Have you given everything over to God? Do you trust Him with everything?
I have had to ask myself this question lately. You see, this is my 11th year homeschooling. I guess every once in a while I go thru this phase and re-examine what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. So, I've had to step back and take a look at what I've been doing lately.
When I did that, I started to doubt my abilities...doubt what I've been doing and if I change how I schooled, would my kids turn out ok.
You see, as homeschoolers, how my children turn out is my responsibility right?
Boy was I WRONG!!! Its God doing the work NOT ME!!!!
I know best how my children learn and I have to notice signs of things changing. Each one of my children are different kinds of learners so there is not ONE curriculum that will work across the board for each child. I was not creating a love of learning in my kids...they were hating school. Well, I decided to change that. We took a different approach and the atmosphere in the house seemed to change. No, its not the traditional curriculum. We take an eclectic approach really. For example, for Bible today, the kids are playing a PS2 game called The Bible game.
For History, they picked a country they want to learn about...something that interests them. THen from Blockbusteronline, I ordered two dvd's about their countries.
Same thing for Science...and for math...regular switched on schoolhouse for that. Angel and Tony have a dvd for Italian, they want to learn Italian words...They will use their own blog to work on grammar and sentence structure...What better way to learn than to write everyday!!
For Phys Ed, they chart daily at least 15 minutes of exercise. It could be a walk, or dancing to Veggie Tales...or Radio Disney...doensn't matter. But they love doing that.
Add in this wonderful site I found online.
Very very thorough!!!!!! I will use this too. Especially for some of the extra things I want them to learn.
This day and age, kids don't just need workbooks to learn. Are we trying to stick our children full of facts for a test only for them to pass and not remember what they learned or care about it at all? That isn't what I want...
I want my children to care about our world that we live in.
I want my children to be faithful Christians.
I want my kids to care about other people.
I want my kids to have the TOOLS to learn so that someday, when they want to know how to do something, they have the TOOLS to learn it!!
I want my kids to have dreams and to follow them.
Guess what!!! They have already succeeded!!
Its God and only God that gets the glory for this. He has created in these kids to be the people HE wants them to be.
Be Blessed,
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
My Hero!!!
Almost March???!!!!
Wow. I actually took a look at a calendar today and realized its almost March???!!! This is the only time I can remember during a deployment that time flew by so quickly!! I am sooo very thankful for that because I need Mike home so badly. Those of you "outside" the military life might not really understand what its like.
I try not to burden anyone with the daily troubles and things I go thru alone. But imagine single parenting for about 10 months out of 12. Now, that is parenting 4 kids, trying to console them during a very difficult move, realizing 2 days before moving that you don't have a house to live in and having to find a house in ONE day....making a move without help from husband, dealing with the stress and issues of your children who are going thru difficult times too but don't know how to talk about what is bothering them.
Sometimes I feel like I've got a good handle on things and sometimes, when no one is looking, I hide out in my room and just cry. You see, I'm not like alot of military wives so say they actually do better when their husband is gone out to sea. Our lives at home are turned upside down.
Mike is my best friend and without him, I'm nothing. Without my kids , I'm nothing. You see, my Christian life and my family are everything to me. I take on the burden of worrying about how my husband is dealing with things being away from family and spiritual things for such a long period of time. Those of you who have to work "in the world" have to hear and see things that -spiritually- can be hard sometimes. But you still have a chance 3 times a week to be able to get with fellow Christians and get edified . Mike does not. There is no "church of Christ" service on that ship . I don't think there is even someone from the church on there. THere are some denominational services I think. I believe the chapline has to have a service that tries to meet the needs of EVERY religion. Imagine the harm in that?
But its almost done. Days like today, I don't feel like I've got it together at all. Over the past couple of days, I've felt like everything around me is falling apart. I know its not. I know its not as bad as it seems. But once in a while, I just have a couple of bad days. I'm trying to keep myself busy. I tend to do the oppositite of what I need to do lol. Instead of being around people who can hug me and tell me they care, I tend to hide. Days like today, I feel if I'm around too many people, I might just cry because of everything I'm going thru. I couldn't even begin to explain it all. Its just overwhelming sometimes how much it hurts to do this all by myself.
I write this not for pity, or sympathy...but for you to understand.
Yes, I know that God is with me. WIthout Him, I wouldn't have made it past day one. He has given me the strength minute to minute to get thru what I need to. He has picked me up so many times when I've fallen on my face. He has kept my path straight and guided me when I reached a fork in the road. There is a song that I love to listen to but I cry each time I hear it.
Its called Part the Waters, Lord.
Here are the words.
When I think I'm going under, Part the Waters Lord
When I feel the waves around me, Calm the sea.
When I call for help, Oh hear me lord, and hold out your hand,
Touch my life, still the raging storm in me.
Knowing you love me
Thru the burdens I must bear
Hearing your footsteps
Lets me know I'm in your care
And in the night of my life, you bring the promise of day,
Here is my hand, show me the way.
(chorus) above
Knowing you love me
Helps me face another day
Hearing your footsteps
Drives the clouds and fears away
And in the night of my life, you bring the promise of day
Here is my hand, show me the way.
That song describes the past couple of days for me.
Its beautiful....
