Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This and that!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Please explain to me how this following story can happen :
Missing Baby, 1, Found Under Floorboards by Crowbar-Wielding Police
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
KPTV/Woodburn Police
Kate Higgins shown under her grandparents' floor.
A baby from Oregon who disappeared from her bed was found safe several hours later under the floorboards of her grandparents' home.
Kate Higgins, 1, vanished from her bedroom in Woodburn, Ore., late Sunday night, according to KPTV-TV, the FOX affiliate in Portland, Ore.
Her father, Lawrence Higgins Jr., told police he fell asleep in a room at his parents' house at about 10:30 p.m. with Kate and his two other children, ages 5 and 3. He awoke at around 5 a.m. to discover Kate had disappeared, the station said.
"We were like, 'She couldn't have went anywhere. She can't walk,'" Kate's uncle, Tim Higgins, told the station. "'She's gotta be here unless somebody came in and took her.'"
About 15 officers searched the home, but found nothing until Kate's cough was heard at around 7:30 a.m. from under the floor, KPTV-TV said.
Police used crowbars to tear it up and Kate was extricated unharmed, though dirty, the station said.
The state's Department of Human Services found both the grandparents' and parents' homes to be unsuitable for the children, and the kids were taken into custody, KPTV-TV said.
~~~~Nikki here~~~~~
I see so many stories about neglected children.....
In my line of work, I am a mandated reporter of child abuse and neglect. If I even suspect it, I have to report it. But I just don't understand it.
I just read a local article the other day that police removed a child or children from a home so dirty and unfit for living in that the officers were sickened. THey said it was the worst they had ever seen? Now if an officer of the law can say that, how bad WAS that house? I'm sure police officers see alot of things in their line of work.
Pray for the children in our country and abroad. People are so concerned about what WILL happen from the outcome of this past election while right now, there are children being abused and neglected as I type on this keyboard!!! Pray Gods hands on these children and pray God's mercy to touch the hearts of the ones who are doing this evil to children.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veteran's Day
My husband is one of those self-sacrificing people.
He did 20 years in the United States Navy and for those of you who live in this country and who are sooooooooooo anti -war...remember....some of those wars brought about the freedoms you so enjoy today.
Take a moment to thank an active duty military person or those who have served in the past.
It will mean alot to know they are appreciated!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A little new stuff
Friday, October 24, 2008
Whats new?
Boy how time flies away and fast. I didn't realize I hadn't blogged in a week!!!
The weather is getting colder and colder.....I like the chill but I don't like the money that I have to spend for heating that comes with it!!!
I had my hair done (as you guys well know and see from my picture) and let me tell you, I've gotten a mixture of responses. Most people who know me well, see me every day absolutely love it and have told me over and over again.
THEN......there are some who haven't quite come OUT and said anything but I can tell they don't like it. I wonder.....is it cause its a bit wild and crazy? There is nothing wrong with a splash of color? I am seeing that so many in the world judge just by looks. I'm dealing with a dear person to me who is being attacked for being NOT WHITE. Racism is wrong and people judging you by the color of your skin is wrong. Should people stay within their own ethnic groups.....
Alot of people would say yes and I've even heard Christians say yes. I do not agree, of course because I married someone who is American Indian, Italian and hispanic. Alot of the world makes him feel ashamed for his heritage and that is plain wrong. God made all people....ALL!!!!
He made us who we are to be HIS people doing good to others!!!!!
God made us to do His work to all nations!!!!!]
My kids learned who Rosa Parks was yesterday and I'm thankful that when I explained to her how racism used to be, she seemed shocked. I try to keep her away from alot of that with her only being 10 years old but someday she will see the world for what it really is and I know it will sadden her as it saddens me.
I was persecuted growing up because of this and let me tell you, it almost ruined my life but I didn't let it.
Satan is really attacking our family right now. So guess what, God must be allowing it and I believe its because we are standing our ground and staying faithful no matter what Satan throws our way. Let me tell you, its alot. Your eyes would open wide, mouth drop to the floor if you knew everything that we are facing....but we WILL stand strong in our faith. We will someday see justice brought....either in this life or the next. God is the ultimate judge and he will judge accordingly.
God just please give us the strength to endure!!!! We want to be your people doing your work and standing for the pricipals and morals you set forth in your Word....
May God be glorified in all we say and do....
Do not waver......any of you.....Stand stong in your faith!!! NO MATTER WHAT?
Imagine that God is putting you thru what Job went thru? Satan came to God to even ask if he could do it ....God gave conditions....but He allowed it. If God allows it then there is a good and pure reason for it.
