life. God continues to shower me with blessings and all I can say is I am very humbled. I know I do not deserve it.
But he continues anyway.
I try to look at all the little things...just waking up in the a blessing.
I think HE wants us to recognize even those little things. And if you are a sound sleeper, it might not be such a LITTLE thing after all lol.
A little note to a fellow blogger....thanks for the reminder JOHN....I'll try to do better :)
Be blessed today...
Remember God in your husbands hug today...
or your child's tug on your clothing to play a game with him or her....
or that paycheck you are spending on a Christmas present on a boss who really doesn't appreciate you....
God is everywhere....
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday November 30th.
As I was doing my usual internet surfing, I decided to visit the website of Vocal Union. This accapella group is AMAZING!! Since moving to Ohio, I can't find any of my cd's except one and its driving me crazy!!! So , I decided to order the Christmas one after listening to a part of a song on there called Mary Did You Know....
Here is the site...please listen...
Its under the family Christmas.....
Not too many songs touch my inner soul to the point of tears. I felt it with this one.
Something seemed to come to mind too. Why is it that certain music can touch our hearts and make us cry? Why are there times during worship that our hearts are touched to the point of tears and why doesn't it happen more often than it does? I don't see too many people in the church service touched to the point of tears while we are singing. Hmmmm....
I love this group!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be Blessed
Here is the site...please listen...
Its under the family Christmas.....
Not too many songs touch my inner soul to the point of tears. I felt it with this one.
Something seemed to come to mind too. Why is it that certain music can touch our hearts and make us cry? Why are there times during worship that our hearts are touched to the point of tears and why doesn't it happen more often than it does? I don't see too many people in the church service touched to the point of tears while we are singing. Hmmmm....
I love this group!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be Blessed
Friday, November 17, 2006
Friday November 17th
Good morning to all you bloggers out there...or blog readers anyway :)
Last night as I lay in bed laying next to my daughter who sleeps with me most of the nights since Mike is gone I couldn't help but to think about each one of my children. My children help me understand the relationship that I have to my own Father in heaven.
As she lays there asleep, she looks so peaceful. My children are such blessings to me and are so dear to my heart. When she wakes up, I tell her that I believe God blessed her today because he woke her up to live another day. Some would say, "oh its just the order of the universe that you sleep and wake up."
I say , "Recognize God in everything you see and do!"
Everytime my dear husband leaves for deployment, I learn so many spiritual lessons. I have to do alot of serious meditation on things around me. Like now, as I write this, my children are still sleeping. So the house is quiet, I am having my cup of coffee and I just finished reading my email from Mike.
I used to wonder what God meant when he said, " Be still , and know that I am God."
I think if you just sit, and listen, you will totally understand what He meant. He is beautiful. He cares for me. He answers prayers...
I mentioned in my bible class that Mike was recieving alot of persecution at work, not only for his faith but he works incredibly hard and his superiors only give him grief. Well, prayers were finally answered and he recieved " A job well done " 5 times yesterday from someone who he would least expect it from. THank you God !!
Being a Navy wife is difficult sometimes. Lately, its been really rough. When Mike is here, the kids do NOT fight like they do when he is gone. It is soooo hard to deal with. Because of being homeschooled, they don't get many breaks from each other like those in public school do. My kids are around each other constantly. Yes, i know that since we've just moved things are a bit more hectic and I need to still let them adjust ....but know this....IT TOTALLY STINKS!!!
I can't imagine the life of a real single parent!! My life is like one when Mike is gone because I don't tell him much about when the kids are acting terribly. What can he do? Nothing really so I try to handle it the best way I can which tends to be not good at all lol. I'm too nice, I don't stick to what I say and I get manipulated way to easily!!!! Yes, i can admit it. Oh well, a few more months to go and I don't have to worry about this kind of stuff anymore.
Ok, my blog is called Nikki's Ramblings and that is what my post has been today. A mixture of my thoughts...but all about different things.
Be Blessed Today and Give God the thanks He so richly deserves!!! He gave you the eyes to read this and the brain to understand the thoughts.
Last night as I lay in bed laying next to my daughter who sleeps with me most of the nights since Mike is gone I couldn't help but to think about each one of my children. My children help me understand the relationship that I have to my own Father in heaven.
As she lays there asleep, she looks so peaceful. My children are such blessings to me and are so dear to my heart. When she wakes up, I tell her that I believe God blessed her today because he woke her up to live another day. Some would say, "oh its just the order of the universe that you sleep and wake up."
I say , "Recognize God in everything you see and do!"
Everytime my dear husband leaves for deployment, I learn so many spiritual lessons. I have to do alot of serious meditation on things around me. Like now, as I write this, my children are still sleeping. So the house is quiet, I am having my cup of coffee and I just finished reading my email from Mike.
I used to wonder what God meant when he said, " Be still , and know that I am God."
I think if you just sit, and listen, you will totally understand what He meant. He is beautiful. He cares for me. He answers prayers...
I mentioned in my bible class that Mike was recieving alot of persecution at work, not only for his faith but he works incredibly hard and his superiors only give him grief. Well, prayers were finally answered and he recieved " A job well done " 5 times yesterday from someone who he would least expect it from. THank you God !!
Being a Navy wife is difficult sometimes. Lately, its been really rough. When Mike is here, the kids do NOT fight like they do when he is gone. It is soooo hard to deal with. Because of being homeschooled, they don't get many breaks from each other like those in public school do. My kids are around each other constantly. Yes, i know that since we've just moved things are a bit more hectic and I need to still let them adjust ....but know this....IT TOTALLY STINKS!!!
I can't imagine the life of a real single parent!! My life is like one when Mike is gone because I don't tell him much about when the kids are acting terribly. What can he do? Nothing really so I try to handle it the best way I can which tends to be not good at all lol. I'm too nice, I don't stick to what I say and I get manipulated way to easily!!!! Yes, i can admit it. Oh well, a few more months to go and I don't have to worry about this kind of stuff anymore.
Ok, my blog is called Nikki's Ramblings and that is what my post has been today. A mixture of my thoughts...but all about different things.
Be Blessed Today and Give God the thanks He so richly deserves!!! He gave you the eyes to read this and the brain to understand the thoughts.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Thursday November 16th
The above article is one I read in its entirety this morning. As women in the church today, most read it and say, problem but those who are outside of the church and involved with their church in ways that go against what the Bible clearly teaches, is my topic today.
LEt me ask WHY? Why go against what the Bible clearly teaches? I know such Godly women!!! People that love God with their heart , soul, mind and strength but clearly go against what the bible teaches about women's roles.
Understand, that I didn't come to accept what God teaches without a fight, let me tell ya. In all honesty, sometimes I still have some troubles but mostly just in my own home. But gathered together with the other members of the Lord's body, for me isn't difficult to accept the role that God has given me. Ladies, God has blessed us with sooo many gifts and given us so many talents to use. Why take something from the men that is CLEARLY meant to be theirs and theirs alone? Do you see them trying to take over the roles God gave to us? I, for one, do not.
Do you have a gift for speaking and teaching? Awesome!! Use it for what God intends. Teach a ladies class or teen girls class...What better way to teach other women with a gift God has given to you!!! Why want so much more and disregard the word of God?
Do you desire more...want the opportunities that men want? Ok, lets talk about that. Doesn't God teach us to not covet? Are we not supposed to want what others have? God has told us to be content with what we have. Maybe we want the skills that others have...ok, then find someone you admire and talk with them. You can ask to be taught but not by what men do!!
Do it as to NOT break the will of God. We are to do things that bring glory to God, not glory to OURSELVES!!!
You may say, "God gave me the gift of preaching and teaching! Do I just not use it. I thought we were supposed to use the talents we have for God."
I say, "Do not lay waste to the talents God has given you!!"
Use your gift to uplift others...but use it in the context of not disregarding the word of God.
Have a ladies class at your home.
Teach a ladies class at church.
I'm sure teen girls could learn alot from the words of wisdom you have to share.
And for those at home with small children, God has given you a gift to teach your children. Use it there to raise up those children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Ladies, nothing is more important than what God teaches. NOTHING. He is our direction on how to live in this life. If you aren't following the Bible for your walk in life, then you are walking into death. Plain and simple!!!
Be blessed today!
The above article is one I read in its entirety this morning. As women in the church today, most read it and say, problem but those who are outside of the church and involved with their church in ways that go against what the Bible clearly teaches, is my topic today.
LEt me ask WHY? Why go against what the Bible clearly teaches? I know such Godly women!!! People that love God with their heart , soul, mind and strength but clearly go against what the bible teaches about women's roles.
Understand, that I didn't come to accept what God teaches without a fight, let me tell ya. In all honesty, sometimes I still have some troubles but mostly just in my own home. But gathered together with the other members of the Lord's body, for me isn't difficult to accept the role that God has given me. Ladies, God has blessed us with sooo many gifts and given us so many talents to use. Why take something from the men that is CLEARLY meant to be theirs and theirs alone? Do you see them trying to take over the roles God gave to us? I, for one, do not.
Do you have a gift for speaking and teaching? Awesome!! Use it for what God intends. Teach a ladies class or teen girls class...What better way to teach other women with a gift God has given to you!!! Why want so much more and disregard the word of God?
Do you desire more...want the opportunities that men want? Ok, lets talk about that. Doesn't God teach us to not covet? Are we not supposed to want what others have? God has told us to be content with what we have. Maybe we want the skills that others have...ok, then find someone you admire and talk with them. You can ask to be taught but not by what men do!!
Do it as to NOT break the will of God. We are to do things that bring glory to God, not glory to OURSELVES!!!
You may say, "God gave me the gift of preaching and teaching! Do I just not use it. I thought we were supposed to use the talents we have for God."
I say, "Do not lay waste to the talents God has given you!!"
Use your gift to uplift others...but use it in the context of not disregarding the word of God.
Have a ladies class at your home.
Teach a ladies class at church.
I'm sure teen girls could learn alot from the words of wisdom you have to share.