Be Blessed
I try not to burden anyone with the daily troubles and things I go thru alone. But imagine single parenting for about 10 months out of 12. Now, that is parenting 4 kids, trying to console them during a very difficult move, realizing 2 days before moving that you don't have a house to live in and having to find a house in ONE day....making a move without help from husband, dealing with the stress and issues of your children who are going thru difficult times too but don't know how to talk about what is bothering them.
Sometimes I feel like I've got a good handle on things and sometimes, when no one is looking, I hide out in my room and just cry. You see, I'm not like alot of military wives so say they actually do better when their husband is gone out to sea. Our lives at home are turned upside down.
Mike is my best friend and without him, I'm nothing. Without my kids , I'm nothing. You see, my Christian life and my family are everything to me. I take on the burden of worrying about how my husband is dealing with things being away from family and spiritual things for such a long period of time. Those of you who have to work "in the world" have to hear and see things that -spiritually- can be hard sometimes. But you still have a chance 3 times a week to be able to get with fellow Christians and get edified . Mike does not. There is no "church of Christ" service on that ship . I don't think there is even someone from the church on there. THere are some denominational services I think. I believe the chapline has to have a service that tries to meet the needs of EVERY religion. Imagine the harm in that?
But its almost done. Days like today, I don't feel like I've got it together at all. Over the past couple of days, I've felt like everything around me is falling apart. I know its not. I know its not as bad as it seems. But once in a while, I just have a couple of bad days. I'm trying to keep myself busy. I tend to do the oppositite of what I need to do lol. Instead of being around people who can hug me and tell me they care, I tend to hide. Days like today, I feel if I'm around too many people, I might just cry because of everything I'm going thru. I couldn't even begin to explain it all. Its just overwhelming sometimes how much it hurts to do this all by myself.
I write this not for pity, or sympathy...but for you to understand.
Yes, I know that God is with me. WIthout Him, I wouldn't have made it past day one. He has given me the strength minute to minute to get thru what I need to. He has picked me up so many times when I've fallen on my face. He has kept my path straight and guided me when I reached a fork in the road. There is a song that I love to listen to but I cry each time I hear it.
Its called Part the Waters, Lord.
Here are the words.
When I think I'm going under, Part the Waters Lord
When I feel the waves around me, Calm the sea.
When I call for help, Oh hear me lord, and hold out your hand,
Touch my life, still the raging storm in me.
Knowing you love me
Thru the burdens I must bear
Hearing your footsteps
Lets me know I'm in your care
And in the night of my life, you bring the promise of day,
Here is my hand, show me the way.
(chorus) above
Knowing you love me
Helps me face another day
Hearing your footsteps
Drives the clouds and fears away
And in the night of my life, you bring the promise of day
Here is my hand, show me the way.
That song describes the past couple of days for me.
Its beautiful....
Be Blessed
Friday, February 23, 2007
I want to share something with you that was in a book I got today called Checklist for Life for Moms.
The powerful unseen force of your attitude parallels the lessons of a magnet. Like the magnet, if your mind set or attitude is negatively focused on the negative things about other family members, you will find your family pushed apart by the polarity of criticism . If your children hear or see only negative words or actions from you about your husband, or anyone, your children will push away those same people with their own negative feelings.
Remember the story of Jacob and Laban? Though Laban was Jacob's relative, he cheated Jacob over and over again, refusing to give him what he had promised, refusing to pay him what was owed. Yet Jacob didnt say anything bad about Laban. He didn't treat this older man with disrespect. Jacob guarded his thoughts and responded to laban's negative tricks with hard work and a positive attitude. Genesis 31:7 says that even though Laban cheated Jacob 10 times, God did not let Laban's negative ways hurt Jacob at all. Instead Jacob's positive attitude in response to negative conditions brought about unparalleled prosperity for him and his family.
Check your attitude. Be positive. Remember, with magnets and relationships, it always takes a positive to grow close to a negative.
Here are a few verses I love:
Colossians 3:16-17 NIV
Let the teaching of Christ live in your richly...Everything you do or say should be done to obey Jesus your Lord
1Corinthians 10:33 NIV
I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Matthew 7:11 The message
Here is a simple, rule of thumb guide for behaivor: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
Be Blessed,
The powerful unseen force of your attitude parallels the lessons of a magnet. Like the magnet, if your mind set or attitude is negatively focused on the negative things about other family members, you will find your family pushed apart by the polarity of criticism . If your children hear or see only negative words or actions from you about your husband, or anyone, your children will push away those same people with their own negative feelings.
Remember the story of Jacob and Laban? Though Laban was Jacob's relative, he cheated Jacob over and over again, refusing to give him what he had promised, refusing to pay him what was owed. Yet Jacob didnt say anything bad about Laban. He didn't treat this older man with disrespect. Jacob guarded his thoughts and responded to laban's negative tricks with hard work and a positive attitude. Genesis 31:7 says that even though Laban cheated Jacob 10 times, God did not let Laban's negative ways hurt Jacob at all. Instead Jacob's positive attitude in response to negative conditions brought about unparalleled prosperity for him and his family.
Check your attitude. Be positive. Remember, with magnets and relationships, it always takes a positive to grow close to a negative.
Here are a few verses I love:
Colossians 3:16-17 NIV
Let the teaching of Christ live in your richly...Everything you do or say should be done to obey Jesus your Lord
1Corinthians 10:33 NIV
I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Matthew 7:11 The message
Here is a simple, rule of thumb guide for behaivor: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
Be Blessed,
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Very sad...
