Nikki Here: Found another article I wanted to share....
This morning my oldest daughter and I read several pages from The Law by Frederic Bastiat. The Law was published in 1849. Frederic Bastiat puts forth several arguments for small governments, and why citizens have to watch their government. After reading a couple paragraphs I would talk with my daughter to make sure she understand the main points. One of my goals from this exercise is to teach her to mark up books. As I mentioned almost a year ago, one of the important parts of really mastering a book is to mark it up, to make the book yours.
The brain processes the information deeper when you stop and think about the main points of a book, and add your notes. Just adding a few comments on a page makes the reading much more active. About ten years ago I was reading The Well Trained Mind by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer.
One of the references mentioned in the book was How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler. I had never heard of the book before. I bought the book. I read the book. I read it again. There was a little light bulb which went off in my mind. It was OK to mark up books! In fact, it was a good thing. Marking up a book helps with the processing and mastery of the book. I wish I had been taught this sooner.
One of the things I love about homeschooling is teaching ideas and skills to my children. From both nature and nurture I have always been distrustful of large government. The Law helps articulate why we need to be careful. But I was pass 30 before I learned to mark up a book. My oldest daughter is learning this important lesson at twelve. The next books on the schedule are John Adams by David McCullough and The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias. I'll buy these books for her. She'll add them to her personal library. Some times we'll read parts of them together.
We always discuss the books. And I encourage her to mark up the books. If she goes light, I'll go back through the book with her and tell her about some of the points I thought were important.If you haven't taught your children to mark up a book, check out How to Read a Book from the library, or buy it, and read it yourself, with a pen in hand. Then you can work with your children to help them learn how to mark books up.
Nikki Here----- How many times were YOU told in school to NOT write in your books....
Ok, get a good book and mark it up really good....
You might want to start a book club with fellow homeschoolers and see what different things the kids come up with in their own copy of their books....
This MIGHT require the parent to read the book with their child we DARE? Hahahaha....
Ok, getting an idea here....
Anyone else on board?
Monday, January 29, 2007
Trusting God in the Unseen
When changes come up in life...ones completely unexpected, what do you all do?
I get scared and start to panic.
Should I react that way?
Not from all the times in my life that I have seen God work.
Without going into a lot of detail, plans may be changing with "Job after Navy".
At first, I was scared. Then angry. But still stayed calm. Then God reminded me that He has taken care of me in every situation that has come up so why would this one be any different.
Ok God keep reminding me. I need it daily. My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.....and in the world---- the promises that God has proved over and over again.
May I accept change as a challenge to my faith to grow stronger in Him. We have to live with our human perspective. Sometimes it feels like our vision is soooo blinded. I can't see very far ahead...not even one second. So, why not trust in God?
Pray, Pray and pray more. I know I can approach God with my concerns and how my heart is feeling....then leave it with Him and not stand in Gods way.
I am looking forward to Ron's lesson on how God works providencially in our lives. I know it to be true and to not see it is discounting God. Do not put limits on God. As there is evidence in scripture, then if He said it, I believe it!!!
Be Blessed
I get scared and start to panic.
Should I react that way?
Not from all the times in my life that I have seen God work.
Without going into a lot of detail, plans may be changing with "Job after Navy".
At first, I was scared. Then angry. But still stayed calm. Then God reminded me that He has taken care of me in every situation that has come up so why would this one be any different.
Ok God keep reminding me. I need it daily. My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.....and in the world---- the promises that God has proved over and over again.
May I accept change as a challenge to my faith to grow stronger in Him. We have to live with our human perspective. Sometimes it feels like our vision is soooo blinded. I can't see very far ahead...not even one second. So, why not trust in God?
Pray, Pray and pray more. I know I can approach God with my concerns and how my heart is feeling....then leave it with Him and not stand in Gods way.
I am looking forward to Ron's lesson on how God works providencially in our lives. I know it to be true and to not see it is discounting God. Do not put limits on God. As there is evidence in scripture, then if He said it, I believe it!!!