And for those at home with small children, God has given you a gift to teach your children. Use it there to raise up those children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Ladies, nothing is more important than what God teaches. NOTHING. He is our direction on how to live in this life. If you aren't following the Bible for your walk in life, then you are walking into death. Plain and simple!!!
Be blessed today!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Sunday November 12th
Good evening blog world!!!
I know my fellow Brother in Christ John, put a link to my blog on his so to those who are reading about me for the first time, let me please say WELCOME to my world lol.
I want to talk tonight about how Satan is at work ...
He twists and turns things in people's minds that make them want to end their life. I cannot understand that kind of desperation. All over a boyfriend? I mean, not that someone like a boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter, isn't important but isn't LIFE more precious than that?
I feel like I"m writing my sisters obituary. She is Satan's focus lately. No , she isn't a Christian and seems to have no desire to be one. But as long as she is taking her breaths, she still has hope because God loves her just as much as he loves me.
People , don't take your Christianity for granted. Especially those who grew up in the church. I did not and neither did my husband but my kids really don't know anything else. I don't want them to get so comfortable that its just routine. Don't just make God routine. He deserves more than that. I try to think back and remember where I came from. He has brought me and my family through so much I can't imagine any other way than to be a child of HIS but my sister has lived without him all her life and He keeps calling and calling but she refuses to hear.
Our Sunday morning message struck me today. When Jesus calls, are we we WANT to hear his call? Maybe its selective hearing....because if we hear his call, we feel an we choose to not hear anything at all.
Don't shut him out!!!!!!!!!!! Choose to listen because if you do, you will not be sorry!!!!
I am very thankful to God that He has brought friends in my kids lives here in Ferry. God is soo good. I knew He had in His plan for us to be here and that He would work out everything and I can see exactly that happening!!!
Please pray for my son Michael as next Sunday the 19th he takes his first plane trip to Virginia Beach to visit friends and will return on the 4th of December. He has never ridden in a plane before so he's a bit nervous. Pray for safe trip and return. Thanks and God bless!!!
I know my fellow Brother in Christ John, put a link to my blog on his so to those who are reading about me for the first time, let me please say WELCOME to my world lol.
I want to talk tonight about how Satan is at work ...
He twists and turns things in people's minds that make them want to end their life. I cannot understand that kind of desperation. All over a boyfriend? I mean, not that someone like a boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter, isn't important but isn't LIFE more precious than that?
I feel like I"m writing my sisters obituary. She is Satan's focus lately. No , she isn't a Christian and seems to have no desire to be one. But as long as she is taking her breaths, she still has hope because God loves her just as much as he loves me.
People , don't take your Christianity for granted. Especially those who grew up in the church. I did not and neither did my husband but my kids really don't know anything else. I don't want them to get so comfortable that its just routine. Don't just make God routine. He deserves more than that. I try to think back and remember where I came from. He has brought me and my family through so much I can't imagine any other way than to be a child of HIS but my sister has lived without him all her life and He keeps calling and calling but she refuses to hear.
Our Sunday morning message struck me today. When Jesus calls, are we we WANT to hear his call? Maybe its selective hearing....because if we hear his call, we feel an we choose to not hear anything at all.
Don't shut him out!!!!!!!!!!! Choose to listen because if you do, you will not be sorry!!!!
I am very thankful to God that He has brought friends in my kids lives here in Ferry. God is soo good. I knew He had in His plan for us to be here and that He would work out everything and I can see exactly that happening!!!
Please pray for my son Michael as next Sunday the 19th he takes his first plane trip to Virginia Beach to visit friends and will return on the 4th of December. He has never ridden in a plane before so he's a bit nervous. Pray for safe trip and return. Thanks and God bless!!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Thursday November 9th
Lets talk about our kids.
I'm very humbled that my 18 year old son is not embarrassed of me.
I talk to his girlfriend, I talk with his friends on IM and on the phone. Where else do you know of an 18 year old who is that comfortable with his mom.
What a blessing....
Now the thought...
How comfortable are we with God? Do we talk to Him like he is a million miles He is unreachable????
God wants a relationship with us....
Do you know what that entails...spending time....getting to know....
Just like it takes TIME to get to know your kids, it takes Time and effort to get to know God.
We do not want to be ashamed to be in Gods presense as I don't want my son to be ashamed of me.
It means opening up people...
God knows us yes...but somehow,,,when we OPENLY reveal something, audibly, OUTLOUD, its very humbling...
Lets take a step closer to being a REAL daughter and son with our FaTher :)
I'm very humbled that my 18 year old son is not embarrassed of me.
I talk to his girlfriend, I talk with his friends on IM and on the phone. Where else do you know of an 18 year old who is that comfortable with his mom.
What a blessing....
Now the thought...
How comfortable are we with God? Do we talk to Him like he is a million miles He is unreachable????
God wants a relationship with us....
Do you know what that entails...spending time....getting to know....
Just like it takes TIME to get to know your kids, it takes Time and effort to get to know God.
We do not want to be ashamed to be in Gods presense as I don't want my son to be ashamed of me.
It means opening up people...
God knows us yes...but somehow,,,when we OPENLY reveal something, audibly, OUTLOUD, its very humbling...
Lets take a step closer to being a REAL daughter and son with our FaTher :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sunday November 5th
Its 11pm as I write this but I had a nap this afternoon and felt like I wanted to say hi to everyone...or ANYONE who might be interested in my blog ...LOL...
I've had alot on my mind lately with tomorrow marking the 1 month mark that my best friend has been gone. He says.." only 5 more to go" like that isn't a long time :(
Now that my move to Ohio is over, and things are settling down, my mind is on him more and more and especially with the holidays coming. It does make it easier being around family for the first holidays in a long time but without him here, its just not the same.
Don't get me wrong, everyone here has welcomed me and my family with open arms and for that I am thankful. I am trying to think of what a big party it will be when he comes home.
If you don't mind, please keep me in prayer as I try to get more involved with the youth at church. I think alot of people, when they get to a new church, expect things to be just like where you came from. When its not, people are dissappointed. I say JUMP IN!! I have two boys who are 18 and 14 that really don't know many people here. So, I am hoping to help change that by hosting a youth devo at my house sometime, having a game party/get together so people can come over and get a glimpse into " their world"!!
I look back over the years and I can see how much God has changed my life thru the difficult times that I've had to go thru. Its amazing how much I've grown. No credit on my part though. God is good and gracious and merciful.
I want to post a poem I wrote in honor of someone very close to me who is hurting.
Its my prayer that God will call her heart to HIM!!
Thank you God for friends and servants of you who are willing to do YOUR work for the kingdom...
Desperate Prayer
Dark Pit
Tears falling
Lord can’t you hear her calling?
Pain and hurt
From years gone by
Lord, can’t you hear her cry?
Hatred, anger
Wounded deeply
Lord, can’t you hear her weeping?
Touch her heart
I know you care
Lord, can’t you hear her prayer?
Open heart
Surgery needing
Lord, can’t you hear her pleading?
Waiting, praying
Comforter sent
Lord, can’t you hear her lament?
Broken , fallen
Her spirit calling
Lord, please call her home!!!
I've had alot on my mind lately with tomorrow marking the 1 month mark that my best friend has been gone. He says.." only 5 more to go" like that isn't a long time :(
Now that my move to Ohio is over, and things are settling down, my mind is on him more and more and especially with the holidays coming. It does make it easier being around family for the first holidays in a long time but without him here, its just not the same.
Don't get me wrong, everyone here has welcomed me and my family with open arms and for that I am thankful. I am trying to think of what a big party it will be when he comes home.
If you don't mind, please keep me in prayer as I try to get more involved with the youth at church. I think alot of people, when they get to a new church, expect things to be just like where you came from. When its not, people are dissappointed. I say JUMP IN!! I have two boys who are 18 and 14 that really don't know many people here. So, I am hoping to help change that by hosting a youth devo at my house sometime, having a game party/get together so people can come over and get a glimpse into " their world"!!
I look back over the years and I can see how much God has changed my life thru the difficult times that I've had to go thru. Its amazing how much I've grown. No credit on my part though. God is good and gracious and merciful.
I want to post a poem I wrote in honor of someone very close to me who is hurting.
Its my prayer that God will call her heart to HIM!!
Thank you God for friends and servants of you who are willing to do YOUR work for the kingdom...
Desperate Prayer
Dark Pit
Tears falling
Lord can’t you hear her calling?
Pain and hurt
From years gone by
Lord, can’t you hear her cry?
Hatred, anger
Wounded deeply
Lord, can’t you hear her weeping?
Touch her heart
I know you care
Lord, can’t you hear her prayer?
Open heart
Surgery needing
Lord, can’t you hear her pleading?
Waiting, praying
Comforter sent
Lord, can’t you hear her lament?
Broken , fallen
Her spirit calling
Lord, please call her home!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Thursday November 2nd
Good evening fellow Readers!!!
I just want to say that I am very blessed by what my husband emails me.
His emails are soooo spiritual sound and strong. How he keeps so strong out there is a mystery to me. Yes, I know God is with him , but he is alone out there on his ship. He has people that he works with but no one close to him. Most of his emails are sooo wonderful and he talks about things in a perspective that put mine to shame.
He is not in a rush to get thru this next 5 months. (as i would think he would be)
He wants to take things one day at a time and enjoy the time he has and lets God use him in whatever way that would be best. WOW....
And I wake up in a hurry to clean my house and get school done with my kids.
I rush my oldest into fitting into the new church congregation and rush him into a job.
I rush even my friendships trying to show my appreciation for what everyone has done for me. ...rush rush rush....why? I'm clueless......
I hope that I can take some of the wisdom that Mike has and learn from his example.
I miss him ....sometimes alot more than others. Don't get me wrong, I always miss him being here as he is my best friend and we have a very close family relationship, but when I slow down, I guess that is when I really start to think about him and miss him. Maybe I try to block it out with keeping busy...who knows....
I do need to slow down. God wants us to enjoy what he gives us every day.
Look deep into my kids...hug them, love them, take time for teachable moments.
I get so worried about what others think that I think i have to keep a clean house all the time because if someone stops over, they will think I'm a messy person. I know I hate to be that way.