I have been hearing about kids who play this game they call " The Choking Game"
Here is a definition of it I found online.
The choking game, also known by large number of other names, is not technically a game but a schoolyard activity involving the inducement of unconsciousness or near unconsciousness by restriction of the supply of oxygen to the brain. The highly dangerous activity is traditional and world-wide, passed down for generations in schoolyards, summer camps and neighborhoods. Practitioner demographics are strongly weighted towards juvenile males but includes females and adults of both genders. The activity has been responsible for a large number of juvenile deaths and permanent neurological disabilities almost entirely among the juvenile male cohort. There are estimates that as many as 250 to 1,000 young people die in the United States each year playing some variant of the choking game. Tracking the exact number is difficult because many of the cases are reported as suicides.[1] The attractions are manifold: it is done as a dare, it can induce a brief sense of euphoria, it is reported to enhance erotic feelings, it is amusing to some to watch others losing consciousness or behaving erratically, the prospect of an altered state of consciousness, the experience of a brownout or, more recently, copycatting elements of the film Flatliners. It is also free, legal and appears innocuous to those without a proper understanding of the mechanism involved.
What recently brought this to my attention is a Christian family found out their child has been involved in this....How many others are doing this but families just don't know.
Like everything else in life there are a few warning signs for parents.
Watch for signs of bruises or red marks on your childs neck. And of course beware if he or she is suddenly wearing turtle neck shirts. With winter approaching, it is an easy way to hide the marks.
Also pay attention if your child is suddenly developing severe headaches. Cutting off their circulation can definitely cause headaches to appear.
Watch for red eyes.
Definitely check to see if belts, ropes or ties are suddenly appearing, especially if they are tied in a noose like way.
Locking bedroom doors suddenly is also a key that something could be wrong.
The best way to prevent your child from doing this is by talking. Make sure they realize what the consequences of this game is. They may not realize that this could led to death. Children seem to think they are invincible and nothing bad can happen to them. But it can. They could play this game hundreds of times. But it only takes one time for them to be dead.
Local news headlines is about a girl who is 11 that was abducted, abused and then she got away .
She was taken while walking with a friend...geez, she wasn't even walking alone. THis is sooo scary. Someone told my daughter about this before I got a chance to sit down with her...and she asked me, " Mommy, why did they do that to that girl? I'm scared." She has tried so hard to NOT be afraid to walk ONE BLOCK to our local convenient store. I finally got her to go with her 10 year old brother but this will probably end now that she heard this story from friends. We need to talk to our kids, give them a safely course of some kind. Do our kids know enough about personal safety?
Be blessed
Here is a definition of it I found online.
The choking game, also known by large number of other names, is not technically a game but a schoolyard activity involving the inducement of unconsciousness or near unconsciousness by restriction of the supply of oxygen to the brain. The highly dangerous activity is traditional and world-wide, passed down for generations in schoolyards, summer camps and neighborhoods. Practitioner demographics are strongly weighted towards juvenile males but includes females and adults of both genders. The activity has been responsible for a large number of juvenile deaths and permanent neurological disabilities almost entirely among the juvenile male cohort. There are estimates that as many as 250 to 1,000 young people die in the United States each year playing some variant of the choking game. Tracking the exact number is difficult because many of the cases are reported as suicides.[1] The attractions are manifold: it is done as a dare, it can induce a brief sense of euphoria, it is reported to enhance erotic feelings, it is amusing to some to watch others losing consciousness or behaving erratically, the prospect of an altered state of consciousness, the experience of a brownout or, more recently, copycatting elements of the film Flatliners. It is also free, legal and appears innocuous to those without a proper understanding of the mechanism involved.
What recently brought this to my attention is a Christian family found out their child has been involved in this....How many others are doing this but families just don't know.
Like everything else in life there are a few warning signs for parents.
Watch for signs of bruises or red marks on your childs neck. And of course beware if he or she is suddenly wearing turtle neck shirts. With winter approaching, it is an easy way to hide the marks.
Also pay attention if your child is suddenly developing severe headaches. Cutting off their circulation can definitely cause headaches to appear.
Watch for red eyes.
Definitely check to see if belts, ropes or ties are suddenly appearing, especially if they are tied in a noose like way.
Locking bedroom doors suddenly is also a key that something could be wrong.
The best way to prevent your child from doing this is by talking. Make sure they realize what the consequences of this game is. They may not realize that this could led to death. Children seem to think they are invincible and nothing bad can happen to them. But it can. They could play this game hundreds of times. But it only takes one time for them to be dead.
Local news headlines is about a girl who is 11 that was abducted, abused and then she got away .
She was taken while walking with a friend...geez, she wasn't even walking alone. THis is sooo scary. Someone told my daughter about this before I got a chance to sit down with her...and she asked me, " Mommy, why did they do that to that girl? I'm scared." She has tried so hard to NOT be afraid to walk ONE BLOCK to our local convenient store. I finally got her to go with her 10 year old brother but this will probably end now that she heard this story from friends. We need to talk to our kids, give them a safely course of some kind. Do our kids know enough about personal safety?
Be blessed
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Where have I been for 5 days?
Yes, I realize that its been about 5 days since my last update and for that I apologize but there is so much sickness going around my household, I haven't had much time to sit down and gather my thoughts, let along write about them.