Be Blessed
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Here is a great post I saw online that I wanted to share :
What Non-Homeschoolers May Not Know • Jan. 10, 2007
Posted in Musings and Miscellany
We've been educating our children at home for ten years now. In those ten years, I have observed that there are expectations that non-homeschoolers can place on homeschooling moms simply because they lack the practical knowledge of what it means to homeschool.
If you are the mother, grandmother, sister, friend, father, or brother of a homeschooling mom, here are some things you should know:
1. Educating children at home is a full-time job. Don't get irritated if she consistently allows the answering machine to do its job. If she were a teacher in an institutional classroom, you probably wouldn't think of calling her during school hours, so try to realize that while still at home, she is keeping regular school hours, too.
2. Unlike homes in which the children are gone for eight straight hours, her home is in a constant state of activity. The children are not only home, they are home making messes. All day long. Their mother doesn't even have the opportunity to go into their rooms while they are at school and weed out the junk. And if she is like me, you might find odd homeschooly things lying around- like the month we had a dead turtle in the garage fridge.
3. Housekeeping and homeschooling are mutually exclusive. If she is doing her job educating her children academically, then her house is not being cleaned. If she takes the day to clean the house, then school wil not be accomplished.
4. Place realistic expectations on her- she cannot simultaneously teach school, make three square meals, keep a house that looks like it has sprung out of the pages of Architectural Digest, have her nails done, drive children to extracurricular activities, and have all the clothing laundered and pressed. Something's gotta give, and in my experience, it is usually her personal care. So don't expect her to don the latest styles, have her roots meticulously dyed at just the right moment, and her aforementioned nails filed and polished to perfection. And while most of us aren't slovenly, we just tend to put some superfluous aspects of personal care at the bottom of the to-do list.
5. For many of us, homeschooling isn't an option. Many believe it is not only the best way for their family, it is the only way. Many see homeschooling as a Scriptural directive. When sharing a particular struggle unique to homeschooling, comments like, "Well, why don't you consider putting them in school? Maybe homeschooling just isn't your thing" aren't helpful. Instead, offer a listening ear and your fervent prayers on her behalf.
6. If you are truly concerned about the state of her emotions, home, children, or marriage, offer practical help to ease her burden. Personal time is at a premium for her, so consider offering to take her kids for the day so she can recuperate. If you like to do laundry, offer to come over and get the loads going, fold, and/or iron. If you like to cook, consider putting together some meals that she can store in the freezer for days when time is at a premium. If she teaches a broad spectrum of ages and grades, consider offering to come in once a week or more to teach preschool to the little ones. One grandma I know created "Nana U" for her preschool grandson (number five of seven) and not only did it ease her homeshooling daughter's burden, it created a special bond between grandma and the child.
But there’s a caveat here: ASK her what would be most helpful to her. Don’t presume to know what would help her. Taking the oldest children for the day might be fun for you, but it’s quite possibly not at all helpful to her. The living room might need to be vacuumed, but it’s not helpful if she’s trying to take a nap. Someone once told me, “If it’s not wanted, it’s not helpful.”
7. Think about what a financial burden homeschooling may be placing on the family. The loss of her possible income can be a real struggle nowadays, and you might be able to buoy her for another year by offering to purchase little things like simple school supplies. Gifts for the children like books on subjects of interest to the child, field trip fees, museum memberships, and the money to pay for music lessons or other extracurricular activities are the best thing you could give a homeschooling family. Not only does a homeschooling mom not need one more thing to manage or pick up, she would be thrilled to see you take an interest in the many academic items on her wish list.
8. Simple questions like, "How can I pray for you?" and "Is there any way I can help you?" are like a cool breeze in her life. Don't assume you know her needs- ask. You could just be the vessel God uses to carry her on through this very demanding and ultimately rewarding season of her life.