Yes, I have a hard time with being a people pleaser....
anyway, be blessed..............
I just want to say that I am very blessed by what my husband emails me.
His emails are soooo spiritual sound and strong. How he keeps so strong out there is a mystery to me. Yes, I know God is with him , but he is alone out there on his ship. He has people that he works with but no one close to him. Most of his emails are sooo wonderful and he talks about things in a perspective that put mine to shame.
He is not in a rush to get thru this next 5 months. (as i would think he would be)
He wants to take things one day at a time and enjoy the time he has and lets God use him in whatever way that would be best. WOW....
And I wake up in a hurry to clean my house and get school done with my kids.
I rush my oldest into fitting into the new church congregation and rush him into a job.
I rush even my friendships trying to show my appreciation for what everyone has done for me. ...rush rush rush....why? I'm clueless......
I hope that I can take some of the wisdom that Mike has and learn from his example.
I miss him ....sometimes alot more than others. Don't get me wrong, I always miss him being here as he is my best friend and we have a very close family relationship, but when I slow down, I guess that is when I really start to think about him and miss him. Maybe I try to block it out with keeping busy...who knows....
I do need to slow down. God wants us to enjoy what he gives us every day.
Look deep into my kids...hug them, love them, take time for teachable moments.
I get so worried about what others think that I think i have to keep a clean house all the time because if someone stops over, they will think I'm a messy person. I know I hate to be that way.
Yes, I have a hard time with being a people pleaser....
anyway, be blessed..............
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
November 1 Wednesday
Hello everyone!!!
As I woke up this morning, all I wanted to do was stay in bed. See, I woke up with a headache and my throat was sore. I was very tempted to give my kids a day off from school because I just didn't feel very well.
Instead, I took an Advil and asked God to help me get through my day.
What a blessing I recieved. Understand that almost DAILY school can be like pulling teeth with my 8 year old daughter. But this morning, school has gone soooo well, that it cheered me up, blessed me and gave me the strength to do the other tasks that needed to be done.
I usually do not like to tell others when I have rough times with my kids cause the first response I USUALLY get is, " oh, just put them back in school". Of course, I don't ever plan to do that so I usually just keep my hard days to myself. And LET ME TELL YOU.... I have alot of rough days.
Understand that I don't get much help from anyone when it comes to the schooling.
Since I am a Navy wife, usually everything I do, I do on my own because I have to.
So, there are times I just want to crawl back in bed for the whole day!!!!
But I was definitely blessed this morning by a good attitude from her.
Anyway, be blessed today!!!!
As I woke up this morning, all I wanted to do was stay in bed. See, I woke up with a headache and my throat was sore. I was very tempted to give my kids a day off from school because I just didn't feel very well.
Instead, I took an Advil and asked God to help me get through my day.
What a blessing I recieved. Understand that almost DAILY school can be like pulling teeth with my 8 year old daughter. But this morning, school has gone soooo well, that it cheered me up, blessed me and gave me the strength to do the other tasks that needed to be done.
I usually do not like to tell others when I have rough times with my kids cause the first response I USUALLY get is, " oh, just put them back in school". Of course, I don't ever plan to do that so I usually just keep my hard days to myself. And LET ME TELL YOU.... I have alot of rough days.
Understand that I don't get much help from anyone when it comes to the schooling.
Since I am a Navy wife, usually everything I do, I do on my own because I have to.
So, there are times I just want to crawl back in bed for the whole day!!!!
But I was definitely blessed this morning by a good attitude from her.
Anyway, be blessed today!!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday October 23rd
Hello everyone.
We have arrived in Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Less than one week after arriving, we have snow flurries!!!!
I will post pictures of the kids and stuff later on. I hope all my friends from Virginia Beach will use the blogger to keep up with whats going on here.
I can say this for sure.....
God wants us here!!!
So many things have happened here that have shown me that this is the place we need to be and stay.
Its amazing how God takes care of us with everything.
God is alive and working in everything....
Sometimes we just have to get our spiritual contacts on and get our FOCUS off of the worldly stuff.
Its like having worldly cataracts. Once they are taken off, we can see God working in so many ways. Its sad really, when we cannot see HIM. He is every where and in every thing.
Those of you who want to SEE HIM and get proof of HIS existence, Just open your eyes.
Why would a God who WANTS to be found, be so hidden? He isn't!!!!! Its US who seem to not want to see HIM. We think we can hide our dark secrets...there are none to HIM anyway.
The snow I saw today was beautiful. God created it for our enjoyment.
Thank you Lord for the snow, even when it makes things difficult sometimes. In those difficulties, you are Glorified and my faith increases!!!!
We have arrived in Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Less than one week after arriving, we have snow flurries!!!!
I will post pictures of the kids and stuff later on. I hope all my friends from Virginia Beach will use the blogger to keep up with whats going on here.
I can say this for sure.....
God wants us here!!!
So many things have happened here that have shown me that this is the place we need to be and stay.
Its amazing how God takes care of us with everything.
God is alive and working in everything....
Sometimes we just have to get our spiritual contacts on and get our FOCUS off of the worldly stuff.
Its like having worldly cataracts. Once they are taken off, we can see God working in so many ways. Its sad really, when we cannot see HIM. He is every where and in every thing.
Those of you who want to SEE HIM and get proof of HIS existence, Just open your eyes.
Why would a God who WANTS to be found, be so hidden? He isn't!!!!! Its US who seem to not want to see HIM. We think we can hide our dark secrets...there are none to HIM anyway.
The snow I saw today was beautiful. God created it for our enjoyment.
Thank you Lord for the snow, even when it makes things difficult sometimes. In those difficulties, you are Glorified and my faith increases!!!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday October 3rd
Hello everyone!
Today brings me another day close to Martins Ferry but also another day closer to MIke leaving us.
I had a friend over for lunch yesterday and I was looking over my TO DO BOOK, not list mind you, but BOOK, and she laughed at all I had to do . :)
One day at a time is how I try to do it all. I make my lists and try to accomplish them day to day.
Angel is having a hard time about leaving. She cried off and on yesterday. She is going to miss her friends alot.
She asked questions about how many people were going to be in her Bible class and she will be the " new girl" and all. I told her that both her and tony will be new cause they both will be in the same class together. That seemed to make her feel a little better.
Please pray for peace for everyone during this transition. The children and I are going thru so many different emotions.
I mean, Mike leaving, leaving our friends here that we love so much, going home and for the kids going to a place that they know nothing about.
Today brings me another day close to Martins Ferry but also another day closer to MIke leaving us.
I had a friend over for lunch yesterday and I was looking over my TO DO BOOK, not list mind you, but BOOK, and she laughed at all I had to do . :)
One day at a time is how I try to do it all. I make my lists and try to accomplish them day to day.
Angel is having a hard time about leaving. She cried off and on yesterday. She is going to miss her friends alot.
She asked questions about how many people were going to be in her Bible class and she will be the " new girl" and all. I told her that both her and tony will be new cause they both will be in the same class together. That seemed to make her feel a little better.
Please pray for peace for everyone during this transition. The children and I are going thru so many different emotions.
I mean, Mike leaving, leaving our friends here that we love so much, going home and for the kids going to a place that they know nothing about.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday September 27th
Anyone else having a hard time believing that its almost October?
Some inportant dates in October are:
October 7th is my 19th wedding anniversay
October 10th is Tony's 10th Birthday.
The bad day in October is the 5th and that is the day MIke leaves for his deployment.
It will be a rough day for me but with God's strength I can get thru it.
I will update more later.......
Some inportant dates in October are:
October 7th is my 19th wedding anniversay
October 10th is Tony's 10th Birthday.
The bad day in October is the 5th and that is the day MIke leaves for his deployment.
It will be a rough day for me but with God's strength I can get thru it.
I will update more later.......
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Thursday September 21st
Good morning to all you cyber people out there!!
Nothing much new has changed since I last posted yesterday. Just trying to remember to write something every day so that I can keep you updated on me and my family.
My dad made a major move. He packed up his car(I guess all of his belongings fit in his truck) and travelled without stopping from Maine to Kentucky. I believe it was 21 hours straight. Not bad for a 69 year old man!!! I couldn't do 8 hours without stopping. I'm sure he stopped for bathroom breaks and all but to drive that far and not taking a break to sleep is crazy in my opinion lol.
God is soooo good . He takes care of us in ways that we will never understand.
Nothing much new has changed since I last posted yesterday. Just trying to remember to write something every day so that I can keep you updated on me and my family.
My dad made a major move. He packed up his car(I guess all of his belongings fit in his truck) and travelled without stopping from Maine to Kentucky. I believe it was 21 hours straight. Not bad for a 69 year old man!!! I couldn't do 8 hours without stopping. I'm sure he stopped for bathroom breaks and all but to drive that far and not taking a break to sleep is crazy in my opinion lol.
God is soooo good . He takes care of us in ways that we will never understand.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Wednesday September 20th
Wow, only one month to go till I am on my way to Ohio. My 30 day notice to my landlord has been given also. I finally have a moving company assigned to our family now so on October 23rd, my household goods will be arriving at my new place in Ferry.
I also get to come back to Virginia Beach on Saturday October 28th so I can finish recording with my ladies group called Sweet Inspiration. If it wasn't for one of the members , also my very good friend, willing to drive to Ohio (8 hour drive) to get me on Friday, and return me on Monday, then this would have even been a possiblility since I really hate to drive anything over 2 hours lol.
But things are looking very good right now.
My youngest two children ages 8 and 9 (well, my 9 year old is almost 10) were baptized the other evening in our home bath tub lol. What a blessing to know that all 4 of my children are baptized believers in the only ONE who matters , Jesus Christ.
My anxieties are up with the anticipation of all that is happening. With Mike leaving in 2 weeks, the happiness of all the moving stuff is being squelched by him getting ready to leave.
Please pray for our family during this crazy time of transitions. Please also keep Mike in prayer as he is away from his family and serving our country.