Michael is just now feeling better. He had either headache, sinus problems or upset stomach that hasn't wanted to go away completely. He seems to be doing much better.
Joey, seems to have gotten over the stomach thing only to get a sore throat, achey, sinus yuckies which includes major migraines.
Tony seems to have this constant tickle in his throat from his asthma. Being in cold air is new to him and it doesn't do his asthma very good.
Angel normally has very dry skin in the winter but this year brought something new. ECZEMA....
It was horrible, patches of brownish red skin all over her that burned and itched like crazy. It think we have it under control now ...at least spring is right around the corner right?
Me, well, not sure if I have been sick or just plain exhausted. Trying to handle all of the above and the normalcies of life, just can get so overwhelming sometimes. Yes, I know I only have about 6 more weeks of single parenting until I get a two week break but then Mike has to go back to Virginia Beach to finalize stuff for retirement and during that time, he has to take the van back with him which leaves me without a car for about 5 weeks.
Boy am I starting to get excited about Mike's return. He hasn't been home (Martins Ferry) for so very long. The kids and I are all so very excited as is his whole family.
Today brings me to work on the house getting things ready for him coming home. I am going shopping for twin beds for the basement bedroom for the older two boys. Its still a bit chilly down there yet but hopefully soon it will be in the 50's and that means a bit warmer downstairs that they can sleep there.
OH>>>almost forgot!! Calling all handymen----or women-----
I have a few things I need help with. Putting up a few pictures...and fixing two doors in my house getting ready for my hubby to come home. I don't want things broken when he gets here...
Then he will feel like he has to fix things instead of enjoying his time home.
Anyone have these abilities that can help, just let me know.
Ok, there is my update...
bye bye
Be blessed
Michael is just now feeling better. He had either headache, sinus problems or upset stomach that hasn't wanted to go away completely. He seems to be doing much better.
Joey, seems to have gotten over the stomach thing only to get a sore throat, achey, sinus yuckies which includes major migraines.
Tony seems to have this constant tickle in his throat from his asthma. Being in cold air is new to him and it doesn't do his asthma very good.
Angel normally has very dry skin in the winter but this year brought something new. ECZEMA....
It was horrible, patches of brownish red skin all over her that burned and itched like crazy. It think we have it under control now ...at least spring is right around the corner right?
Me, well, not sure if I have been sick or just plain exhausted. Trying to handle all of the above and the normalcies of life, just can get so overwhelming sometimes. Yes, I know I only have about 6 more weeks of single parenting until I get a two week break but then Mike has to go back to Virginia Beach to finalize stuff for retirement and during that time, he has to take the van back with him which leaves me without a car for about 5 weeks.
Boy am I starting to get excited about Mike's return. He hasn't been home (Martins Ferry) for so very long. The kids and I are all so very excited as is his whole family.
Today brings me to work on the house getting things ready for him coming home. I am going shopping for twin beds for the basement bedroom for the older two boys. Its still a bit chilly down there yet but hopefully soon it will be in the 50's and that means a bit warmer downstairs that they can sleep there.
OH>>>almost forgot!! Calling all handymen----or women-----
I have a few things I need help with. Putting up a few pictures...and fixing two doors in my house getting ready for my hubby to come home. I don't want things broken when he gets here...
Then he will feel like he has to fix things instead of enjoying his time home.
Anyone have these abilities that can help, just let me know.
Ok, there is my update...
bye bye
Be blessed
Friday, February 16, 2007
..Inside Joke for Sally..ENJOY!!!
What About Socialization?
by Pam Hartley
10. We're training him to like isolation so that he can be an astronaut.
9. Socialization? We're Republicans!
8. Don't worry. We get together with other kids twice a week so he can learn how to spit on them and treat them disrespectfully.
7. We do Unit Studies on Socialization, and also Hair Washing, Clothes Folding, and other completely redundant subjects.
6. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was mentally planning her week of Girl Scouts, 4-H, dance class, karate, and soccer. What were you saying about socialization?
5. If I could get him to stop planning so many group camping trips and book fairs, I'd be able to convince him to socialize!
4. Huh?
3. Please, just for a change, ask me about college, okay?
2. Squeak, dive under the nearest object, peek out, and mutter "who are you and what do you want?"
1. Oh, I know what you mean! That's why we're homeschooling, for the socialization!"
Thought these were funny. At least to those who homeschool . You have to understand that Socialization, or our LACK OF, is one of the big questions those who do not homeschool, questions alot...
Have a good laugh Sally!!!
By the way, Sally Massey throws the most awesome parties for kids!!!!!!!
by Pam Hartley
10. We're training him to like isolation so that he can be an astronaut.
9. Socialization? We're Republicans!
8. Don't worry. We get together with other kids twice a week so he can learn how to spit on them and treat them disrespectfully.
7. We do Unit Studies on Socialization, and also Hair Washing, Clothes Folding, and other completely redundant subjects.
6. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was mentally planning her week of Girl Scouts, 4-H, dance class, karate, and soccer. What were you saying about socialization?
5. If I could get him to stop planning so many group camping trips and book fairs, I'd be able to convince him to socialize!