Hang in there...
Friday, October 17, 2008
What Makes a Nation Great? by Alexander Blackburn (1844-1921)
What Makes a Nation Great? by Alexander Blackburn (1844-1921)
Not serried ranks with flags unfurled,
Not armored ships that gird the world,
Not hoarded wealth nor busy mills,
Not cattle on a thousand hills,
Not sages wise, nor schools nor laws,
Not boasted deeds in freedoms cause
--All these may be, and yet the state
In the eye of God be far from great.
That land is great which knows the Lord,
Whose songs are guided by His word;
Where justice rules twixt man and man,
Where love controls in art and plan;
Where, breathing in his native air,Each soul finds joy in praise and prayer
--Thus may our country, good and great,
Be God's delight -- man's best estate.
(from One Nation Under God: an anthology for Americans by Robert Gordon Smith)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Big changes this way comes!!
Hair is going to be something quite different after tonight and I can't wait.
I need to change my look a bit different cause I'm feeling 40 and I am NOT liking it.
Watch out...pictures will follow lol
On other notes....
I am loving my daycare now.
The ages of the kids are my favorite and I just got a new family of 3 that I think are going to be fabulous. I get a feel for people and I really have a good feeling about this family!
Angel wants to try something different.
I think she wants to change from American Heritage Girls to something more physical like Karate so we are checking into a few places that offer a couple of classes free so she can try it out.
Ok tomorrow I will try to post some pictures unless I don't like how my hair turns out then I won't lol
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Just stuff
I am feeling a bit relieved today. I finally have gotten rid of a troublesome parent!!!
She never calls to tell me she isn't coming and has caused me trouble from the beginning and she is no longer going to be an issue with me!
The kids I will be having in care now are the following:
Baby 6 months old Monday thru Friday from 7-3
5 year old after school from 3-4:30
5 year old after school from 3-4:30
Twins that are 2 9-4
Girl that is 2 7:30-4;30
Boy that is 3 7:30am-4:30
Only one baby now which makes my life so much easier :)
I can actually start teaching preschool again!
I still have one opening and its from 7am until no later than 3.
I hope to get back to the gym soon now that my schedule will probably allow this again.
I'm getting a new Hair do on Friday! I can't wait.
I need something that is going to make me feel YOUNGER!!!!
More later
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sweet Lips Increase Learning
This one I recieved this morning really touched home to me. I know Denise. I mean I've never met her but she found out in a short period of time that her family was in for a complete change of job and had to move and found out in a very short period of time. She, because of her faith in God, handled this like God wanted her to. May God be praised and glorified in that! Enjoy the article :)
Sweet Lips Increase Learning
By Denise Chaffin
"The wise in heart will be called prudent, And sweetness of the lips increases learning." (Proverbs 16:21)
"In her tongue is the law of kindness." When I read the title and the scripture, I immediately thought of this reference in Proverbs 31:26b. The word law in this verse is defined:
Definition law, direction, instruction instruction, direction (human or divine) body of prophetic teaching instruction in Messianic age body of priestly direction or instruction body of legal directives
The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
We cannot teach what we do not know.
As a home schooling mother, I am often asked how I teach such things as Chemistry or Trigonometry. Now, I have a teaching degree; but it is in Elementary education and music. I must first learn a subject to teach it.
It follows that as Christian women, we cannot teach what we have not first learned. We can only show and teach through our actions what we have patiently acquired through the trials of the Christian life. If our nature is at odds with the words of our mouth, others will readily see that. Our teaching is lost in the glare of the obvious lack in our life.
We recently underwent a rather long and stressful period in our lives. One dear sister reminded me that I was being watched to see how I would act. I needed to display the image of Christ, not only to my own family, but also to the church and to the community. I could not allow myself the luxury of acting out under these circumstances. Kindness, both in the body and outside it, was needed at all times.
Genuine kindness will show itself under stress, if we are truly allowing Christ to dwell within and work through us.
We are all human, but we must transcend that and let Christ control our thoughts and actions. (Romans 12:1-2) We live in Arkansas and have the distinction of having the only public diamond mine in the U.S. Those diamonds, when cut and polished, are beautiful beyond compare. But remember the intense pressure and time that was needed to transform black rock into something so beautiful and precious. So it is with our lives. Learning kindness does not come from a life of ease and leisure. It comes from enduring and overcoming the difficulties of life through Christ. ("I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13)
Proverbs 4:23 teach us to 'keep your heart' for from it come "the issues of life.' If you have ever been to Yellowstone National Park, you have witnessed the powerful forces and beauty of nature in the mud pots and the sulfur springs. But you cannot touch them, let alone drink from them. They show the character of the 'heart' from which they flow from. It is a beauty that is not good for us; and while we enjoy the colors and the wonder, close contact would be disastrous.