I also get to come back to Virginia Beach on Saturday October 28th so I can finish recording with my ladies group called Sweet Inspiration. If it wasn't for one of the members , also my very good friend, willing to drive to Ohio (8 hour drive) to get me on Friday, and return me on Monday, then this would have even been a possiblility since I really hate to drive anything over 2 hours lol.
But things are looking very good right now.
My youngest two children ages 8 and 9 (well, my 9 year old is almost 10) were baptized the other evening in our home bath tub lol. What a blessing to know that all 4 of my children are baptized believers in the only ONE who matters , Jesus Christ.
My anxieties are up with the anticipation of all that is happening. With Mike leaving in 2 weeks, the happiness of all the moving stuff is being squelched by him getting ready to leave.
Please pray for our family during this crazy time of transitions. Please also keep Mike in prayer as he is away from his family and serving our country.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tuesday September 12, 2006
Hard to believe its been so long since my last post. Please forgive the overlook of it.
I will try to do better but I have so many things on my plate right now, not sure if I will get more committed to my blogging now or should I wait until after my move in October.
Here are some updates:
Praise God that He provided us with a home in Ferry. Its half a mile from my mother in law's house and one block from my father in laws house.
It has everything that we really needed. It has a 2 car detached garage that we needed for storage, we can keep our dog with us since our landlord allows pets.
It still has only 3 Bedrooms but we can deal with that for a year.
Kids are all doing well with homeschooling. I love the curriculum we are using this year called Switched on Schoolhouse. Its all on the computer and the kids have mostly A's and B's.
Mike is on his last week of leave then he actually will be leaving in about 2 weeks. That is when my workload begins. But it will help me deal with the seperation. As long as I keep busy, then I don't have time to feel the sadness of him being away.
Austin Cook seems to be doing well. What a strong little boy FOR SURE!! I am on an email update list so when someone posts an update on him, I get to go read up and find out how he is doing.
I am very much looking forward to coming back home after all these years. I am also looking forward to coming to National Road Church of Christ on a full time basis instead of as a visitor.
Believe it or not, I already have a friend....YES know who you guys are lol.....
God is good....He takes care of everything...not just the big things....or the small things...but everything including all in the middle. He has worked so much out for me lately, I could publish a book all about it.
Be patient all...I will update more as I can.
Take care
Thanks for reading,
I will try to do better but I have so many things on my plate right now, not sure if I will get more committed to my blogging now or should I wait until after my move in October.
Here are some updates:
Praise God that He provided us with a home in Ferry. Its half a mile from my mother in law's house and one block from my father in laws house.
It has everything that we really needed. It has a 2 car detached garage that we needed for storage, we can keep our dog with us since our landlord allows pets.
It still has only 3 Bedrooms but we can deal with that for a year.
Kids are all doing well with homeschooling. I love the curriculum we are using this year called Switched on Schoolhouse. Its all on the computer and the kids have mostly A's and B's.
Mike is on his last week of leave then he actually will be leaving in about 2 weeks. That is when my workload begins. But it will help me deal with the seperation. As long as I keep busy, then I don't have time to feel the sadness of him being away.
Austin Cook seems to be doing well. What a strong little boy FOR SURE!! I am on an email update list so when someone posts an update on him, I get to go read up and find out how he is doing.
I am very much looking forward to coming back home after all these years. I am also looking forward to coming to National Road Church of Christ on a full time basis instead of as a visitor.
Believe it or not, I already have a friend....YES know who you guys are lol.....
God is good....He takes care of everything...not just the big things....or the small things...but everything including all in the middle. He has worked so much out for me lately, I could publish a book all about it.
Be patient all...I will update more as I can.
Take care
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday August 8th
Hello everyone!!
I didn't realize it had been a whole month since my last update until a friend mentioned it to me.
Boy, time sure flies....
Things are going well.
Here are a few updates:
Our moving is still scheduled but it is changed from November to October. If the Navy's timing and mine are together, the day after Mike leaves for his 6 month deployment I will have the Navy come pack us out. Hopefully packers will be able to do that on October 6th. Usually it takes them 2 days to pack. Then the moving truck comes the day after that then its on its way to Ohio. Hopefully it will just take a day or so to tie up the loose ends here then I start my travels to Martins Ferry, Ohio.
The reason the date changed is because I quit my ladies singing group. Our 2nd recording wasn't scheduled until the end of October and I just didn't want to wait that long. My emotions are going to be a wreck with Mike leaving and i figure why prolong the pain. Just deal with it all at the same time and get it over with.
This is going to be the hardest move I've ever had to make emotionally. Bayside has become such a home to me and the kids that I couldn't even try to explain it.
Kids are doing great.
I shouldn't put Michael in that category of kids since he IS 18 but he is still my person I gave birth to. How else do I describe him lol?
Michael is still working at the Dairy Queen. Probably will be there until the last week before our move.
Joey is also doing well. Nothing really new to report on them .
Angel and Tony learned to ride their bikes in 2 days. someone gave them nice bikes so dad took them out and in like 2 days are riding like Pro's. Living in a large city, the opportunity for bike rides doesn't come up very often. Looking forward to living in a small town again.
Angel and Tony are using Switched On Schoolhouse this year for their 3rd and 4th grade schooling. So far, they seem to like it. THis school will give them a longer school day than they are used to but hey, public schools go for at least 6 hours so they shouldn't complain about school lasting 3 lol.
Mike is at TAP class this week. Its a class about transitioning out of the military. Hard to believe its really happening. I know its not until next year but at least we see the end of the Navy career in our vision.
Well, I've done it...I've updated my life on blogg lol
I praise God for his strength daily but I can feel what HE is doing for me with this whole moving ordeal and the kids.
Sometimes, if you don't feel God near you....I think your senses are not tuned in to the right station!!!!
I didn't realize it had been a whole month since my last update until a friend mentioned it to me.
Boy, time sure flies....
Things are going well.
Here are a few updates:
Our moving is still scheduled but it is changed from November to October. If the Navy's timing and mine are together, the day after Mike leaves for his 6 month deployment I will have the Navy come pack us out. Hopefully packers will be able to do that on October 6th. Usually it takes them 2 days to pack. Then the moving truck comes the day after that then its on its way to Ohio. Hopefully it will just take a day or so to tie up the loose ends here then I start my travels to Martins Ferry, Ohio.
The reason the date changed is because I quit my ladies singing group. Our 2nd recording wasn't scheduled until the end of October and I just didn't want to wait that long. My emotions are going to be a wreck with Mike leaving and i figure why prolong the pain. Just deal with it all at the same time and get it over with.
This is going to be the hardest move I've ever had to make emotionally. Bayside has become such a home to me and the kids that I couldn't even try to explain it.
Kids are doing great.
I shouldn't put Michael in that category of kids since he IS 18 but he is still my person I gave birth to. How else do I describe him lol?
Michael is still working at the Dairy Queen. Probably will be there until the last week before our move.
Joey is also doing well. Nothing really new to report on them .
Angel and Tony learned to ride their bikes in 2 days. someone gave them nice bikes so dad took them out and in like 2 days are riding like Pro's. Living in a large city, the opportunity for bike rides doesn't come up very often. Looking forward to living in a small town again.
Angel and Tony are using Switched On Schoolhouse this year for their 3rd and 4th grade schooling. So far, they seem to like it. THis school will give them a longer school day than they are used to but hey, public schools go for at least 6 hours so they shouldn't complain about school lasting 3 lol.
Mike is at TAP class this week. Its a class about transitioning out of the military. Hard to believe its really happening. I know its not until next year but at least we see the end of the Navy career in our vision.
Well, I've done it...I've updated my life on blogg lol
I praise God for his strength daily but I can feel what HE is doing for me with this whole moving ordeal and the kids.
Sometimes, if you don't feel God near you....I think your senses are not tuned in to the right station!!!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Friday July 6th
Wow, its been a couple of weeks since my last entry. Guess I've been busier than I thought!!
Mike's deployement has been extended for anywhere between 6-12 days. That stinks but its the price we pay for the freedom of all :)
The kids are all doing well. Michael is probably going to be staying in Virginia beach when we all move to Ohio. You may ask...How is mom feeling about it? It all depends on the day. Some days I'm fine...Somedays I want to beg him to come with us. I'm even tempted to manipulate him to come by telling him how much I need his help with the move since Mike will be deployed. But its not fair to him and I can do it without him.
I'm not sure how long he will stay here but this has to be his decision.
I am really getting excited about moving though. Just trying to get some loose ends tied up on both ends of the move.
I had gotten away from my diet for a few weeks so today I'm back in full swing. Carrot juice and salads and water ...............YIKES...................
Mike's deployement has been extended for anywhere between 6-12 days. That stinks but its the price we pay for the freedom of all :)
The kids are all doing well. Michael is probably going to be staying in Virginia beach when we all move to Ohio. You may ask...How is mom feeling about it? It all depends on the day. Some days I'm fine...Somedays I want to beg him to come with us. I'm even tempted to manipulate him to come by telling him how much I need his help with the move since Mike will be deployed. But its not fair to him and I can do it without him.
I'm not sure how long he will stay here but this has to be his decision.
I am really getting excited about moving though. Just trying to get some loose ends tied up on both ends of the move.
I had gotten away from my diet for a few weeks so today I'm back in full swing. Carrot juice and salads and water ...............YIKES...................
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Saturday June 17th
Today is our big recording day...1 of 2 that is.
The second date is the end of October..right before we leave for ohio.
Speaking of Ohio, you won't believe what GOD dropped right into our laps.
A lady knows my mother in law in Martins Ferry. This lady is moving into a house that her daughter is moving out of which leaves her house that she has lived in for over 30 years, unoccupied. It needs work done on it as this lady's husband got very sick a few months ago and they were living on only a few hundred dollars a month.
The gas furnace makes noise...
The water heater sometimes goes out(needs an element or something)
there is No AC so window units will need to be bought.
But she wants someone to come in and live there and take care of it like it was our own RENT FREE for as long as we would like.
Now ..its only 2BR but one of the rooms downstairs can be made into a bedroom cause it has doors or something that shuts she said.