4. Huh?
3. Please, just for a change, ask me about college, okay?
2. Squeak, dive under the nearest object, peek out, and mutter "who are you and what do you want?"
1. Oh, I know what you mean! That's why we're homeschooling, for the socialization!"
Thought these were funny. At least to those who homeschool . You have to understand that Socialization, or our LACK OF, is one of the big questions those who do not homeschool, questions alot...
Have a good laugh Sally!!!
By the way, Sally Massey throws the most awesome parties for kids!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
TOP 20 Advantages to Homeschooling....
20. Your kids never tell you that you're a lot dumber than their teacher.
19. If you can't find matching socks for your child first thing in the morning, who cares?
18. Cleaning out the refrigerator can double as chemistry lab.
17. Your kids have good reason to think they might get spanked in school, but no reason to think they'll get beat up by a gang.
16. If the principal gives the teacher a bad evaluation, she can stick her icy feet against his legs at night.
15. You can post the Ten Commandments on your school room wall and won't get sued.
14. You never have to drive your child's forgotten lunch to school.
13.Your child will never go to their 20th high school reunion, meet an old flame, and recklessly abandon their marriage.
12. You get to change more than diapers, you get to change their minds.
11. If you get caught talking to yourself, you can claim you're having a PTA meeting.
10. It's better to be slightly concerned about socialization than very concerned about socialism.
9. Your child will never suffer the embarrassment of group showers after PE.
8. The only debate about the school lunch program is whose turn it is to cook.
7. You never have to face the dilemma of whether to take your child's side or the teacher's side in a dispute at school.
6. If your child gets drugs at school, it's probably Tylenol.
5. The teacher gets to kiss the principal in the faculty lounge and no one gossips.
4. Your kids recognize that this list is numerically in reverse order.
3. Your honor student can actually read the bumper sticker that you have on your car.
2. If your child claims that the dog ate his homework, you can ask the dog.
1. Some day your children will consider you to be a miracle working expert and will turn to you for advice.
19. If you can't find matching socks for your child first thing in the morning, who cares?
18. Cleaning out the refrigerator can double as chemistry lab.
17. Your kids have good reason to think they might get spanked in school, but no reason to think they'll get beat up by a gang.
16. If the principal gives the teacher a bad evaluation, she can stick her icy feet against his legs at night.
15. You can post the Ten Commandments on your school room wall and won't get sued.
14. You never have to drive your child's forgotten lunch to school.
13.Your child will never go to their 20th high school reunion, meet an old flame, and recklessly abandon their marriage.
12. You get to change more than diapers, you get to change their minds.
11. If you get caught talking to yourself, you can claim you're having a PTA meeting.
10. It's better to be slightly concerned about socialization than very concerned about socialism.
9. Your child will never suffer the embarrassment of group showers after PE.
8. The only debate about the school lunch program is whose turn it is to cook.
7. You never have to face the dilemma of whether to take your child's side or the teacher's side in a dispute at school.
6. If your child gets drugs at school, it's probably Tylenol.
5. The teacher gets to kiss the principal in the faculty lounge and no one gossips.
4. Your kids recognize that this list is numerically in reverse order.
3. Your honor student can actually read the bumper sticker that you have on your car.
2. If your child claims that the dog ate his homework, you can ask the dog.
1. Some day your children will consider you to be a miracle working expert and will turn to you for advice.
Today's stuff....
Well, got the news today that Michael got the job at Krogers in Bellaire!!!!! Not sure what his hours will be but he starts at 10 on Saturday for training. He was soooo excited and so was I because working there was his first choice. Of course, we had hoped it would have been in our hometown but a 10 minute drive isn't bad either.
It's finally happened...my kids have tired of this wintry stuff :)
We all agree, the first snow was pretty and nice, then it just got yucky after that. Boy, that didn't last long.
I am hoping that spring is right around the corner because that means my husband will be home.
If anyone here ever gets the chance to go to the youth convention in Gatlinburg, not winterfest, but another one (can't remember the name..once i get it I will add it to the blog for today). Joey went with some from church and it was sooooo good for him. Incredible!!!! All glory to God for sure.
How did I survive Valentine's Day? You know, the day that seems to mean more to women than to men? Well, I knew that there are so many women out there without a "someone special" and I considered myself blessed that even though mine isn't here...at least I have one that will be here shortly. You know..you CAN change your mindset to find the good in all things. Its training and NOT easy to do...but it can be done. Once you've mastered it, (not saying I have) I think you will be more positive and peaceful about life. If you are so positive, there are no negatives to bring you down. Boy that sounds dreamy but can it be done? I know that over the past couple of years, I've learned to be more positive. So, my mind really tries to understand why the bad things happen...it all ends up better than I could even think COULD happen. Try it sometime!!
Well, I'm getting tired and want to get under a nice warm blanket.
I'm thankful that my heat bill came down $15 from last month :)
Be Blessed
It's finally happened...my kids have tired of this wintry stuff :)
We all agree, the first snow was pretty and nice, then it just got yucky after that. Boy, that didn't last long.
I am hoping that spring is right around the corner because that means my husband will be home.
If anyone here ever gets the chance to go to the youth convention in Gatlinburg, not winterfest, but another one (can't remember the name..once i get it I will add it to the blog for today). Joey went with some from church and it was sooooo good for him. Incredible!!!! All glory to God for sure.