Hey Sally, and Laurie........We need to start our own little support group :)
What Non-Homeschoolers May Not Know • Jan. 10, 2007
Posted in Musings and Miscellany
We've been educating our children at home for ten years now. In those ten years, I have observed that there are expectations that non-homeschoolers can place on homeschooling moms simply because they lack the practical knowledge of what it means to homeschool.
If you are the mother, grandmother, sister, friend, father, or brother of a homeschooling mom, here are some things you should know:
1. Educating children at home is a full-time job. Don't get irritated if she consistently allows the answering machine to do its job. If she were a teacher in an institutional classroom, you probably wouldn't think of calling her during school hours, so try to realize that while still at home, she is keeping regular school hours, too.
2. Unlike homes in which the children are gone for eight straight hours, her home is in a constant state of activity. The children are not only home, they are home making messes. All day long. Their mother doesn't even have the opportunity to go into their rooms while they are at school and weed out the junk. And if she is like me, you might find odd homeschooly things lying around- like the month we had a dead turtle in the garage fridge.
3. Housekeeping and homeschooling are mutually exclusive. If she is doing her job educating her children academically, then her house is not being cleaned. If she takes the day to clean the house, then school wil not be accomplished.
4. Place realistic expectations on her- she cannot simultaneously teach school, make three square meals, keep a house that looks like it has sprung out of the pages of Architectural Digest, have her nails done, drive children to extracurricular activities, and have all the clothing laundered and pressed. Something's gotta give, and in my experience, it is usually her personal care. So don't expect her to don the latest styles, have her roots meticulously dyed at just the right moment, and her aforementioned nails filed and polished to perfection. And while most of us aren't slovenly, we just tend to put some superfluous aspects of personal care at the bottom of the to-do list.
5. For many of us, homeschooling isn't an option. Many believe it is not only the best way for their family, it is the only way. Many see homeschooling as a Scriptural directive. When sharing a particular struggle unique to homeschooling, comments like, "Well, why don't you consider putting them in school? Maybe homeschooling just isn't your thing" aren't helpful. Instead, offer a listening ear and your fervent prayers on her behalf.
6. If you are truly concerned about the state of her emotions, home, children, or marriage, offer practical help to ease her burden. Personal time is at a premium for her, so consider offering to take her kids for the day so she can recuperate. If you like to do laundry, offer to come over and get the loads going, fold, and/or iron. If you like to cook, consider putting together some meals that she can store in the freezer for days when time is at a premium. If she teaches a broad spectrum of ages and grades, consider offering to come in once a week or more to teach preschool to the little ones. One grandma I know created "Nana U" for her preschool grandson (number five of seven) and not only did it ease her homeshooling daughter's burden, it created a special bond between grandma and the child.
But there’s a caveat here: ASK her what would be most helpful to her. Don’t presume to know what would help her. Taking the oldest children for the day might be fun for you, but it’s quite possibly not at all helpful to her. The living room might need to be vacuumed, but it’s not helpful if she’s trying to take a nap. Someone once told me, “If it’s not wanted, it’s not helpful.”
7. Think about what a financial burden homeschooling may be placing on the family. The loss of her possible income can be a real struggle nowadays, and you might be able to buoy her for another year by offering to purchase little things like simple school supplies. Gifts for the children like books on subjects of interest to the child, field trip fees, museum memberships, and the money to pay for music lessons or other extracurricular activities are the best thing you could give a homeschooling family. Not only does a homeschooling mom not need one more thing to manage or pick up, she would be thrilled to see you take an interest in the many academic items on her wish list.
8. Simple questions like, "How can I pray for you?" and "Is there any way I can help you?" are like a cool breeze in her life. Don't assume you know her needs- ask. You could just be the vessel God uses to carry her on through this very demanding and ultimately rewarding season of her life.
Hey Sally, and Laurie........We need to start our own little support group :)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Teachers.... Who needs them???
How many times have you been asked to teach a class and you said no?
What was your reason?