But we will MAKE this work since its rent free. Now, the expenses for the house will have to come out of our pocket but hopefully we can get someone in there to take care of the couple of things that will need done pretty inexpensively.
The house also has a pool and she has had cats so MAJOR cleaning will have to be done because of my allergies to cats. But at least we know that this house is our and no 1st months rent or deposit will be needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second date is the end of October..right before we leave for ohio.
Speaking of Ohio, you won't believe what GOD dropped right into our laps.
A lady knows my mother in law in Martins Ferry. This lady is moving into a house that her daughter is moving out of which leaves her house that she has lived in for over 30 years, unoccupied. It needs work done on it as this lady's husband got very sick a few months ago and they were living on only a few hundred dollars a month.
The gas furnace makes noise...
The water heater sometimes goes out(needs an element or something)
there is No AC so window units will need to be bought.
But she wants someone to come in and live there and take care of it like it was our own RENT FREE for as long as we would like.
Now ..its only 2BR but one of the rooms downstairs can be made into a bedroom cause it has doors or something that shuts she said.
But we will MAKE this work since its rent free. Now, the expenses for the house will have to come out of our pocket but hopefully we can get someone in there to take care of the couple of things that will need done pretty inexpensively.
The house also has a pool and she has had cats so MAJOR cleaning will have to be done because of my allergies to cats. But at least we know that this house is our and no 1st months rent or deposit will be needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Wednesday June 14th
Good morning everyone!
I am not sure how many people are actually reading what my daily "ramblings"but whoever is reading, I hope you enjoy keeping up with me and my family :)
Last night our Ladies singing group called Sweet Inspiration sang the National Anthem at the Norfolk Tides Baseball Game. It was AWESOME!!!!
Plus...the ball game wasn't bad either. It was the first baseball game I had ever been too, besides little league stuff lol.
This busy time isn't over yet.
Tomorrow night final practice for our group before Recording on Saturday.
Friday, not only will I have 4 daycare kids here...but my son Joey wants to have some friends over to celebrate his birthday that was last month.
Cake, the things that teens like to eat lol.
No ice cream though, in place of ice cream will be snow cones :)
My kids aren't happy with me right now. I have them doing some summer school.
Angel and Tony are working on math and reading comprehension and Joey is starting his high school a bit early so he can hopefully finish in a couple of years instead of the normal 4.
I'm still trying to do my used book selling thing. I get books from donations and resell them.
Its fun for me and I hope someday it can replace my daycare income.
Well, time to go. With a house of teens coming in a couple of days and a daycare interview for a 7 year old boy coming tonight, I have alot to do.
Until latez...Ta Ta :)
I am not sure how many people are actually reading what my daily "ramblings"but whoever is reading, I hope you enjoy keeping up with me and my family :)
Last night our Ladies singing group called Sweet Inspiration sang the National Anthem at the Norfolk Tides Baseball Game. It was AWESOME!!!!
Plus...the ball game wasn't bad either. It was the first baseball game I had ever been too, besides little league stuff lol.
This busy time isn't over yet.
Tomorrow night final practice for our group before Recording on Saturday.
Friday, not only will I have 4 daycare kids here...but my son Joey wants to have some friends over to celebrate his birthday that was last month.
Cake, the things that teens like to eat lol.
No ice cream though, in place of ice cream will be snow cones :)
My kids aren't happy with me right now. I have them doing some summer school.
Angel and Tony are working on math and reading comprehension and Joey is starting his high school a bit early so he can hopefully finish in a couple of years instead of the normal 4.
I'm still trying to do my used book selling thing. I get books from donations and resell them.
Its fun for me and I hope someday it can replace my daycare income.
Well, time to go. With a house of teens coming in a couple of days and a daycare interview for a 7 year old boy coming tonight, I have alot to do.
Until latez...Ta Ta :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Monday June 12th
Hello everyone!
This weekend packed a punch as we were all constantly busy.
You see, Saturday was Michael's high school graduation in Richmond, VA at the Richmond Convention Center. It was absolutely beautiful.
The whole focus was on God and the family and parents. I couldn't believe it.
It was nothing like my graduation was. His was much better and more meaningful.
So now, Michael is a graduate!!!
Last night was also graduate recognition night at Bayside. The congregation puts together a recognition night where parents write letters to the kids to be read by the youth minister. Well, some years, some parents choose to read their own letters. This year out of 10 graduates, I was the only one who CHOSE to read the letter to my son. REally, this event only happens once and I want to do it right. I had to stand up, with a mic and read two letters, one from me and one from Mike. Now , understand this, Mike wasn't present. He is deployed for 6 weeks but I held my composure(pretty well..anyway) and managed to get thru it. It was awesome and Michael got up and gave me a big hug.
Oh the joys of homeschooling....close relationship with you kids.....a family relationship with God that cannot be even measured!!!
Praise God for giving me and my family a wonderful weekend !!
This weekend packed a punch as we were all constantly busy.
You see, Saturday was Michael's high school graduation in Richmond, VA at the Richmond Convention Center. It was absolutely beautiful.
The whole focus was on God and the family and parents. I couldn't believe it.
It was nothing like my graduation was. His was much better and more meaningful.
So now, Michael is a graduate!!!
Last night was also graduate recognition night at Bayside. The congregation puts together a recognition night where parents write letters to the kids to be read by the youth minister. Well, some years, some parents choose to read their own letters. This year out of 10 graduates, I was the only one who CHOSE to read the letter to my son. REally, this event only happens once and I want to do it right. I had to stand up, with a mic and read two letters, one from me and one from Mike. Now , understand this, Mike wasn't present. He is deployed for 6 weeks but I held my composure(pretty well..anyway) and managed to get thru it. It was awesome and Michael got up and gave me a big hug.
Oh the joys of homeschooling....close relationship with you kids.....a family relationship with God that cannot be even measured!!!
Praise God for giving me and my family a wonderful weekend !!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Wednesday June 7th
Good morning everyone!
Well, Mike left yesterday so our next 6 week adventure is underway! I call him being gone an adventure because each day brings new trials and triumphs. You never know what the day will bring so living it is an adventure for sure.
These next couple of weeks brings me to be very busy.
With getting ready for Michael's graduation this weekend and also getting ready for our ladies singing group to record a CD on the 17th, I am booked solid. I guess its good so that I don't have much time to think about Mike being gone.
I am in the process of starting my own used bookstore online. I am really trying to get away from doing the childcare and would love to just sell used books online.
If anyone has any used books they are willing to donate, they can contact me via email at
and I can advise them of an address to send them to. It would be greatly appreciated!!!
The kids are doing great. Michael's job is doing well. Joey is learning bookkeeping and at the same time learning to use the Excel Program. Angel and tony are wonderful!
I haven't been able to keep up with my excercise for a little while. ITs been too crazy. But I try to plan to fit my runs in somewhere.
Thanks for reading, check back for updates soon
Well, Mike left yesterday so our next 6 week adventure is underway! I call him being gone an adventure because each day brings new trials and triumphs. You never know what the day will bring so living it is an adventure for sure.
These next couple of weeks brings me to be very busy.
With getting ready for Michael's graduation this weekend and also getting ready for our ladies singing group to record a CD on the 17th, I am booked solid. I guess its good so that I don't have much time to think about Mike being gone.
I am in the process of starting my own used bookstore online. I am really trying to get away from doing the childcare and would love to just sell used books online.
If anyone has any used books they are willing to donate, they can contact me via email at
and I can advise them of an address to send them to. It would be greatly appreciated!!!
The kids are doing great. Michael's job is doing well. Joey is learning bookkeeping and at the same time learning to use the Excel Program. Angel and tony are wonderful!
I haven't been able to keep up with my excercise for a little while. ITs been too crazy. But I try to plan to fit my runs in somewhere.
Thanks for reading, check back for updates soon
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Sunday June 4th
Hello everyone!!
Today was a wonderful day to worship God.
Hard to believe its June though. Time is flying by. Mike leaves on Tuesday for his 6 week deployment. I really hate this part of the Navy.
Its been a nice 12 days having him home though. But I tend to be VERY clingy with him during his little bit of time home. I believe I was a bit TOO clingy. I am trying to get better with that but I pray he understands its just cause he isn't here for very long.
This will be a very busy week for us all. We have relatives from Ohio coming in town this week for Michael's graduation.
Tony's head wound headed up nicely. Still have to take him in for the doc to take out the staple. He was such a trooper about it all and I am very proud of him.
I am still in the process of checking timesleaderonline daily to see how the houses for rent are doing. We really need 4 BR but will manage with 3. We really need to be in Martins Ferry though.
God is good and knows what i need and when I need it. He will take care of it all.
Today was a wonderful day to worship God.
Hard to believe its June though. Time is flying by. Mike leaves on Tuesday for his 6 week deployment. I really hate this part of the Navy.
Its been a nice 12 days having him home though. But I tend to be VERY clingy with him during his little bit of time home. I believe I was a bit TOO clingy. I am trying to get better with that but I pray he understands its just cause he isn't here for very long.
This will be a very busy week for us all. We have relatives from Ohio coming in town this week for Michael's graduation.
Tony's head wound headed up nicely. Still have to take him in for the doc to take out the staple. He was such a trooper about it all and I am very proud of him.
I am still in the process of checking timesleaderonline daily to see how the houses for rent are doing. We really need 4 BR but will manage with 3. We really need to be in Martins Ferry though.
God is good and knows what i need and when I need it. He will take care of it all.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday May 30th
Good morning everyone!
Can you believe only a few more days in May left? Where has the time gone?
Things are going well here. Enjoying Mike being home and then I have Michael's graduation to get ready for. I have company coming down too for about a week.
My weight is down to 144. That makes for a 10 pound loss total. Yesterday my diet was horrible. But how can I resist grilled burgers and all the yummies that come with a Memorial Day picnic? LOL
The kids were all playing with water guns yesterday and Tony (my 9 year old) got squirted in the eye and ran into the side of the church building. Got a little gash in his head that took a staple to close up so I spent about 3 hours in the ER. He was great though. Only cried for a few moments when the doc put the staple in his head. Poor guy. I felt so bad for him.