So it is with our hearts and our words. If we do not learn to deal in kindness, we cannot teach our younger sisters to endure during the hard times and to develop kindness in their own lives. We might be beautiful to look at but empty of anything to help or sustain others in their Christian walk. We will not attract more than superficial notice from the lost.
May God work mightily within you as you meditate on his word and submit yourself in learning kindliness.
1. Define kindness from the dictionary.
2. Give several scriptures which speak of kindness.
3. How can we, as Christian women, develop kindness in our lives?
4. Can we excuse any action with, "Well, I'm only human?"
5. Name a woman who has taught you about kindness.
6. What was her method of teaching you? (Classroom lecture, life example, etc. . .)
7. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is a time-honored saying. Where should we be looking for our examples of true kindness and beauty?
8. From where does our strength come to overcome our human weaknesses?
9. How can we, as Christian sisters, help one another in learning kindness?
10. The wise in _____ will be called ________, And ______ of the lips increases _______. (Proverbs 16:21 [NKJV])
All Scripture is taken from the NKJ Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson,Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Today's devotional article will also be posted with the Archived OBC Courses on our Home Page. If you are looking for some good Bible class material take a look at this page on our web site. We also have archived OBC Youth Lessons. We always enjoy getting feedback from those who use any of our archived materials.
OBC Ladies Daily Devotional is a part of the Online Bible Class sponsored by the St. George Church of Christ in St. George, Utah. Visit our Web Site and see all our Bible study opportunities which we invite you to be a part of and to enroll your friends! OBC Ladies Daily Devotional Archives Link: Ladies Daily Devotional Archives
If you have questions or comments etc..., please feel free to contact: Billie Duty ladiesdevo@hotmail.com or Sandy Ditoro sjditoro@hotmail.com sjditoro@gmail.com .
Note about clipart: We do not know what Jesus, or angels or any Bible character looks like. We use pictures to represent Bible people and places to help to relate to the story. We do not endorse any material found at clipart websites.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
American Family Association News
Friday, October 03, 2008
New Happenings..

Hello and Happy Autumn!
The person you see in the middle of this picture is my Angel.
We went with the American Heritage Girls to Wooster, Ohio this past weekend to Ramseyer Farms.
We had so much fun and what you see her doing in this picture is slinging potato spuds!!!!!
I'm sorry I haven't been updating much lately. Life has me so completely swamped that I don't much of a chance to update here.
I wish I had more time cause I love to write on my blog but hey, you do what you can right?
Halloween is coming upon us quickly and we have so much fun with that holiday.
Mike and I and all the kids get dressed up and just have fun. Angel and her best friend Sydney are going to be punk rockers and Angel has been designing her clothes!!!
I will take pictures!
Anyhow, my daycare schedule has evened out alot.
My day usually ends at 5 now.
One child that is 16 months old (almost 17 months) only comes 6 hours a week now so that makes it alot easier.
Now, if I can just get off my lazy butt and get back to working out!!!!
Here is Angel and her best friend

Ok, I have run out of things to talk about.
Hope you like the pics
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A little of this and that...
Anyway, whats new with me?
Let see, I have a full childcare. PRAISE GOD!
The 5 year old girl I was watching until 11pm is no longer going to be here that late. She will get picked up daily around 4:30 or 4:45 so I have my evenings free again. I am very excited about that cause I will still get part time hours on her and be able to have my evenings free.
According to my doctor, I am beginning the wonderful phase of peri-menopause.
Do a google search on that if you don't know what that is but its about 10 years of being miserable lol.
I'm over-exaggerating on that a bit. I know it won't be a piece of cake but hey its something all women have to go through.
I am almost done with a book that has really gotten my thought processes working a bit more than they are used to. I'm used to reading Berenstain Bears books. Not much thought needed for those :)
Its called The Giver by Lois Lowry.
I think its going to be needing to be read a second time through. Its very interesting and to grasp everything that is happening in this story, a second read is definitely called for with this story.
Kids are all the same.
Hard to believe that the weather is changing and soon, I will have to turn the heat on :(
Heating this house is so expensive.
Do me a favor!
Take a moment to look around. I mean really STOP and look around. I know you are all busy and each one of you is going thru something in your own life that makes life a bit difficult.
But look around and find something to Praise God for !
Once you find one thing, I'm sure you can find many!!! Soon, your list will just keep growing and growing.
