Friday, September 28, 2007
What book is described here?
Hmmmm the only book that would really teach truth to your children is the B-I-B-L-E!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Looking for a job?
If you are not working in the church because no one has given you a job, wait no longer.
Christ has a job for you.
1. Feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, help strangers, clothe the naked, visit the sick (Matthew 25:34-40).
2. Bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2).
3. Comfort one in trouble (2 Corinthians 1:4).
4. Do good, communicate (Hebrews 13:16).
5. Warn the unruly (1 Thessalonians 5:14).
6. Restore one overtaken (Galatians 6:1).
7. Study the Scriptures (John 5:39).
8. Teach (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
9. Give (Matthew 5:42; 10:42).
10. Sing (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19).
11. Pray (Matthew 6:9-15).
12. Bear fruit (Philippians 1:11; 4:15-17).
13. Increase your faith in God (John 6:29).
14. Exhort one another daily (Hebrews 3:13).
Christ has already handed out the assignments. Let us strengthen our hands to the task that is before us.
It gave me something to think about.
With so many "jobs" to do, I should never have reason to say I'm bored lol.
Be Blessed
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The America We Love to Call our Own!!!

You can read about this beautiful boy here :
This boy while living in his own home country had someone pour gasoline on him and burn him.
He survivied and someone here in America heard about this story and he is now in the States and doctors here are doing the surgeries necessary for him.
Read the story at the link above and for those Christians who read this, PLEASE pray for him, the doctors and all who are caring for this boy.
This story brought tears to my eyes and also the heart of those who are caring for this child.
We are blessed, people, blessed to be living in a nation that cares about people. Not just people that look like us, but all people.
PS Mike starts work with the security agency on Friday!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
What should I write about today?
I thought that I should be writing something to inspire those who read it, but I've got nothin'.....
I thought that you all are tired of me writing the same old thing about family....but that is really all I have to write about .
So, in order to update my blog ....back to the same old stuff I guess lol.
Mike: Had his 3rd job interview yesterday with this security agency. One way or another, he should be working for this agency in some manner. The one job he was applying for ...the interview went well but the owner of the company said if this position didn't get filled by him, he wants to offer Mike another position. Not many details on that...but we should hear something by the end of the week. Hahaha....I feel funny saying that cause that is what they told us before and it took two weeks lol.
Me: Lost two daycare kids yesterday. I only have 3. Two kids that come 2 days a week....and one little boy who comes 1.5 hours a week lol. The two kids that come twice a week were good kids and Angel and Tony had alot of fun with them. They will be missed.
I'm glad to see the warmer weather returning for a bit cause I really haven't had the time to go shopping for cooler weather clothing lol. Uh oh...did I say that?
Kids: They are doing fine. Michael is glad to be home and the kids are glad to have him here.
Our homeschooling year is going fine. Joey is moving right along. We've started now for 2 weeks and already have turned in quite a bit of work to American School of Correspondence.
I really would like him to graduate early to take a year of working before he heads off to Culinary School.
Angel joined American Heritage Girls. Its an alternative to Girl Scouts. Its fantastic and she is excited about it very much. The troop is doing a Varity Show for their first fundraiser so she is trying to decide if she wants to do something for it. She is a this is a challenge for her. In a couple of weeks is a daycamp for her group too. I will probably be helping out with that so she will have a blast.
Tony recieved a junior metal detector a couple of weeks ago and its perfect timing cause as we are redoing our backyard, he can take it out and find lots of treasures. Ask him about what he has found. He likes to talk about it.
Ok all, there is your update.
Its 9:30 and time to get a move on with my day.
Have a great Tuesday and be Blessed
Pray for the Josephs as they are in the Ukraine now and they need prayers for safety and that they can do God's work while they are there.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A beautiful poem
The Faithful and Wise Servant
There's dishes piled in the sink,
And laundry left to fold,
The table isn't fully cleared
Of breakfast that is cold.
Throughout the day there's chores to do
That often can be fun,
But there are days when any job
Seems dull to anyone.
These jobs seem unimportant now,
So easy to let slip,
To set aside for later time,
Then carelessly forget.
The foolish servant idly said,
"My Lord delayeth to come;
Those needful things? Some other time!
For now whatever I want."