No time?
Afraid of the committment?
Do you run when you see the deacon in charge of education coming your way?
Or maybe screen your calls when you see a call from someone from your congregation who wants to ask you to teach?
God says its a high honor to teach. But those who teach also will be judged more strictly.
Why not look at it as a challenge of your faith?
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued,"What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option inlife was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what theysay about teachers......."Those who can, do.......Those who can't, teach."To stress his point he said to another guest....."You're a teacher, Bonnie.Be honest. What do you make?"Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You wantto know what I make? She paused for a second, then began...
Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can'tmake them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental...
You want to know what I make?"She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.
"I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write.
I make them read, read, read.I make them show all their work in math.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to knowin English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
I make my students stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,because we live in the United States of America.
Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given,work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.
"Bonnie paused one last time and then continued....
"Then, when people tryto judge me by what I make, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant...You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE........What do you make?"
I challenge you to accept a teaching position for a class at Sunday School. You will be blessed and those children will be blessed also.
Teaching adults? What a great way to expand your Bible knowledge or maybe share it with others. We all have something to bring to the assembly.
God said, "Fear not, for I am with you."
Be Blessed,
What was your reason?
No time?
Afraid of the committment?
Do you run when you see the deacon in charge of education coming your way?
Or maybe screen your calls when you see a call from someone from your congregation who wants to ask you to teach?
God says its a high honor to teach. But those who teach also will be judged more strictly.
Why not look at it as a challenge of your faith?
The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued,"What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option inlife was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what theysay about teachers......."Those who can, do.......Those who can't, teach."To stress his point he said to another guest....."You're a teacher, Bonnie.Be honest. What do you make?"Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You wantto know what I make? She paused for a second, then began...
Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.
I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can'tmake them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental...
You want to know what I make?"She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.
"I make kids wonder.
I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write.
I make them read, read, read.I make them show all their work in math.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to knowin English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
I make my students stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,because we live in the United States of America.
Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given,work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life.
"Bonnie paused one last time and then continued....
"Then, when people tryto judge me by what I make, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant...You want to know what I make?
I MAKE A DIFFERENCE........What do you make?"
I challenge you to accept a teaching position for a class at Sunday School. You will be blessed and those children will be blessed also.
Teaching adults? What a great way to expand your Bible knowledge or maybe share it with others. We all have something to bring to the assembly.
God said, "Fear not, for I am with you."
Be Blessed,
Challenge Me
I am trying to take daily situations that people go thru and make a spiritual lesson from them.
Its a training of the mind for sure and I am challenging myself with this. One thing I am asking you all to do for me is send me some topics to challenge me also.
Think you all can do that for me?
There was a topic in our adult bible class last night about women praying in the company of men. It was a great class but its a very touchy subject. Some of the comments made really made me think of what I do and say in our assemblies on Sunday and Wednesday.
Are women allowed (book, chp, verse) to speak in a bible class....?
Its very clear women are not to lead a prayer, and teach. But what about making comments in class?
Comments on this subject are welcome..
Be Blessed
Its a training of the mind for sure and I am challenging myself with this. One thing I am asking you all to do for me is send me some topics to challenge me also.
Think you all can do that for me?
There was a topic in our adult bible class last night about women praying in the company of men. It was a great class but its a very touchy subject. Some of the comments made really made me think of what I do and say in our assemblies on Sunday and Wednesday.
Are women allowed (book, chp, verse) to speak in a bible class....?
Its very clear women are not to lead a prayer, and teach. But what about making comments in class?
Comments on this subject are welcome..
Be Blessed
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Open and shut doors?
THis is a topic that has been on my mind alot lately.
You see, when my 18 year old son left a job in Virginia to move to Ohio with us, I thought for sure he would have NO TROUBLE finding a job. Of course, he only needed something until the family business opened up in the summer but I thought that Wendy's or McD's would hire in an instant. Hmm....but all doors remained shut. Not one call, nothing.