I am so thankful for a wonderful family.
I have a great husband and 4 wonderful kids.
I have great friends!!!
I have a great church family!!!
I have a nice home !!
I have a full childcare!!!
I have the freedom to homeschool my kids!!
I have telephone communication that I can call anyone I want to, ANYTIME I want to .
I have air conditioning so I don't have to suffer thru the heat of summer.
I have my good health and the good health of all my family.
I am blessed!
Thank you Lord!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11

Folks, there are many hurting today remembering what this day meant to their family and friends who lost or even knew loved ones affected by this tragedy.
Please, take a moment and pray for those families and also for the world that we live in today.
Its not the same world that we grew up in but one thing is for sure, we serve the same God that was the God of the Bible and He will judge those who did this to us.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Bucket List
I've always had a few things on my "list" that I wanted to accomplish but I've never made it a Bucket List.
The thing I have always wanted to do was run a 5K race. So that is one thing I've completed.
I think everyone should think about this and try to make one.
Give it a try!!!!
Comment me and tell me what your list is or email me
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Each day is a gift
I also around the same time reading his blog got this following email :
I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. It will be addressed in My time, not yours.
Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it or remove it. Holding on or removal will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.
Be happy with what you have:
Should you find it hard to get to sleep tonight, just remember the homeless family who has no bed to lie in.
Should you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair: There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.
Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years.
Should you despair over a relationship gone badly, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.
Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.
Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.
Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.
Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking, "What is my purpose?", be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.
Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember: things could be worse. You could be them!
-- Author Unknown
(Nikki here)
I needed to hear this email. Sometimes I get so caught up in my own problems that I just cannot see the good things going on.
Life has really thrown me some major curve balls lately but instead of get struck out, I need to learn how to hit these balls anyway.
Be Blessed
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Socialization and homeschooling???

Do these two things work together???
I have a dear friend of mine who is beginning the adventure of homeschooling her two children.
Then she calls to tell me that an in-law of hers "offered" $1000 to send them back to public school.
My mouth dropped and I was appalled.
Appalled yes, surprised? Not really.
You can check the news daily and see what kinds of things are happening in the school systems all over our country.
Anyone who takes the step of controlling your child's EDUCATION, not controlling their children to the point of abuse.....I applaud them wholeheartedly.
Homeschooling kids are normal kids.
Homeschooling mom's are normal too....
But we just made a different choice on how to education our children.
Don't knock it people till you tried it!!!!
Even then, respect those choices your loved ones make and find something else to do with your time besides bribery!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
American Heritage Girls

The above pictures are just a few of the ones I took at our very first American Heritage Girls Camping Weekend which was August 8,9 and 10.
It was a weekend of lots of fun and fellowship.
If you haven't heard of American Heritage Girls, don't beat yourself up. I hadn't either but its a Christian organization focused on Jesus, Patriotism and serving God, family and others.
This year will be our 2nd year doing it and I recommend this to others who are looking for an alternative to Girl Scouts.
Below is a link to something that opened up my own eyes to the Girl Scout Organization.
I care about my daughters well being and care about the things she is being taught.
This is my little cherished daughter who is looking to mom as an example as what she needs to be.
May she always be as sweet as she was in the picture below.

This picture was taken years ago when we lived in Virginia Beach but I remember it like it was yesterday.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Its been a while
I know everyone goes thru these types of things but this was very bad.
I just don't have answers why God allows such suffering and I feel like I'm in the trials of Job.
I hope to be able to find what I need to be able to come back here to blog more regularly.
Friday, August 01, 2008
A Day of fun!!!
WE went swimming and on the water slide and went on the boats and did the put put golf thing.
I only got to take pictures of the golf but here they are!!!

So there you have it.
We didn't get to finish the course because Angel hurt her toe :( but it was fun!!!
Tonight is me going for a small run at the gym after work and then taking the kids to Betty Zane Days in Ferry!!
Saturday I am running my first race ever!!! Its a 5K race in Wheeling called the Debbie Green 5K!! Its at 7pm and I'm so psyched!!!!!!! My goal for this race is to run it all the way thru without walking!!!!
Will update you later on how it went!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Fire in Ferry

This fire took place only 4 houses from where I live.
Lots of smoke and not a good thing.
The high school has been closed now for a year.
Not sure of what started this fire....But it sure brought congregations of people to see it.
Hmmm, wonder why when something bad happens people flock to the scene but its not interesting to see something good being done?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
- Intimidated :: Sometimes
- Brush :: Where is mine....ANGELLLLLLLL!!!!!!
