Does this picure make you FEEL anything?
I saw this picture on a dear person's myspace and it struck a heartstring.
Its so beautiful.
All I want to do is be like God created me to be and nothing more and nothing less and now at 41 years old, I'm just starting to figure that out and not fight it anymore.
I have been given a gift but I fight the gift. Ever done that before?
I feel like Jonah who God called to save people and he didn't want to do it.
I'll share....
I have a soft heart for people...
Have you ever gotten mad at someone because they put you down or did something to hurt you?
It happens to everyone right?
But when it happens to me, I don't stay angry.
I try...cause I WANT to stay angry cause sometimes I feel like if I stay angry then the person who did wrong to me got what they deserved but lately I'm realizing that the heart God gave me to forgive and not to stay angry is a gift that not too many people have.
I also have an empathtic heart.
Its a blessing and a curse cause I can "weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice" but the weeping part is the hardest part.
I feel such sadness for people....Its almost like I internal someone else's pain and it hurts but I know I can do that to HELP others.
I'm just realizing the potential God has given me and I'm not sure how to handle it.
I feel like He is preparing me .....not sure what for...but its definitely for something
Pray for me will you?
I want to do with my life what God wants....
I don't usually do well with change.....
God Bless
1 comment:
i stared at this picture and it made me realize we need him and tell him everything. Yet, I don't think anything needs to be said. We are all searching for someone to tell our achievments and goals and look to them for acknowledgement and praise. Yet if that was me in front of him i believe it would be relief. This pic makes me feel good!
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