WHat he was really hoping for was a job at DQ since that is where he already has his experience at but the DQ here in our town doesn't open until Feb or so. He and I just sit and wait ....patiently ;)
But yesterday, I saw a sign at our local DQ, saying that they were taking applications. Gave address to send name and address to. Hmm....could this be it? So, his information was sent out this morning.
How hard is it to sit and wait to see what God has planned?
Do we wonder why some doors that to our human understanding, haven't opened?
I know everything is under the control of our Almighty, and He cares about us and knows what is best for us. I trust Him to make the choices for me. I know that sometimes, I have to make a choice with the information that is presented to me at the time but ultimately I leave it in His hands.
Sometimes when I sit down and its quiet here...(very rare moment) I wonder at all God has done in my life. Its exciting to see a growth in myself spiritually over the years to help me know I'm on the right track.
God used a terrible time in my life to bring me to my knees to open up my heart to give in to let Him work what needed to be worked in my life. Since that time, my depression and anxiety disorder all but disappeared, my marriage turned completed around , and everything else in my life went from dusk to DAWN!!
Trust God to work. Let Him do the job only He can do. Sometimes we have to get out of His way.....
Be Blessed Today
You see, when my 18 year old son left a job in Virginia to move to Ohio with us, I thought for sure he would have NO TROUBLE finding a job. Of course, he only needed something until the family business opened up in the summer but I thought that Wendy's or McD's would hire in an instant. Hmm....but all doors remained shut. Not one call, nothing.
WHat he was really hoping for was a job at DQ since that is where he already has his experience at but the DQ here in our town doesn't open until Feb or so. He and I just sit and wait ....patiently ;)
But yesterday, I saw a sign at our local DQ, saying that they were taking applications. Gave address to send name and address to. Hmm....could this be it? So, his information was sent out this morning.
How hard is it to sit and wait to see what God has planned?
Do we wonder why some doors that to our human understanding, haven't opened?
I know everything is under the control of our Almighty, and He cares about us and knows what is best for us. I trust Him to make the choices for me. I know that sometimes, I have to make a choice with the information that is presented to me at the time but ultimately I leave it in His hands.
Sometimes when I sit down and its quiet here...(very rare moment) I wonder at all God has done in my life. Its exciting to see a growth in myself spiritually over the years to help me know I'm on the right track.
God used a terrible time in my life to bring me to my knees to open up my heart to give in to let Him work what needed to be worked in my life. Since that time, my depression and anxiety disorder all but disappeared, my marriage turned completed around , and everything else in my life went from dusk to DAWN!!
Trust God to work. Let Him do the job only He can do. Sometimes we have to get out of His way.....
Be Blessed Today
Monday, January 22, 2007
Different Views
I have found myself greatly apologizing to sooo many people since yesterday's BIG snow .
I have found that the majority of people here do NOT like the snow fall we got.
So, I kept saying, " I'm sorry, this must be my fault because I have been asking for snow for a long time."
But then I stopped to think...why apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. God knows what beauty is in the falling snow. Yes, it might make our lives a bit slower....but is that really a bad thing?
I've noticed alot lately that when the weather is not "sunny and 70.." then people are calling the weather Yucky. I don't do that anymore. I try to look at the change of weather as a blessing from God because He knows we need variables in our lives. I believe he gave us seasons for change and beauty. Can we try to see the beauty in all of creation? Even when the weather doesn't suit our needs at the time?
Calling all Christians, look for the beauty even in the things that to us may seem "unpleasing to the eye."
Thank God the Massey's made it back safe and sound. So many people missed that family and they were only gone a week :)
THank God Shaylyn is feeling better too...and Pray that no one else in that family gets ahold of that bug.
Well, I'm off to bed. Its almost the end of January which brings us to February.....DEPLOYMENT ALMOST OVER!!!
Be blessed,
I have found that the majority of people here do NOT like the snow fall we got.