- Masquerade :: Ball
- Procedure :: Under the knife surgery
- Tattoos :: Wish I were brave enough to get one.
- Square :: Geometry
- Tuck :: In kids before bed
- Boyfriend :: Don't want to hear that word for another 10 years
- Thousand :: Dollars
The Silencing of God..................
1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
On Wednesday night Bible Study we are watching a fantastic video series called The Silencing of God. Its is a MUST SEE series of lessons for any Christian living in our country today.
Here is a link that I think you can listen to it for free:

I URGE you to listen or if you get a chance to buy this series, watch it.
Its incredible and I've only heard the first 2 lessons.
Teachers, those of you in the public school environment, watch out. Its eye opening how our history books are full of lies.
Pray that God will help our country to get back to where He wants it to be and how it began when our Founding Fathers were still alive.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Disciple's crosses

The picture you see above is an example of one of the crosses my son Joey makes.
These are called Disciple's crosses and are handmade from bent nails and wire.
He makes them in various colors and one of the most popular crosses is pictured below.

These used to sell for $12 each.
If you are interested you can email me and I can give you the colors that he has available.
With the holidays approaching, these would make an excellent gift.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Where has summer gone???
Its almost August and on the 19th that means starting back to a new year of homeschooling for us.
On Wednesday night Bible study we are doing a video series called The Silencing of God.
Let me say this, its incredible!!!!!
Those of you who are Christians reading this, ask your school system that your child attends to let you read your child's history texts book. Most school systems aren't even teaching our REAL country's history. I already knew this and make sure that the books I get for our homeschooling incorporate REAL history into our studies.
On another note, I'm trying to organize my home and my MIND to start another year of homeschooling. With the thoughts that I might be having 6 daycare kids here during the school year, I HAVE to get organized.
Angel's American Heritage Girls starts up soon. Our pool party is tonight and August 8,9 and 10th is our summer came we are attending and have been looking forward to that all year!!!
With that, I'm actually going to be staying at Camp Presmont WITH Angel!!! That should be interesting. Pray its a nice weekend with NO extremely hot weather :)
I wanted to share a nice picture of me and my son Joey who is 16!

Also here is another picture I wanted to share of my oldest son, Michael, on his 20th birthday.
Gotta love how I caught the expression on his face!!

Well, thats all folks!!
Daycare kids are here and in full swing!
Have a blessed Monday!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What does a child need?
We are products of our environment it is said
and from birth through life we are variously led
From infancy to childhood others are in charge
When you are little, others seem rather large.
A child needs benevolent and respectful care
As well as being taught to love and play fair.
If a child is taught to respect God and others
He will love himself and likewise his brothers.
Whether our childhood was nurturing or not
Comes the time when we must deal with our lot
The decisions we make will color our future
And show what we're made of as we mature.
If victory is to be won, it's upon God we trust
Knowing, loving and serving Him well we must.
Getting through life is hard enough we all know
Traveling with the Lord is the only sure way to go.
Guide the little ones in the ways of the Lord
So they, too, will praise Him, and to Him accord
All Honor, All Glory, and All Adoration
hearts full of joy and expectation,
toward the day of eternal jubilation
infinite exaltation.
(not sure where this came from but it showed up in my email and I keep goodies like this)
~~~Nikki here~~~~
Well, the beginning of a new school year will soon be upon alot of us. In Martins Ferry, Ohio school starts around August 19th....so I had to start thinking about my plans for this school year for Angel and Tony.
Their standardized tests have already been done and I'm waiting the return of those with their scores so I can send in a new form to the super's office to enroll them in homeschooling for yet another year.
I don't have to do this with Joey cause he is enrolled in The American School of Correspondence so really he isn't being "homeschooled" but taking distance learning classes.
This years school should be alot of fun.
I want mostly hands on type of things this year.
We are doing ALOT of dissecting for hands on science..and lots of field trips for history.
I am looking into some board games so the kids can have fun while learning language arts and going to get a list of books to read to them that will be interesting to them and fun for me too.
This year my goals for Angel and Tony is to get them to love learning again.
Science experiments...field trips....games....hands on stuff....that is what I'm hoping will do this plus at the same time satisfy the requirements for the state.
Monday, July 07, 2008
I have had alot of personal demons to fight lately but I think things will be much better
On the subject of exercise and weight loss....I hit one of my goals. I lost 10 pounds!!!!!
I am very stoked about it and that was even taking a week off. Last week, I just couldn't get up the energy or the motivation to do anything that takes that much will power.