How did I survive Valentine's Day? You know, the day that seems to mean more to women than to men? Well, I knew that there are so many women out there without a "someone special" and I considered myself blessed that even though mine isn't here...at least I have one that will be here shortly. You know..you CAN change your mindset to find the good in all things. Its training and NOT easy to do...but it can be done. Once you've mastered it, (not saying I have) I think you will be more positive and peaceful about life. If you are so positive, there are no negatives to bring you down. Boy that sounds dreamy but can it be done? I know that over the past couple of years, I've learned to be more positive. So, my mind really tries to understand why the bad things happen...it all ends up better than I could even think COULD happen. Try it sometime!!
Well, I'm getting tired and want to get under a nice warm blanket.
I'm thankful that my heat bill came down $15 from last month :)
Be Blessed
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Valentine
First let me say Happy Valentines Day. Today is the day so many people take the time to show their love for the special someone in your life. Look in every store and you see the colors of red, pink and white that symbolizes the coming of this day. Today I want to focus my attention on the one special person in my life.
My husband ....
Mike is the best of the best. Am I expected to say that...well no...I am honest and try to be completely honest with myself and others. He has taught me that. Don't play games, just tell it like it is....
Mike and I have been together since we were teenagers. We got married young, had children young and still are young at heart. So many people didn't think we would last cause we had much opposition. Well, we thrive on opposition. As Christians, we are opposed in many ways of our lives but we persevere.
For Mike and I to have gotten where we are today in our relationship is a blessing from God. With the Navy seperation such a huge obstacle in our lives, I think we are doing great. He is my best friend in the world and I feel that even after almost 20 years of marriage, we are still in love. I still get butterflies in my tummy when waiting for an email to come thru, or a call. Many said those butterflies would turn into dragons...lol...not for me. I still look at him with my rose colored glasses on...I see him as a man who is seeking God in his life daily and striving to live the kind of life God wants him to.
Mike and I don't believe in just giving special gifts once a year...we believe that every day is a gift from God and we should show those we love that kind of love every day.
Mike is so very gifted. He can do anything...ANYTHING. If he hasn't done it before, he can read about it and just do it. He is an amazing man with such wisdom about so much. I've struggled for years to understand him. I couldn't see past how "I" saw things to see his point of view but over the past couple of years, I can see his point of view alot better and understand where he is coming from.
He is talented with computers, art, and music (can play keyboard, guitar, bass, AND DRUMS, and sing).He is a talented writer and speaks so eloquently. He has such wonderful leadership qualities that spill over into his daily life. He is a great leader in the Navy and at home with our family.
He is a fantastic husband. He takes time out for me. He takes time to listen to me. He cares about what I think and what I have to say.
He is a fantastic father. The kids absolutely adore their dad. He plays with them and his interests focus on what he can do with all of us.
He is not with us today physically, but know that he is in each one of our hearts. I miss him but I know that each day that passes brings us another day closer to never having to do this ever again.
Will Mike read this...hmmm not sure as I don't think he keeps up with the "blog" thing, but I just wanted others to know how I feel about this wonderful man!
Be Blessed
Comments: vilano6@comcast.net
My husband ....
Mike is the best of the best. Am I expected to say that...well no...I am honest and try to be completely honest with myself and others. He has taught me that. Don't play games, just tell it like it is....
Mike and I have been together since we were teenagers. We got married young, had children young and still are young at heart. So many people didn't think we would last cause we had much opposition. Well, we thrive on opposition. As Christians, we are opposed in many ways of our lives but we persevere.
For Mike and I to have gotten where we are today in our relationship is a blessing from God. With the Navy seperation such a huge obstacle in our lives, I think we are doing great. He is my best friend in the world and I feel that even after almost 20 years of marriage, we are still in love. I still get butterflies in my tummy when waiting for an email to come thru, or a call. Many said those butterflies would turn into dragons...lol...not for me. I still look at him with my rose colored glasses on...I see him as a man who is seeking God in his life daily and striving to live the kind of life God wants him to.
Mike and I don't believe in just giving special gifts once a year...we believe that every day is a gift from God and we should show those we love that kind of love every day.
Mike is so very gifted. He can do anything...ANYTHING. If he hasn't done it before, he can read about it and just do it. He is an amazing man with such wisdom about so much. I've struggled for years to understand him. I couldn't see past how "I" saw things to see his point of view but over the past couple of years, I can see his point of view alot better and understand where he is coming from.
He is talented with computers, art, and music (can play keyboard, guitar, bass, AND DRUMS, and sing).He is a talented writer and speaks so eloquently. He has such wonderful leadership qualities that spill over into his daily life. He is a great leader in the Navy and at home with our family.
He is a fantastic husband. He takes time out for me. He takes time to listen to me. He cares about what I think and what I have to say.
He is a fantastic father. The kids absolutely adore their dad. He plays with them and his interests focus on what he can do with all of us.
He is not with us today physically, but know that he is in each one of our hearts. I miss him but I know that each day that passes brings us another day closer to never having to do this ever again.
Will Mike read this...hmmm not sure as I don't think he keeps up with the "blog" thing, but I just wanted others to know how I feel about this wonderful man!
Be Blessed
Comments: vilano6@comcast.net
Monday, February 12, 2007
Last night I stayed up till almost 3 am watching a movie called A Night With the King.
What a fantastic movie.....
It sparked my interest in Esther more than ever.....