So, I kept saying, " I'm sorry, this must be my fault because I have been asking for snow for a long time."
But then I stopped to think...why apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. God knows what beauty is in the falling snow. Yes, it might make our lives a bit slower....but is that really a bad thing?
I've noticed alot lately that when the weather is not "sunny and 70.." then people are calling the weather Yucky. I don't do that anymore. I try to look at the change of weather as a blessing from God because He knows we need variables in our lives. I believe he gave us seasons for change and beauty. Can we try to see the beauty in all of creation? Even when the weather doesn't suit our needs at the time?
Calling all Christians, look for the beauty even in the things that to us may seem "unpleasing to the eye."
Thank God the Massey's made it back safe and sound. So many people missed that family and they were only gone a week :)
THank God Shaylyn is feeling better too...and Pray that no one else in that family gets ahold of that bug.
Well, I'm off to bed. Its almost the end of January which brings us to February.....DEPLOYMENT ALMOST OVER!!!
Be blessed,
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Calling all American Idol Fans!!!
For all of you American Idol fans out is the day we've been waiting for....the new season of our favorite show.
I love talent shows. I always have even when I was a young girl. I grew up watching Star Search.
So tonight is the night...its always fun to watch the beginning shows cause it shows the people who really cannot carry a tune who have the guys to go before those judges anyway for their few moments of stardom lol.
What else is going on in my life?
Hmmm....waiting for my husband to come home, looking for ways to make money while still staying at home, getting prepared for navy retirement, getting my mind prepared for our next stage of life, hmmm seems like enough that I want to stop my list there lol.
My kids are all doing great.
More to come later
Be Blessed!!
Have a comment?
I love talent shows. I always have even when I was a young girl. I grew up watching Star Search.
So tonight is the night...its always fun to watch the beginning shows cause it shows the people who really cannot carry a tune who have the guys to go before those judges anyway for their few moments of stardom lol.
What else is going on in my life?
Hmmm....waiting for my husband to come home, looking for ways to make money while still staying at home, getting prepared for navy retirement, getting my mind prepared for our next stage of life, hmmm seems like enough that I want to stop my list there lol.
My kids are all doing great.
More to come later
Be Blessed!!
Have a comment?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Friday January 12th

I was reading John's blog about friendship and I want to write today about the friends you make in Christ.
When I was growing up I had a few really close friends. Over the years, since life moves us in different directions, those friendship kinda fizzled out. I tried my best to keep in contact with people but what I found was I was the one doing all the contacting. They never made an effort to keep in close contact with me. SO ...I did a little test. I quit calling and wanted to see if they would get the picture...that they needed to put forth the effort too. THey did not.
So, hard as it was, I let it go.
Christian friendship are so incredibly different!!! I've had friends that I made after my husband and I became Christians that I still have today. I might not see them all of the time, but they are there for me and I for them.
I try to look at each person I meet as a potential friendship.
I hear from each congregation I go to, that there is usually one thing missing. People knowing you enough to help bear your burdens in this life. People don't want to tell others that everything isn't FINE.....unless they know you really well. Well, that takes time and energy and most people nowadays don't have alot of time to pursue friendships...not the kind that God wants anyway. Everyone is sooo busy just trying to take care of their families...
I want to encourage you to let those that mean alot to you....let them KNOW IT!!!!
The Masseys....all of you guys...I LOVE YA!!! How you made this transition to Ohio for my family so easy is just a blessing from God. Our family is blessed to know you guys!!!
My friends from Virginia Beach, the Emery's....that family made my time in Virginia Beach a blessed time as well. Love ya!!!!
The Komar's.....I love you guys too!!! We miss Virginia beach so badly sometimes....and if it wasn't for the HATRED of driving 8 hours, me and the kids probably would have made a trip down there a FEW Times to visit in the past 3 months lol.
THe Farleman's from New York...we have known them from the time we became Christians. THey are soo very dear to our hearts...I wish I could keep in better contact with them. But we love you guys too!!!
