Last week I got a YMCA membership for Mother's Day. Oh I was so excited. I've had this extra 25-30 poundage of yuck I've been wanting to shed for a while now.
Then I thought, OH NO>>>>> that means leaving my house at least 3 times a week.
Yes, I am very busy. How do I fit in working out 3 days a week into an already VERY hectic schedule. Honestly, I have no idea.
Here is an example of my day:
Wake at 5;30am
First before school child arrives at 6:30 (sometimes 6)
Second before school child arrives at 7:15am.
Both leave at 7:45am for the bus.
8 am a 3 and 4 year old arrive.
9 am 22 month old twins arrive.
9:15am 1 year old baby arrives. (he is here 3 days a week)
2:30pm Twins leave.
2:45 3 afterschool kids arrive
6pm (7pm on Friday's) all kids are gone.
THEN I am dressed and ready to go workout. This I try to do 3 days a week. I really need to do this daily...but cannot find the time to do it daily.
Anyway, I got on the scale last week and I weighed 159.
This week...158.
1 POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, Mike's party didn't help with the cake and pizza. But this week, no cheating. Salad, yogurt, no bad stuff at all this week. I have to lose this weight and 1 pound a week is NOT going to cut it at all. I'll be doing this forever!!!!
Now, my daycare schedule will be changing once school lets out.
Josh and Ty won't be here. Josh and Ty are the ones that come in the morning.
And Ty is the one who stays until 6 and 7pm.
So, once school is out, my schedule will be 8am-5pm!!!! Thats a normal schedule!!!!
Then I will have more time.
With working out, I see Mike less and less. He is coming home from the gym...and I'm just finishing up work and heading out lol. Hey, its the price to pay right? Thats why I can't cheat on this diet thing. I have 25 pounds to lose and the quicker I lose it, the easier my schedule will be. I won't quit working out once I lose the weight but I can cut back some. Change one of my days to a Saturday then I will only have to leave 2 times in the week. Thats not too bad.
Know what makes me mad? Years ago, I worked hard to get my weight off. I lose alot of weight and got down to a nice 128 pounds. I had a flat stomach and everything. I was running twice a day. I got into "skinny" pants....Now I'm at a weight of 159 is what I weighed 9 months pregnant with Michael. Some women would ask me .." Why put this on your blog for the whole world to see?"
Well, first of all, I can tell from my blog meter that the "whole world" isn't reading about my life lol.
And secondly, why not. Maybe someone else is out there who will read this and having the same struggles that I am having and maybe my blog will insprire someone. You just never know.
Ok I'm done now.
I will post another update on my diet soon ...and hopefully next week when its weigh in time, I will lost more than ONE STINKING POUND!!!
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