But I'm back in the saddle again and can't wait until a pound or two more and I will be in the 140's!!!!!
Pretty soon, I have to start planning for our school to begin the middle of August.
Tony and Angel will be learning the history of Ohio and West Virginia and for science we will be focusing on dissection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are really excited and I can't wait either.
Daycare is still pretty slow. I still only have 2 full timers. I need 4 more but in God's timing, and not my own.
Joey is in Virginia Beach visiting friends for the next 3 weeks. I will miss him greatly but this time away before school and starting his first job will do him good.
Well, wanted to update you all. I thank you all for your prayers. I do feel them and I am thankful for a God who cares about our troubles.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Very discouraged
Its been a while since my last blog and really today I just want to ask for your prayers.
I have some personal issues I'm dealing with that the moment and all I can say is I am very distraught and discouraged. I'm feeling pretty low and really unworthy of anything.
I need prayer for strength. I know God allows things to happen to help us grow and that is the only thing that keeps me sane right now knowing God cares about me and I am not alone.
Thanks everyone
Monday, June 23, 2008
The crazy business of childcare
I have a family with 3 kids who used to be full time. Well they haven't been here now for 2 weeks. I don't think they will be coming back....I think the family is having health issues but now I'm down to 2 children.
The business of childcare can change from day to day.
Its been a busy Monday. I got caught up on paying bills and also paying my dad's stuff.
He has a hard time writing so I do his bills and any writing for him. Also had to make some phone calls for him on his behalf...so its been a pretty busy morning.
I'm trying to come up with a flyer for childcare to put in people's doors to advertise. I need to be full quickly!!!!
I feel like I have a huge list of things I want to do but can't even get to them. I want to clean out my car, clean out my dad's car...clean the basement....try making casseroles ahead of time and freezing them....etc...but I just can't find the time. I wanted to give more to selling these awesome books but don't have time for that either.
My day consists of childcare, cooking, cleaning, bills, laundry, organizing, teaching and then when my day ends around 4ish, I leave for the gym.
Speaking of the gym, how is my weightloss coming? Well, today is weigh in day so I guess I will find out. I really don't want to eat much today cause it will reflect in my weight in around 5.
Maybe eat now for lunch and wait until after I run to eat again. I don't expect to lose much cause if I expect then I can get let down. I will keep running daily and eventually, the weight will come off. This is the slowest I've ever lost weight. The other diets I've done are the South Beach diet and I lost weight quickly on that but I put it back on once I started eating carbs again sooooo maybe this way I'm doing it will help me keep it off.
Well, hope this update isn't too boring.
More later
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Has it been THAT long?
I haven't lost anymore weight since the last time I weighed but hopefully I will see more results soon. I've been pretty strict with my diet this week cause I wanted to see what I was capable of doing!!!
I will probably hit the gym tonight when I get done at 4 before bible study.
Not sure if I will be able to go tomorrow as we might be having company over.
Then I plan to go on Friday AND Saturday. I am trying to go everyday except on Sundays.
Daycare is slow right now. I only have two kids, they are twin brother and sister that are almost 2 years old. I had a family of 3 kids but things aren't very good with that family right now. Gotta wait and see what happens.
Well, not much more to update right now.
When I lose my next pound, I will let you all know hahaha
Friday, June 13, 2008
Now, THAT"S what I'm talking about....
I worked out in a class called Bootcamp yesterday. WOAH!!! Its a very hard workout but when I feel burning, I know its working.
So, I'm down to 155.5. Seeing it working is giving me the encouragement to keep with my diet and get these pounds off!!!
Ok, another church sign saying that stuck out to me:
The Lord gave us commandments. He didn't mention amendments.
Think about that one.
Don't we try to amend what God has commanded? I know I do sometimes.
Ok, I'll try to update again soon.
I got a few comments that have told me to write more "informative" things.
Let me ask you all this:
What would make my blog more interesting to you guys who read it?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
When I fall, I fall H-A-R-D

Ok, I fell off the diet wagon yesterday!!!
So I had to find a cartoon that went with my story lol.
I guess my reasoning is I have to enjoy my food once in a while so I very much enjoyed a Wendy's burger and fries!!!!
I get done with daycare at 4 today so I will be able to make it to the gym to work out before bible study today!!!
Angel and Tony went to Wheeling Park pool today with their step grandma. They are getting to experience the slide for the first time. Denise called me and told me they are having a blast.
I thank God for family. We've been away for so long and I so enjoy being here with family again.
Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't get to take them places like this because of having a full childcare but then family steps in on days like today and the kids are having a blast!!!!