God really has given me a peace about things. 2 years ago, I would have been freaking out. God gave me a calmness and steady thinking to do what I had to do to take care of my boy.
Thank you Lord for watching over us.
Can you believe only a few more days in May left? Where has the time gone?
Things are going well here. Enjoying Mike being home and then I have Michael's graduation to get ready for. I have company coming down too for about a week.
My weight is down to 144. That makes for a 10 pound loss total. Yesterday my diet was horrible. But how can I resist grilled burgers and all the yummies that come with a Memorial Day picnic? LOL
The kids were all playing with water guns yesterday and Tony (my 9 year old) got squirted in the eye and ran into the side of the church building. Got a little gash in his head that took a staple to close up so I spent about 3 hours in the ER. He was great though. Only cried for a few moments when the doc put the staple in his head. Poor guy. I felt so bad for him.
God really has given me a peace about things. 2 years ago, I would have been freaking out. God gave me a calmness and steady thinking to do what I had to do to take care of my boy.
Thank you Lord for watching over us.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saturday May 27th
Good evening to everyone! Thought I would catch everyone up on whats been going on the past couple of days.
We've all just been spending as much time as possible with Mike while he is home. Those who have your husbands or spouse home everyday sometimes tend to take them for granted. I want to ask you to appreciate them everyday of your life. I appreciate my husband every second he is here since we really don't get that much time together. At least retirement is less than a year away.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am now jogging 4.4 miles a day now. I feel great!!!!
cya laters...
We've all just been spending as much time as possible with Mike while he is home. Those who have your husbands or spouse home everyday sometimes tend to take them for granted. I want to ask you to appreciate them everyday of your life. I appreciate my husband every second he is here since we really don't get that much time together. At least retirement is less than a year away.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am now jogging 4.4 miles a day now. I feel great!!!!
cya laters...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Thursday May 25th
Good morning to everyone!!!
Today is the big day of my best friend's arrival back home.
Me and the kids are very excited. Seeing the ship pull in is exciting, even when he has only been gone 6 weeks. To some, 6 weeks is a VERY long time, but this is just the beginning to many weeks that he will be gone over the upcoming year.
I know God has been helping me deal with these deployments. I usually get very deperessed at some point but He is my refuge and He is my comfortor.
Kids are all doing good. Very excited about having dad home.
No more major plans are happening now with our transition move to Ferry but in the next couple of months it will have to start happening. I haven't had much time to go thru boxes or anything lately but i need to do it cause I don't want to take all of this junk with me.
Too much stuff to sort thru at our new residence so it will have to go before hand.
Praise God for giving my son MIchael many talents that after only a few weeks of working at DQ, his boss wants to make him assistant manager. The only thing that is stopping him is fairness to another employee that has been there longer than Michael. But its still a major complement to his ability.
Today is the big day of my best friend's arrival back home.
Me and the kids are very excited. Seeing the ship pull in is exciting, even when he has only been gone 6 weeks. To some, 6 weeks is a VERY long time, but this is just the beginning to many weeks that he will be gone over the upcoming year.
I know God has been helping me deal with these deployments. I usually get very deperessed at some point but He is my refuge and He is my comfortor.
Kids are all doing good. Very excited about having dad home.
No more major plans are happening now with our transition move to Ferry but in the next couple of months it will have to start happening. I haven't had much time to go thru boxes or anything lately but i need to do it cause I don't want to take all of this junk with me.
Too much stuff to sort thru at our new residence so it will have to go before hand.
Praise God for giving my son MIchael many talents that after only a few weeks of working at DQ, his boss wants to make him assistant manager. The only thing that is stopping him is fairness to another employee that has been there longer than Michael. But its still a major complement to his ability.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Happy Birthday to my JOEY!! who is 14 today
Today is my son Joey's 14th Birthday.
14 is a kewl age.
He can work at a job with a work permit.
He can open up a checking/savings account at our Navy Federal Credit Union!
Best wishes and happy day to you my Jo JO
Been running every day now for like 3 or 4 days at 2.2 miles. The rest of the week I will continue with the 2.2 then starting next week, I will increase it to 3.3. So far, I haven't had any problems with my knees so I hope it continues like that.
Two more days until Mike gets home. I wish he were going to be home more than just 12 days but the days he IS home, will be precious to us all for sure!!
Weight is sticking at about 145 or so. My pants are getting looser though. Isn't that funny how that works? I lose inches but not pounds? Oh well, it all comes out in the wash right?
Have a blessed day!
14 is a kewl age.
He can work at a job with a work permit.
He can open up a checking/savings account at our Navy Federal Credit Union!
Best wishes and happy day to you my Jo JO
Been running every day now for like 3 or 4 days at 2.2 miles. The rest of the week I will continue with the 2.2 then starting next week, I will increase it to 3.3. So far, I haven't had any problems with my knees so I hope it continues like that.
Two more days until Mike gets home. I wish he were going to be home more than just 12 days but the days he IS home, will be precious to us all for sure!!
Weight is sticking at about 145 or so. My pants are getting looser though. Isn't that funny how that works? I lose inches but not pounds? Oh well, it all comes out in the wash right?
Have a blessed day!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
May 20th Saturday
Hi everyone!
Today is definitely a great day. I am back with my jogging after taking a break to heal my leg for a week. I ran 2.2 miles and had no trouble at all.
Not only that but I'm down to 145 pounds and I fit into a size 8 pant today!!! Those women out there understand the elation I feel after I've been wearing size 12 and now I'm into SOME 8's.
Not every 8 fits but these ones , capris, that I got today fit nicely.
Mike gets home Thursday and we are all very thrilled about it. We will make every one of those 12 days that he is home, meaningful.
Any of you all out there American Idol fans? I'm sure those Chris fans were soooo mad when he got off the show last week. Can you believe its down to the final with Kathrine and Taylor...
Can't wait to see the show this week....
God is soooo creative and imaginative. Look around you...colors of every maginitude. Beautiful shades that I would never been able to think of. And He created it all for US to enjoy!
Today is definitely a great day. I am back with my jogging after taking a break to heal my leg for a week. I ran 2.2 miles and had no trouble at all.
Not only that but I'm down to 145 pounds and I fit into a size 8 pant today!!! Those women out there understand the elation I feel after I've been wearing size 12 and now I'm into SOME 8's.
Not every 8 fits but these ones , capris, that I got today fit nicely.
Mike gets home Thursday and we are all very thrilled about it. We will make every one of those 12 days that he is home, meaningful.
Any of you all out there American Idol fans? I'm sure those Chris fans were soooo mad when he got off the show last week. Can you believe its down to the final with Kathrine and Taylor...
Can't wait to see the show this week....
God is soooo creative and imaginative. Look around you...colors of every maginitude. Beautiful shades that I would never been able to think of. And He created it all for US to enjoy!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Friday May 19th
Hello everyone! I've been keeping some jeans in my closet just waiting for the day that I would lose the weight and be able to fit back into them once again.
Well, today I decided to get brave.
Pants that I couldn't get past my legs I fit into today without any trouble at all.
I've lost about 2 pant sizes.
Now, about the pants that I have that are now 2 pant sizes too big.....I don't like to waste and I am very cheap when it comes to spending money, I don't know what to do with these. I will wear these as long as I can, even if I have to wear a belt with
So, that was a big pick me up for today. So much so that when we go out to eat tonight (Fridays are our eat out nights) I will not have the burger and fries that my kids will probably have. I will find something decent for me. My goal is to lose 2 more pounds in the next week with Mike getting home on Thursday! That will bring my weight loss total for the 6.5 weeks to 10 pounds.
That will bring me down to 144. I still would like to lose another 15 pounds. The weight I was at when I got married was about 125. I would LOVE to see that again but I was very thin. I will be happy with 130.
Anyway, nothing else new to report. My Joey will be 14 on Tuesday. Where is the time going?
God is soooo good. Thank you God for my family and giving me the ability to be a mom to them and a wife to my best friend in the whole world.
Well, today I decided to get brave.
Pants that I couldn't get past my legs I fit into today without any trouble at all.
I've lost about 2 pant sizes.
Now, about the pants that I have that are now 2 pant sizes too big.....I don't like to waste and I am very cheap when it comes to spending money, I don't know what to do with these. I will wear these as long as I can, even if I have to wear a belt with
So, that was a big pick me up for today. So much so that when we go out to eat tonight (Fridays are our eat out nights) I will not have the burger and fries that my kids will probably have. I will find something decent for me. My goal is to lose 2 more pounds in the next week with Mike getting home on Thursday! That will bring my weight loss total for the 6.5 weeks to 10 pounds.
That will bring me down to 144. I still would like to lose another 15 pounds. The weight I was at when I got married was about 125. I would LOVE to see that again but I was very thin. I will be happy with 130.
Anyway, nothing else new to report. My Joey will be 14 on Tuesday. Where is the time going?
God is soooo good. Thank you God for my family and giving me the ability to be a mom to them and a wife to my best friend in the whole world.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
May 18th

Good morning!!
Here is an update on how things are going with the raw foods diet.
I lost another pound. I am down to 146 and that means I've lost 8 pounds since I started about 6 or 7 weeks ago. I was hoping to lost 10 pounds by the time Mike gets home but since that is in 6 days, not sure if I can lose 2 pounds in 6 days. I guess if I am careful and exercise every day, maybe. Anyway, everything is going great. I feel great and I praise God for the foods he created to nourish our bodies and rebuild them so we are able to better serve HIM.
Kids are doing great. Michael's new job is going great. The manager is talking assistant
manager to him only after 5 or 6 days of working. Michael has done so well with this job and I am very proud of him.
I will put up some senior pictures that I took of him yesterday. Need to pick one to make a 5x7 from. Anyone want to vote on that one?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
May 16th
Hello everyone. My initial thought on doing my first blog was to write daily but I haven't been keeping up with it that often.
But here I am again....Tuesday May 16th and its beautiful out side here in Virginia Beach, Va.