How can people say God doesn't work in your life to bring about the greater good.
Esther was willing to go to the death if need be. She trusted God wholly and completely. Was she afraid, of course she was. You can see the terror on her face as she walked into the kings court without being asked. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she trusted that whatever was to be, she was going to go being faithful to God.
Amazing story....
She inspired me soooo much.
I recommend this movie...its awesome.
Be Blessed
PS>>>>No ...this storm that is coming is NOT, I repeat, NOT my fault :)
What a fantastic movie.....
It sparked my interest in Esther more than ever.....
How can people say God doesn't work in your life to bring about the greater good.
Esther was willing to go to the death if need be. She trusted God wholly and completely. Was she afraid, of course she was. You can see the terror on her face as she walked into the kings court without being asked. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she trusted that whatever was to be, she was going to go being faithful to God.
Amazing story....
She inspired me soooo much.
I recommend this movie...its awesome.
Be Blessed
PS>>>>No ...this storm that is coming is NOT, I repeat, NOT my fault :)
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Is Winter over yet?????
Well, I came to Ohio wanting winter.....and I sure got it...
But with the nice cold, and snow, came something I never thought about.
Yes, these things don't want to leave our bodies. My kids get rid of something to only get it again or a variation of it.
I am tired.......needless to say.
Then, I catch what they have cause of the close quarters we live in and of course me being the mom I am....I do everything for my kids and end up catching it lol.
Well, February is almost over.....I can see Springtime around the corner.......PLEASE!!!!!
I don't mind the sickness except when it seems to keep us away from church services.
Anyway, hope this will all be over with soon :)
Be Blessed
But with the nice cold, and snow, came something I never thought about.
Yes, these things don't want to leave our bodies. My kids get rid of something to only get it again or a variation of it.
I am tired.......needless to say.
Then, I catch what they have cause of the close quarters we live in and of course me being the mom I am....I do everything for my kids and end up catching it lol.
Well, February is almost over.....I can see Springtime around the corner.......PLEASE!!!!!
I don't mind the sickness except when it seems to keep us away from church services.
Anyway, hope this will all be over with soon :)
Be Blessed
Saturday, February 10, 2007
What's New?
Well, ok...it has happened....I'm tired of the winter.....
I didn't expect this to happen but the reason I am feeling this way is because of the sickness that doesn't want to leave us.
You see, Tony who is 10, has cough induced asthma. He doesn't have attacks where he can't breathe...but he has coughing spells that makes it a little difficult. Well, he also is catching alot of colds this year....this cold weather has aggravated his asthmatic condition and I am tired of it lol.
It looks like we are missing church tomorrow because of him not feeling well. His poor nose is all red with a cold and I can see this "sickness" coming a mile away.
Its hard when I'm the only person in the house who can take the kids to services. When I have to stay home with one, the whole clan has to stay home. I can't wait for Mike to get home so I can have some help.
I feel bad when I have to keep everyone home cause I have one sick child.
Oh well, as the mom, its my job to take care of my kids. I sometimes leave one of the younger home with the oldest ...but I hate to do that all the time cause sometimes, no one can give love like mama when your sick :)
If this storm hits us like some are saying, then I better stock up on chicken soup for my household lol.....
I need to get ahold of a good vitamin too...
Anyway, winter is ending soon I hope
Be Blessed
I didn't expect this to happen but the reason I am feeling this way is because of the sickness that doesn't want to leave us.
You see, Tony who is 10, has cough induced asthma. He doesn't have attacks where he can't breathe...but he has coughing spells that makes it a little difficult. Well, he also is catching alot of colds this year....this cold weather has aggravated his asthmatic condition and I am tired of it lol.
It looks like we are missing church tomorrow because of him not feeling well. His poor nose is all red with a cold and I can see this "sickness" coming a mile away.
Its hard when I'm the only person in the house who can take the kids to services. When I have to stay home with one, the whole clan has to stay home. I can't wait for Mike to get home so I can have some help.
I feel bad when I have to keep everyone home cause I have one sick child.
Oh well, as the mom, its my job to take care of my kids. I sometimes leave one of the younger home with the oldest ...but I hate to do that all the time cause sometimes, no one can give love like mama when your sick :)
If this storm hits us like some are saying, then I better stock up on chicken soup for my household lol.....
I need to get ahold of a good vitamin too...
Anyway, winter is ending soon I hope
Be Blessed
Friday, February 09, 2007
Irony at Best
Well, I was reading an article today on cnn.com that just made me laugh.
Scientists are going to start a project called Arctic Noah's Ark...a frozen Noah's Ark to store seeds to preserve ....
NOW...this project coming from SCIENTISTS who have fun claiming that that science is their religion, Not GOD....but here they are naming their project after something in the Bible...
I just found that funny yet, interesting as maybe this might have them searching for how Noah's ark was built....and that can only lead to searching the bible...
Wonder how this will turn out..
Scientists are going to start a project called Arctic Noah's Ark...a frozen Noah's Ark to store seeds to preserve ....
NOW...this project coming from SCIENTISTS who have fun claiming that that science is their religion, Not GOD....but here they are naming their project after something in the Bible...
I just found that funny yet, interesting as maybe this might have them searching for how Noah's ark was built....and that can only lead to searching the bible...
Wonder how this will turn out..
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Disappointing moments
Something struck my interest from Bible Class last night.