We got AC units put upstairs in the boys room yesterday and it is cooling off so nicely up there.
Well, i'm off to pack my bag for the gym so that at 4pm when the kids leave, I am ready to walk out the door. I want to run for 40 minutes today...I usually do 30 but need to increase it 10 more minutes all week to account for the yummies I ate last night :)
Good reasoning huh.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Another pound!!

Friday, June 06, 2008
Am I crazy????

Thursday, June 05, 2008
What is Sin?

This little saying I found says it all :
Sin is a very short word beginning a very long sentence.
I love these little sayings.
Other news:
I took yesterday off from running. I needed a break.
Today I'm supposed to go run today and do some ab work. I might not have any daycare kids today so it will make for a very nice day to do whatever I want!!!
But for now, I'm enjoying blogging for a few minutes and enjoying the quiet while I have it.
The picture above is of Michael and Angel and most of my daycare kids.
The only one NOT on there is the baby cause he wasn't here when I took this one.
I have a fantastic group of kids!!!!
God has truely blessed me with the kids I watch !!!!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Church sayings
Eternity Is A Long Time To Think About What You Should Have Done
That sure says alot...
Can you imagine what eternity will be like with GOD?
Can you imagine what hell will be like WITHOUT HIM???
I can't imagine living an eternity with regrets.....
Do something about it people.
God is knocking, but who are you letting in?
Monday, June 02, 2008
Weight Loss Update
The first two weeks, I didn't watch my diet very well, and only made it to the gym a few times so ....it really didn't do a thing for me.
I started out at 159.
Then after a couple of weeks, I went down to 157.5.
Then I went back UP to 159 and that was working HARD!!!!
I was figuring the weight gain was because of gaining some muscle ....My clothes were fitting better...which is always a good sign.
Anyway, today, back down to 157 so I think my body is starting to really kick into gear.
I also ran a mile in 11 minutes 45 seconds. I want to be able to do it in 9 minutes!!! For a 40 year old mother of 4...that is one of my goals!!!!!
Anyway, for anyone trying to lose weight....just keep it up. Don't get discouraged...
You CAN do it!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Another week beginning.....
I really try to keep this day as a day to relax but something always seems to creep in.
Maybe its the thousands of loads of laundry that seems to be reaching for the stars...
Maybe its the cobwebs that seems to pop up out of nowhere lol...
Its always something...
But my work week begins again tomorrow.
Now that school is out for the summer, the group I have is 5 full time children 5 days a week. On Tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays I have another child I watch that is 1 year old. His last day the 10th of June. Once he leaves I am hoping to get a preschool age child full time. That will make me completely full and I like being off around 5. It still gives me enough time to go to the gym everyday...even WEdnesdays if I can get out of the house by 5. On Wednesdays,if I cannot make it to the gym, then I just run around Martins Ferry for 30 minutes.
What are my plans for the summer? Well, daycare....then I try to keep my weekends free for my family. Family is very important to me and I don't want them to feel neglected by my work.
On the 25th of June by oldest boy turns 20!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it means I'm getting old lol.
Well, there's a bit of an update.
More to come later I hope.
PS. For those of you who read my blog I want to say thank you. I don't always write the most interesting things, but you all keep coming back.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Zumba Craze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are also given at the gym I go to but at 9 am in the morning. I can't do that with my daycare but there are 5 days a week that these are given in Martins Ferry!!!!
Only $5 and they go from 6:30pm-7:45pm.
I am sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a video of it!!!! It looks like FUN!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Medical Miracle?...or Not???
Here is the link to the story about this incredible medical marvel!!
You can never, ever go wrong by giving the glory to God for all good things !!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
War in Iraq
War Through The Eyes of A Child
My mommy and daddy have gone to fight,
To do what they know is just and right.
Protestors chant, "No war in Iraq",
While my parents fight to bring freedom back.
Americans sleep safe and snug in their beds,
While my mom and dad endure bombs overhead.
They fight for you and they fight for me,
So that terrorist threats will never be.
Please stop protesting and support the war,
So that my mom and dad can open a door,
To a future where children will only know peace,
Because the bell of freedom will never cease.
Pray for our troops who fight for us all,
So as Americans we may always stand tall.
For the free and the brave we should all take a hand,
To form a circle of love for those who fight in the sand.
My parents sacrifice is their greatest gift of love,
God's hand is safely holding them from heaven's gate above.
Please don't cry a tear for me for this I surely know,
My parents will come home to me to watch me as I grow
~Jenessa Alexis ~
Tragedy for Steven Curtis Chapman family!!!!