THe Hackworths...HUGS MELANIE!!!!!!!
Well, these are just a couple that come to mind. Let me encourage you all to take time to let those near to you to tell them how you feel and how you appreciate them.
Call just to say hi....Call to see how their week has been....IT doesn't take a 20 minute conversation to let someone know they are being thought of.
Be Blessed today . Look already are...
I was reading John's blog about friendship and I want to write today about the friends you make in Christ.
When I was growing up I had a few really close friends. Over the years, since life moves us in different directions, those friendship kinda fizzled out. I tried my best to keep in contact with people but what I found was I was the one doing all the contacting. They never made an effort to keep in close contact with me. SO ...I did a little test. I quit calling and wanted to see if they would get the picture...that they needed to put forth the effort too. THey did not.
So, hard as it was, I let it go.
Christian friendship are so incredibly different!!! I've had friends that I made after my husband and I became Christians that I still have today. I might not see them all of the time, but they are there for me and I for them.
I try to look at each person I meet as a potential friendship.
I hear from each congregation I go to, that there is usually one thing missing. People knowing you enough to help bear your burdens in this life. People don't want to tell others that everything isn't FINE.....unless they know you really well. Well, that takes time and energy and most people nowadays don't have alot of time to pursue friendships...not the kind that God wants anyway. Everyone is sooo busy just trying to take care of their families...
I want to encourage you to let those that mean alot to you....let them KNOW IT!!!!
The Masseys....all of you guys...I LOVE YA!!! How you made this transition to Ohio for my family so easy is just a blessing from God. Our family is blessed to know you guys!!!
My friends from Virginia Beach, the Emery's....that family made my time in Virginia Beach a blessed time as well. Love ya!!!!
The Komar's.....I love you guys too!!! We miss Virginia beach so badly sometimes....and if it wasn't for the HATRED of driving 8 hours, me and the kids probably would have made a trip down there a FEW Times to visit in the past 3 months lol.
THe Farleman's from New York...we have known them from the time we became Christians. THey are soo very dear to our hearts...I wish I could keep in better contact with them. But we love you guys too!!!
THe Hackworths...HUGS MELANIE!!!!!!!
Well, these are just a couple that come to mind. Let me encourage you all to take time to let those near to you to tell them how you feel and how you appreciate them.
Call just to say hi....Call to see how their week has been....IT doesn't take a 20 minute conversation to let someone know they are being thought of.
Be Blessed today . Look already are...
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Happy Birthday To Angel....

Today I am dedicating my blog to my daughter Angel.
Today she is 9 years old and what a day to celebrate!!!
Angel was born in Brunswich Maine during the ice storm of 1998.
She came into this world quickly.
I was talking to her before bed last night about when I first got the news that I was having a girl.
I really didn't think I could raise a daughter. With having 3 boys...I really thought I was only meant to have boys. Why would God give me a daughter to raise when He knows that I know nothing about girls? I was so scared. Not sure why but I was.
Each day brings about new things with my daughter. I never knew that I would learn so much from her.
Today, Angel, is your 9th Birthday!!!! Have a great one kiddo!!!!
Today she is 9 years old and what a day to celebrate!!!
Angel was born in Brunswich Maine during the ice storm of 1998.
She came into this world quickly.
I was talking to her before bed last night about when I first got the news that I was having a girl.
I really didn't think I could raise a daughter. With having 3 boys...I really thought I was only meant to have boys. Why would God give me a daughter to raise when He knows that I know nothing about girls? I was so scared. Not sure why but I was.
Each day brings about new things with my daughter. I never knew that I would learn so much from her.
Today, Angel, is your 9th Birthday!!!! Have a great one kiddo!!!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Monday January 8th
Good evening....
Hope everyone is having a great new year so far.
Each day that goes by brings me one day closer to my husband coming home.
So, whats new here?
Just trying to get my house together after the holidays.