Then as a thief would come at night,
Unhailed, his Lord returned;
He cast that slothful servant forth
To sorrow and to burn.
But to the servants who had watched,
Who faithfully had labored
In little things, He gave them much,
and blessed them with His favor.
So when I'm wishing I'd a more
Important job to do,
I remember if I'm faithful now,
I'll get the big jobs too.
~Nikki here....What thoughts for a young one to convey so beautifully.
My son Michael returns from Virginia Beach tomorrow!!! YAY!!!
He's been gone a month and its been such a very long month for his mother :)
I need to take some pictures of the house projects we are doing and let you see the home we bought a few months ago. It still has alot of work to do but the jobs require extra money and that we just don't have right now .
My daycare certification is moving along. My references recieved their letters in the mail that they must fill out and answer the questions the state is asking..not sure what the next step is after that but I still have to take a class to get my cpr and first aid certification and take a class in October as well.
Well, I'm off to my work for the day which consists of schooling, laundry, dishes, and I must remember, these are important jobs that I am doing for the Lord. Its a blessing to be home...
Love to you all
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Remember those of 9-11
I do...
Mike was away with other Navy guys. He had just made chief and was out and about with them.
We lived in Dahlgren, VA then and I was Navy Certified doing childcare and we lived on base.
When this happened, they closed down the base and you couldn't do anything. Those in care had to leave immediately. I didn't know what was happening.
It was the most horrible feeling.
Imagine those who found out they had loved ones in this situation that we were watching.
Those who are on foreign grounds and those fighting here, they are doing this to keep our freedoms alive that we all take for granted.
Let us look back and remember not ever forget....because there are many who lost their lives that day and days following....and those who are still around that will never be the same.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
a Poem i found
I am loved...I am hated.
I am joy anticipated.
I am instruction to the wise.
I am that which fools despise.
I am knowledge on the lips of few.
I am understanding which the diligent pursue.
I am the way which is often rejected.
I am the hedge of those protected.
I am your strength in times of adversity.
I am your peace in the midst of tragedy.
I am the crooked, made straight.
I am the reward of those who wait.
I am shelter in your pouring down rain.
I am He who is able to keep you sane.
I am the hand on the surgeon's knife.
I am the very hand that saved your life.
I am the wind that encompasses your soul.
I am the only one who can make you whole.
I am the river flowing toward your drought.
I am He who breaks shackles with a shout.
I am the book of Genesis through Revelation.
I am the only hope of your salvation.
I am the First and the Last.
I am the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit...all in one cast.Who am I?
I will tell you, even as I told Moses...I AM THAT I AM.
Copyright © 1998 By Sistah J
Prayer Service
It was fantastic to gather with our fellow brethern and offer God our prayers in the many subjects we covered.
I wish we did that more often.
Here on the homefront, nothing much has changed.
Still waiting to hear about a job....
and still waiting for his retirement pay to get fixed.
and Oh how sweet it is to wait upon the Lord.....
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I almost didn't want to write anything cause there's not much that has changed right now.
Mike still hasn't heard anything from the security agency he applied with and interviewed for. He called them on Friday and they had just finished up with their last interview with a candidate so anytime this week, he should hear something. I find myself looking at the phone and trying to get get them to call telepathicthy.....yeah yeah ...pathetic I know.
Our official first day of school was yesterday. It went well. So well, I don't feel like babysitting today...just want to spend that time with my kids...
Mike never got his retirement pay into his bank.....
Hmmm......this sure is getting old. Of course, we called and of course, the admin office said they will look into it. we are again, no pay, no unemployment....its ALMOST funny....and I did emphasize ALMOST....
Michael should be coming home Saturday the 15th. I am thankful for that. I miss him....
Can a person be thankful yet a bit apprehensive too????
Ok, there's your update. From the sound of my writing today, it seems I'm a bit down in the dumps....guess I am...with all of this stuff going on, its really hard not to feel it once in a while.
Please pray Mike gets this job.
Pray that Donna doesn't need a new car.
Pray that our new homeschool year is a success.
Pray for Michael's safety coming home.
Pray for Mike and Nikki's spiritual outlook as we go thru this tough time....
He seems to be doing great. I usually am, but feel a bit down today.
Thanks family.
Love to you all