A topic came up on what do we do when disappointments come our way?
How do we handle it?
Well, for myself, I know that disappointment is relative to our expectations.
I have to balance that word ....
I try to not have too high of expectations because I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist anyway.
When it comes to my kids, my expectations are high and if they aren't meant, it bothers me.
I wonder what my life is going to be like in a couple of months when my husband comes home.
But I don't focus on it so much that Satan starts to put thoughts in my head that I might put high expectations on the homecoming and retirement. I've learned many , many lessons the hard way over the years to take life in stride.
When something comes along that may pose as a disappointment to me, I do my best to let it affect me for like ...hmm....long enough to give it to God. THen its not mine anymore and God owns it , not me. I can't change whatever happened anyway. Why let it bother me? Yes, sometimes, its alot easier to "blog" than to practice. But letting go and letting God is something I really try to put into practice.
Remember, we are told to pick up our cross and follow God but who is giving us the super - human strength it takes to carry it around daily? Only God can give that to us. But the strength is there....you have to be willing to open yourself up enough to utilize it. It can make you vunerable....ready for the challenge???
Be Blessed
Comments? vilano6@comcast.net
A topic came up on what do we do when disappointments come our way?
How do we handle it?
Well, for myself, I know that disappointment is relative to our expectations.
I have to balance that word ....
I try to not have too high of expectations because I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist anyway.
When it comes to my kids, my expectations are high and if they aren't meant, it bothers me.
I wonder what my life is going to be like in a couple of months when my husband comes home.
But I don't focus on it so much that Satan starts to put thoughts in my head that I might put high expectations on the homecoming and retirement. I've learned many , many lessons the hard way over the years to take life in stride.
When something comes along that may pose as a disappointment to me, I do my best to let it affect me for like ...hmm....long enough to give it to God. THen its not mine anymore and God owns it , not me. I can't change whatever happened anyway. Why let it bother me? Yes, sometimes, its alot easier to "blog" than to practice. But letting go and letting God is something I really try to put into practice.
Remember, we are told to pick up our cross and follow God but who is giving us the super - human strength it takes to carry it around daily? Only God can give that to us. But the strength is there....you have to be willing to open yourself up enough to utilize it. It can make you vunerable....ready for the challenge???
Be Blessed
Comments? vilano6@comcast.net
Monday, February 05, 2007
Whats New with Us?
Hello everyone!
Well, my son went to Gatlinburg youth conference. He had a great time. A great big thank you to John and Sally and to those who made it possible for Joey to be able to go.
With Mike still being gone, it helps so much for him to be able to go to these things and participate with adults who can be a good influence on him.
Its sooo cold here. Colder than I like thats for sure. NO JOHN, not complaning....lol.
I see that Valentines Day is right around the corner and it brings a bit of sadness to my heart knowing my "Valentine" isn't here with me right now but he will be soon.
You who have your spouse home with you all of the time, enjoy the time you have together.
Try your best to not each other for granted.
Hopefully, if the groundhog is right, spring is right around the corner. Yes, winter is a beautiful time of year, but the cold is dangerous for so many people. I'm ready for "normal" winter hahah.
Well, sorry my "ramblings" aren't more interesting. I'm tired and feeling a bit down in the dumps lol.
Be Blessed All
Well, my son went to Gatlinburg youth conference. He had a great time. A great big thank you to John and Sally and to those who made it possible for Joey to be able to go.
With Mike still being gone, it helps so much for him to be able to go to these things and participate with adults who can be a good influence on him.
Its sooo cold here. Colder than I like thats for sure. NO JOHN, not complaning....lol.
I see that Valentines Day is right around the corner and it brings a bit of sadness to my heart knowing my "Valentine" isn't here with me right now but he will be soon.
You who have your spouse home with you all of the time, enjoy the time you have together.
Try your best to not each other for granted.
Hopefully, if the groundhog is right, spring is right around the corner. Yes, winter is a beautiful time of year, but the cold is dangerous for so many people. I'm ready for "normal" winter hahah.
Well, sorry my "ramblings" aren't more interesting. I'm tired and feeling a bit down in the dumps lol.
Be Blessed All
Friday, February 02, 2007
New Ventures....

Have you ever been in a rut and couldn't figure how to get out?
Well, it was me a few days ago. Life was getting me down....the 6th of Feb brings me to the mark that my husbands deployment hit 4 months...Well, I miss making some kind of money for our family. I used to do childcare in Virginia beach and had done it for 10 plus years....
I was burned out really and hoped to do something a little different.
So, circumstances happened....
I am now signing up with Avon and Home Interior.
I am still trying to market and sell my Natural Lip balm and will be making Disciple's Crosses soon.
If you don't have an Avon or HI Rep, let me know...
I am not doing this to get rich but to help with income since my husband is getting ready to retire from 20 years military service and want to help out.
I am very excited about my new ventures and hope this might help me make more friends being new in the area too!!!
The crosses are GORGEOUS!!!! The prices range for these are around $8 a piece.
THINK EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I am thinking of also making some Wilton Candy for Easter too....and maybe selling the suckers...
Anyway, the options are out there and I ask that you pray for me as I take all of this in and try and see how its going to work for me.
Here is a picture of one of the crosses...(at the top)
Now, that I am coming out of my rut, I hope to post more...
Be Blessed
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