With my husband coming to a whole different house, I want the house to be nice and organized....boy is it a hard job for someone who is not good at decorating lol.
I've been feeling a bit on edge lately. Those of you who read this, if you don't mind saying a prayer for me, that would be much appreciated. Once in a while I just feel overwhelmed.
THis is one of those times.....
Be blessed,
Hope everyone is having a great new year so far.
Each day that goes by brings me one day closer to my husband coming home.
So, whats new here?
Just trying to get my house together after the holidays.
With my husband coming to a whole different house, I want the house to be nice and organized....boy is it a hard job for someone who is not good at decorating lol.
I've been feeling a bit on edge lately. Those of you who read this, if you don't mind saying a prayer for me, that would be much appreciated. Once in a while I just feel overwhelmed.
THis is one of those times.....
Be blessed,
Friday, January 05, 2007
Saturday Januray 6th
You guys might not know what today is......
Better believe I'm going to tell you!!!
What that means is January 6th marks the half way point of the deployment of my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its all easy from here....right???
Well, its never easy but it does get easier as each day passes and it gets closer to his homecoming.
Oh to see his face....remember, this isn't just a 6 month deployement. All Year he has been gone except about 2 months...So this is going to give everyone such joy to see him home.
Please say a prayer for our military folks and families. I might not say too much about how difficult this is for us here without Mike but it is. Imagine ladies, no help EVER.
I am homeschooling, running the house, paying the bills, and everything else ....
It does get tiring somedays...mostly when the constant bickering of my kids lol.
I get a ton of emotional support from my wonderful husband.
He is great to me!!!!
Keep us and my husband in prayer please.
Be Blessed,
Have a comment?
Email me!!
Better believe I'm going to tell you!!!
What that means is January 6th marks the half way point of the deployment of my husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its all easy from here....right???
Well, its never easy but it does get easier as each day passes and it gets closer to his homecoming.
Oh to see his face....remember, this isn't just a 6 month deployement. All Year he has been gone except about 2 months...So this is going to give everyone such joy to see him home.
Please say a prayer for our military folks and families. I might not say too much about how difficult this is for us here without Mike but it is. Imagine ladies, no help EVER.
I am homeschooling, running the house, paying the bills, and everything else ....
It does get tiring somedays...mostly when the constant bickering of my kids lol.
I get a ton of emotional support from my wonderful husband.
He is great to me!!!!
Keep us and my husband in prayer please.
Be Blessed,
Have a comment?
Email me!!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Tuesday January 2nd
Well, today is the first day of my diet and exercise for the New Year.
I started off today with a telephone call from my mother in law asking me if I want to walk with her. So, I looked at that as an opportunity to get my butt off the chair. She lives about half a mile from me so I ran to her house, we walked 4 miles or so, and then I ran home. All in all it took more than an hour and I got in quite a bit of exercise. So far, I've done great. Drinking my water, going to eat some chicken noodle soup and I have to remember to eat 6 times a day....every two hours or so.
Not sure what my weight is, I really don't want to know but I know if I keep up with this, I will lose the weight.
I got a LONG phone call from Mike yesterday. What a blessing to be able to talk to him as often as I do.
Ok, off to take down decorations and stuff today.
Be Blessed,
PS Have a comment? Email me
I started off today with a telephone call from my mother in law asking me if I want to walk with her. So, I looked at that as an opportunity to get my butt off the chair. She lives about half a mile from me so I ran to her house, we walked 4 miles or so, and then I ran home. All in all it took more than an hour and I got in quite a bit of exercise. So far, I've done great. Drinking my water, going to eat some chicken noodle soup and I have to remember to eat 6 times a day....every two hours or so.
Not sure what my weight is, I really don't want to know but I know if I keep up with this, I will lose the weight.
I got a LONG phone call from Mike yesterday. What a blessing to be able to talk to him as often as I do.
Ok, off to take down decorations and stuff today.
Be Blessed,
PS Have a comment? Email me
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