Lots of preparation is being made for our move/transfer back to homeland of Martins Ferry, Ohio. I'm hoping that the kids and I won't have to stay with family or friends but a few days until we find a house to rent. God knows what we need and when we need it so His timing is perfect.
Mike is due back from this small 6 week deployment in about 9 days. The kids and I cannot wait. He will only be home for 12 days then he is gone again for another 6 or 7 weeks.
My weight is sticking at 147. Its making me mad cause I am working so hard ....and it (the scale) doesn't seem like it wants to go anywhere. LOL. I was running about 2.2 miles a day for a while then I got a little trouble with my knees so I am taking a break from running and walking daily. Hopefully I will be back to new in no time and can run again.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 10th, my son's graduation from homeschool is coming up pretty quickly. We are doing the graduation thru HEAV of Virginia in Richmond at the Convention Center. It will be a great time and also a sad time as his schooling days with mom come to a close.
But here I am again....Tuesday May 16th and its beautiful out side here in Virginia Beach, Va.
Lots of preparation is being made for our move/transfer back to homeland of Martins Ferry, Ohio. I'm hoping that the kids and I won't have to stay with family or friends but a few days until we find a house to rent. God knows what we need and when we need it so His timing is perfect.
Mike is due back from this small 6 week deployment in about 9 days. The kids and I cannot wait. He will only be home for 12 days then he is gone again for another 6 or 7 weeks.
My weight is sticking at 147. Its making me mad cause I am working so hard ....and it (the scale) doesn't seem like it wants to go anywhere. LOL. I was running about 2.2 miles a day for a while then I got a little trouble with my knees so I am taking a break from running and walking daily. Hopefully I will be back to new in no time and can run again.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------June 10th, my son's graduation from homeschool is coming up pretty quickly. We are doing the graduation thru HEAV of Virginia in Richmond at the Convention Center. It will be a great time and also a sad time as his schooling days with mom come to a close.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Today is My husbands 38 th Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful Man in the whole world!!!
I want to dedicate this blog to the person I share my hopes and dreams with !!
Mike is a dedicated man of God first, then dedicated and loving husband second and patient and fun dad 3rd.
THe 2nd and 3rd ones are tied cause as a family we really do spend alot of time together. WE LOVE to play video games together. We are large World of Warcraft fans! Yes, even ME!!
I have this motto that I'm sure I've heard somewhere but a family that plays together, stays together!
Mike is a Navy Chief aboard the USS Monterey. He has stuck with the navy for almost 19 years and has one year left before retirement. It hasn't been an easy career but he stuck with it to give our family the retirement and stability that a military service provides.
He is very multi talented. He is gifted with art, music, computer skills, leadership...and the list just goes on. I haven't seen one area in his life that when he does or tries it, he doesn't succeed at it. I used to get jealous of all he could do but then I realized that what he is good at is somehow shared with all of us!!!
I am blessed daily to have him as my husband and my best friend. I hear so many military wives complain about their husbands and when they are gone, they are happy inside. That is crazy to me. I hate when he leaves, the kids hate when he is gone and our lives are turned up side down the whole time. Its like a piece is missing.
Mike, Happy Birthday to you!!! Yes, you are 38 ...just like me so don't try to say your 28!!!
I want to dedicate this blog to the person I share my hopes and dreams with !!
Mike is a dedicated man of God first, then dedicated and loving husband second and patient and fun dad 3rd.
THe 2nd and 3rd ones are tied cause as a family we really do spend alot of time together. WE LOVE to play video games together. We are large World of Warcraft fans! Yes, even ME!!
I have this motto that I'm sure I've heard somewhere but a family that plays together, stays together!
Mike is a Navy Chief aboard the USS Monterey. He has stuck with the navy for almost 19 years and has one year left before retirement. It hasn't been an easy career but he stuck with it to give our family the retirement and stability that a military service provides.
He is very multi talented. He is gifted with art, music, computer skills, leadership...and the list just goes on. I haven't seen one area in his life that when he does or tries it, he doesn't succeed at it. I used to get jealous of all he could do but then I realized that what he is good at is somehow shared with all of us!!!
I am blessed daily to have him as my husband and my best friend. I hear so many military wives complain about their husbands and when they are gone, they are happy inside. That is crazy to me. I hate when he leaves, the kids hate when he is gone and our lives are turned up side down the whole time. Its like a piece is missing.
Mike, Happy Birthday to you!!! Yes, you are 38 ...just like me so don't try to say your 28!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
What a difference it makes when you eat right and take care of yourself. I jogged 4.4 miles yesterday straight, no stopping.
I slow my pace and keep it pretty steady the whole time but I cannot believe I ran as far as I did.
I'm still holding steady with my weight at 147. I can't wait to see 140 but I know that the weight will come off if I keep doing what I'm doing. It was really cool temps yesterday so I know that had a lot to do with me able to run that far. WHen its hot, I can't last as long.
Tonight Ohio Valley Univeristy A capella singers are performing at 7:30. Sweet Inspiration is performing also at 7:15 so I need to be warming up all day. Since I sing Alto 2, and there are three of us that have a solo type part, I need to make sure my vocals are warmed up.
I was reading John's blog about softball at National Road. Is this a mixed league I wonder. Maybe I'll be interested in Playing? I've never really played before with a team or anything but I am finding out that if i set my mind to something, I can do it.
Thank God for the beautiful sunny day outside and the blessing of all of my children. Even when they are hitting my last nerve...i love them Dearly!!! : P
I slow my pace and keep it pretty steady the whole time but I cannot believe I ran as far as I did.
I'm still holding steady with my weight at 147. I can't wait to see 140 but I know that the weight will come off if I keep doing what I'm doing. It was really cool temps yesterday so I know that had a lot to do with me able to run that far. WHen its hot, I can't last as long.
Tonight Ohio Valley Univeristy A capella singers are performing at 7:30. Sweet Inspiration is performing also at 7:15 so I need to be warming up all day. Since I sing Alto 2, and there are three of us that have a solo type part, I need to make sure my vocals are warmed up.
I was reading John's blog about softball at National Road. Is this a mixed league I wonder. Maybe I'll be interested in Playing? I've never really played before with a team or anything but I am finding out that if i set my mind to something, I can do it.
Thank God for the beautiful sunny day outside and the blessing of all of my children. Even when they are hitting my last nerve...i love them Dearly!!! : P
Monday, May 08, 2006
Well, Saturday morning I started out on my run. Thought I would attempt 3.3 miles. THe most I've EVER ran, and I do mean EVER was 3 miles. Guess what????
I did it!!! It wasn't easy and the last half mile I was a bit nauseated but I did it and was so proud of myself.
Praise God for giving me the strength daily to not only get done what I need to do in my home and with my family but giving me my health to reach goals that I set for myself.
WIth Mike gone so much, I know that God is with me and helping me daily and keeping him safe while he is fighting for our country.
I did it!!! It wasn't easy and the last half mile I was a bit nauseated but I did it and was so proud of myself.
Praise God for giving me the strength daily to not only get done what I need to do in my home and with my family but giving me my health to reach goals that I set for myself.
WIth Mike gone so much, I know that God is with me and helping me daily and keeping him safe while he is fighting for our country.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Friday once more
Well, to update everyone on how my new way of eating is going....
I've lost 7 pounds....That is one good thing!!
The other good thing is I have more energy now than I can ever remember.
I've been running 2.2 miles 3 days in a row. I want to get back to running 3 miles a day and I'm not too far away from that goal. I thought about taking today off from running until I saw that I lost another pound this morning (down to 147 now....goal weight is 130) and I thought, Hey, I can run at least another 2.2 hahaha.
Its funny the things that motivate us as humans. Especially as a woman, my motivations can change monthly.
My kids are drinking more water now than they EVER have and some have even attempted to drink my carrot juice lol.
My oldest son goes for his first job interview tonight at 5 at our local dairy queen. 11-5 is the position they are looking for and for $6.25 an hour...not bad for someone just out of high school.
June 10th is his high school graduation from Homeschooling. He has been done with all of his 26 credits now for a couple of months. What a blessing homeschooling has been for my family. I've been doing this since my oldest was in 3rd grade. My other 3 kids are doing great also. My 13 year old just began his high school courses from American School of Correspondence about a month ago and two of his tests he recieved back were both A's. GO GO JO JO!!!!
I give God the glory for it all.
He has given me everything I need to care and teach my children and my prayer is that he continues to bless my family as he does daily.
I've lost 7 pounds....That is one good thing!!
The other good thing is I have more energy now than I can ever remember.
I've been running 2.2 miles 3 days in a row. I want to get back to running 3 miles a day and I'm not too far away from that goal. I thought about taking today off from running until I saw that I lost another pound this morning (down to 147 now....goal weight is 130) and I thought, Hey, I can run at least another 2.2 hahaha.
Its funny the things that motivate us as humans. Especially as a woman, my motivations can change monthly.
My kids are drinking more water now than they EVER have and some have even attempted to drink my carrot juice lol.
My oldest son goes for his first job interview tonight at 5 at our local dairy queen. 11-5 is the position they are looking for and for $6.25 an hour...not bad for someone just out of high school.
June 10th is his high school graduation from Homeschooling. He has been done with all of his 26 credits now for a couple of months. What a blessing homeschooling has been for my family. I've been doing this since my oldest was in 3rd grade. My other 3 kids are doing great also. My 13 year old just began his high school courses from American School of Correspondence about a month ago and two of his tests he recieved back were both A's. GO GO JO JO!!!!
I give God the glory for it all.
He has given me everything I need to care and teach my children and my prayer is that he continues to bless my family as he does daily.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Positive and Negative Thoughts
I have to share with you something that happened to me this morning.
First, let me tell you that I've been in a bummed out mood for about two days. Call it hormones or stress or missing Mike, maybe all three who knows....but I've been whiney and grumpy.
I had a situation with a daycare parent this morning that just topped it all off and when I was emailing my husband about it, I realized how bad I sounded.
So, I started to write things that were good here. How thankful I was, how blessed I was, and how good the kids and I were doing otherwise.
My MOOD STARTED TO CHANGE!!! Its amazing...
