Hello and Happy Autumn!
The person you see in the middle of this picture is my Angel.
We went with the American Heritage Girls to Wooster, Ohio this past weekend to Ramseyer Farms.
We had so much fun and what you see her doing in this picture is slinging potato spuds!!!!!
I'm sorry I haven't been updating much lately. Life has me so completely swamped that I don't much of a chance to update here.
I wish I had more time cause I love to write on my blog but hey, you do what you can right?
Halloween is coming upon us quickly and we have so much fun with that holiday.
Mike and I and all the kids get dressed up and just have fun. Angel and her best friend Sydney are going to be punk rockers and Angel has been designing her clothes!!!
I will take pictures!
Anyhow, my daycare schedule has evened out alot.
My day usually ends at 5 now.
One child that is 16 months old (almost 17 months) only comes 6 hours a week now so that makes it alot easier.
Now, if I can just get off my lazy butt and get back to working out!!!!
Here is Angel and her best friend

Ok, I have run out of things to talk about.
Hope you like the pics
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