I mean, I wasn't jumping for joy or doing somersaults or anything but I woke up feeling so bad...that changing my thoughts from negative to positive changed my mood from negative to positive!
THe evil one wants us to be mad and angry and let things keep us from our joy in Christ.
Here is my question...WHY LET HIM?
We do have a choice DAILY how we react to situations.
How we react can be the choice between sin and not sin.
Anyway, I hope you are encouraged to keep the faith, not let the things in life burden you and keep you down because we must try to rejoice in all things. God works for the good of those who love HIM!!
I am so thankful that I have a wonderful family and a husband who is out there fighting for freedom for those he loves.
I am thankful for a son (who is almost 18) and I've never had any real teenage trouble with him and he and I are such good friends ..good enough friends that I can step on his toes once in a while and he doesn't get TOO mad at me lol.
First, let me tell you that I've been in a bummed out mood for about two days. Call it hormones or stress or missing Mike, maybe all three who knows....but I've been whiney and grumpy.
I had a situation with a daycare parent this morning that just topped it all off and when I was emailing my husband about it, I realized how bad I sounded.
So, I started to write things that were good here. How thankful I was, how blessed I was, and how good the kids and I were doing otherwise.
My MOOD STARTED TO CHANGE!!! Its amazing...
I mean, I wasn't jumping for joy or doing somersaults or anything but I woke up feeling so bad...that changing my thoughts from negative to positive changed my mood from negative to positive!
THe evil one wants us to be mad and angry and let things keep us from our joy in Christ.
Here is my question...WHY LET HIM?
We do have a choice DAILY how we react to situations.
How we react can be the choice between sin and not sin.
Anyway, I hope you are encouraged to keep the faith, not let the things in life burden you and keep you down because we must try to rejoice in all things. God works for the good of those who love HIM!!
I am so thankful that I have a wonderful family and a husband who is out there fighting for freedom for those he loves.
I am thankful for a son (who is almost 18) and I've never had any real teenage trouble with him and he and I are such good friends ..good enough friends that I can step on his toes once in a while and he doesn't get TOO mad at me lol.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Its FINE Friday
Boy am I glad its Friday today. One reason is my work week is over. No more daycare kids for at least a couple of days. Secondly its our eat out night and we are off to CICĂ pizza tonight. Michael and Joey are having two friends spend the night so they will accompany us and my friend Becky and her two kids will probably come as well. I've been great on my diet all week and even did DDR today.....for over 30 minutes.....but i am ready for some good eats with a POP!
Michael finished up his last subject yesterday. He completed his classsroom portion of drivers ed online yesterday. He took the final exam that he has to have a 90% on and passed it first time. Didn't even study....not sure whether to be proud ...or jealous HAHA.
But he is finally done. Sending in our transcript information to our cover school and get his diploma soon. I can't believe he is done. But I still have 3 more kids to get thru their schooling. Joey started his 9th grade year. He wants to complete his high school in 2 years. He can do it as long as he stays his course. He tends to have a few lazy do we all.
I was reading a fellow Christians blog today and I love his idea that he puts a praise to God at the end of each writing.
So, not to completely copy what he does, somewhere in my blog i will put a praise to God. .....HOPE THATS OK JOHN LOL.
I am very thankful to God that even though i only have a high school education, and no Christian upbringing as a child, that God has given me the abilities as a mother(my mom died when i was 11) to teach, and train my children in the Lord. I am amazed sometimes at what God has done in my life. I never thought I could successfully teach my kids. Self esteem issue maybe? But I've done it and my kids are great. Not perfect....but two out of the four children I have are baptized believers in Christ. They are smart, well mannered, (mostly), get along great together,(except for when they don't lol), and just didn't give me any of the trouble I expected when I thought of raising children. I thank God for that because with the background that I've had, my kids shouldn't have turned out so good ...But with God ALL things are possible.
REmember that...
Michael finished up his last subject yesterday. He completed his classsroom portion of drivers ed online yesterday. He took the final exam that he has to have a 90% on and passed it first time. Didn't even study....not sure whether to be proud ...or jealous HAHA.
But he is finally done. Sending in our transcript information to our cover school and get his diploma soon. I can't believe he is done. But I still have 3 more kids to get thru their schooling. Joey started his 9th grade year. He wants to complete his high school in 2 years. He can do it as long as he stays his course. He tends to have a few lazy do we all.
I was reading a fellow Christians blog today and I love his idea that he puts a praise to God at the end of each writing.
So, not to completely copy what he does, somewhere in my blog i will put a praise to God. .....HOPE THATS OK JOHN LOL.
I am very thankful to God that even though i only have a high school education, and no Christian upbringing as a child, that God has given me the abilities as a mother(my mom died when i was 11) to teach, and train my children in the Lord. I am amazed sometimes at what God has done in my life. I never thought I could successfully teach my kids. Self esteem issue maybe? But I've done it and my kids are great. Not perfect....but two out of the four children I have are baptized believers in Christ. They are smart, well mannered, (mostly), get along great together,(except for when they don't lol), and just didn't give me any of the trouble I expected when I thought of raising children. I thank God for that because with the background that I've had, my kids shouldn't have turned out so good ...But with God ALL things are possible.
REmember that...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Weight loss update
When i began my new way of eating about 2 weeks ago, I was at 154. I weighed in today at 149. That is a loss of 5 pounds. Its just changing my food habits. I eat salads and fresh fruits and vegetables and drink my carrot juice at least once a day and drink alot of water. I still have our eat out nights once a week and have a coke once every couple of days or so. I wish I had the motivation to get out and exercise a bit cause the weight will come off more if I did that but I am happy with the results.
I think i have about 4 weeks or so left before mike gets home so hopefully that means a total of 8 more pounds i can lose, for a total of 13 pounds. That is definitely a reachable goal!!!
DOing our new way of eating brings about alot of ways to teach nutrition to kids :)
I use every teachable moment that i can think of. Its just the teacher in me lol
When i began my new way of eating about 2 weeks ago, I was at 154. I weighed in today at 149. That is a loss of 5 pounds. Its just changing my food habits. I eat salads and fresh fruits and vegetables and drink my carrot juice at least once a day and drink alot of water. I still have our eat out nights once a week and have a coke once every couple of days or so. I wish I had the motivation to get out and exercise a bit cause the weight will come off more if I did that but I am happy with the results.
I think i have about 4 weeks or so left before mike gets home so hopefully that means a total of 8 more pounds i can lose, for a total of 13 pounds. That is definitely a reachable goal!!!
DOing our new way of eating brings about alot of ways to teach nutrition to kids :)
I use every teachable moment that i can think of. Its just the teacher in me lol
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
More sadness...
In the past week, two tragedies have occurred. One of my friends lost her mother very suddenly. She wasn't ill and I do not have all the details yet but any loss is sad.
Then another lady in my congregation at Bayside finally is at peace. She died from a long run with cancer.
Bayside is full of sadness this week.....
On a good note, Sweet Inspiration, our ladies singing group, is working VERY hard getting ready for our recording session coming up in June. Its very exciting being a part of this. I will miss this group when I move back to our roots in Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Ok, kids need me. More later :)
Then another lady in my congregation at Bayside finally is at peace. She died from a long run with cancer.
Bayside is full of sadness this week.....
On a good note, Sweet Inspiration, our ladies singing group, is working VERY hard getting ready for our recording session coming up in June. Its very exciting being a part of this. I will miss this group when I move back to our roots in Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Ok, kids need me. More later :)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Weight loss and stuff
Well, i've lost a pound so far. But I haven't stuck with my diet really well. I know I am doing a ton better than I used to though. Mike is doing so good though. Running, lifting weights, eating right. I've got so many distractions here at home. I'm running my daycare, taking care of and homeschooling my own 4 kids, spring cleaning and when i get depressed, my emotions say i want FOOD. Not carrot juice either...hormones want chocolate and salt.
Anyway, i hope to lose another couple of pounds in this coming week. Need to find the time to excercise as that will help get this weight off too.
More later
Anyway, i hope to lose another couple of pounds in this coming week. Need to find the time to excercise as that will help get this weight off too.
More later
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The competition is ON!!
Well, Mike and I are starting a little friendly competition.
Going to see who can lose the most weight in 6 weeks.
My starting weight wasn't something i wanted to tell anyone which was 154....BUT when i wanted to drink a cup of my International coffee this morning, its funny, it made me sick to my stomach. Just didn't want it so I am drinking my carrot juice in stead. I have to do this. Don't know what the winner will get but I know if i can lose about 10 pounds, that is winning enough for me. Then we will do it again the next 6 weeks he is gone.
Water, juice and salads and frest fruits and veggies for me.
Updates will come ...
Going to see who can lose the most weight in 6 weeks.
My starting weight wasn't something i wanted to tell anyone which was 154....BUT when i wanted to drink a cup of my International coffee this morning, its funny, it made me sick to my stomach. Just didn't want it so I am drinking my carrot juice in stead. I have to do this. Don't know what the winner will get but I know if i can lose about 10 pounds, that is winning enough for me. Then we will do it again the next 6 weeks he is gone.
Water, juice and salads and frest fruits and veggies for me.
Updates will come ...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Its Tuesday.....:( Unhappy Day
Well, my wonderful dear husband and best friend left today with his command to go underway for about 6 weeks. Because of Security i cannot say what command he is with but I hate when he goes away.
The kids and I are doing great though. Mike came home yesterday only to go back out to buy me a new washing machine. That wasn't fun but I sure do love to get new things LOL.
The juicing is going great. The real juice has so much taste to it. I wouldn't want to drink the jar or canned juice ever again.
I'm not 100% on the no meat diet. I have done good but I am not going to stress over this. We are doing alot better than we used to and thats good enough for me.
More later...
The kids and I are doing great though. Mike came home yesterday only to go back out to buy me a new washing machine. That wasn't fun but I sure do love to get new things LOL.
The juicing is going great. The real juice has so much taste to it. I wouldn't want to drink the jar or canned juice ever again.
I'm not 100% on the no meat diet. I have done good but I am not going to stress over this. We are doing alot better than we used to and thats good enough for me.
More later...
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