I cannot imagine having this kind of tragedy happen. Its a double tragedy!!!!
Please pray for this family!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Who reads my blog????
If there are, I really need to know that people care about my "mundane" life hahaha....
Can you drop me a comment to let me know you are all really out there?
American Idol
He is good....very very good.
David C is good too and yes, I would buy his CD...but someone PLEASE ...when David wins...have that boy some oxygen handy...he will need it...and a paper bag!!!
Short and sweet
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
~Kenji Miyazawa
It definitely gives you something to think about!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Something fun!
A first grade teacher collected old, well known proverbs. She gave each kid in her class the first half of a proverb, and had them come up with the rest. Here are the results:
As You Shall Make Your Bed So Shall You . . . Mess It Up.
Better Be Safe Than . . . Punch A 5th Grader.
Strike While The . . . Bug Is Close.
It's Always Darkest Before . . . Daylight Savings Time.
Never Under Estimate The Power Of . . . Termites.
You Can Lead A Horse To Water But . . . How?
Don't Bite The Hand That . . . Looks Dirty.
No News Is . . . Impossible.
A Miss Is As Good As A . . . Mr.
If You Lie Down With The Dogs, You'll . . . Stink In The Morning.
Love All, Trust . . . Me
The Pen Is Mightier Than The . . . Pigs.
An Idle Mind Is . . . The Best Way To Relax.
Where There's Smoke, There's . . . Pollution.
Happy Is The Bride Who . . . Gets All The Presents!
A Penny Saved Is . . . Not Much.
Two's Company, Three's . . . The Musketeers.
Don't Put Off Tomorrow What . . . You Put On To Go To Bed.
Laugh And The Whole World Laughs With You, Cry And.... You Have To Blow Your Nose.
Children Should Be Seen And Not . . . Spanked Or Grounded.
If At First You Don't Succeed . . . Get New Batteries.
You Get Out Of Something What You . . . See Pictured On The Box.
When The Blind Leadeth The Blind . . . Get Out Of The Way.
~~~~Nikki here
Hahahaha...Tune back in tomorrow when I try this with Angel and Tony. I will post the answers :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Diet and Exercise Woes!!!!

Last week I got a YMCA membership for Mother's Day. Oh I was so excited. I've had this extra 25-30 poundage of yuck I've been wanting to shed for a while now.
Then I thought, OH NO>>>>> that means leaving my house at least 3 times a week.
Yes, I am very busy. How do I fit in working out 3 days a week into an already VERY hectic schedule. Honestly, I have no idea.
Here is an example of my day:
Wake at 5;30am
First before school child arrives at 6:30 (sometimes 6)
Second before school child arrives at 7:15am.
Both leave at 7:45am for the bus.
8 am a 3 and 4 year old arrive.
9 am 22 month old twins arrive.
9:15am 1 year old baby arrives. (he is here 3 days a week)
2:30pm Twins leave.
2:45 3 afterschool kids arrive
6pm (7pm on Friday's) all kids are gone.
THEN I am dressed and ready to go workout. This I try to do 3 days a week. I really need to do this daily...but cannot find the time to do it daily.
Anyway, I got on the scale last week and I weighed 159.
This week...158.
1 POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, Mike's party didn't help with the cake and pizza. But this week, no cheating. Salad, yogurt, no bad stuff at all this week. I have to lose this weight and 1 pound a week is NOT going to cut it at all. I'll be doing this forever!!!!
Now, my daycare schedule will be changing once school lets out.
Josh and Ty won't be here. Josh and Ty are the ones that come in the morning.
And Ty is the one who stays until 6 and 7pm.
So, once school is out, my schedule will be 8am-5pm!!!! Thats a normal schedule!!!!
Then I will have more time.
With working out, I see Mike less and less. He is coming home from the gym...and I'm just finishing up work and heading out lol. Hey, its the price to pay right? Thats why I can't cheat on this diet thing. I have 25 pounds to lose and the quicker I lose it, the easier my schedule will be. I won't quit working out once I lose the weight but I can cut back some. Change one of my days to a Saturday then I will only have to leave 2 times in the week. Thats not too bad.
Know what makes me mad? Years ago, I worked hard to get my weight off. I lose alot of weight and got down to a nice 128 pounds. I had a flat stomach and everything. I was running twice a day. I got into "skinny" pants....Now I'm at a weight of 159 is what I weighed 9 months pregnant with Michael. Some women would ask me .." Why put this on your blog for the whole world to see?"
Well, first of all, I can tell from my blog meter that the "whole world" isn't reading about my life lol.
And secondly, why not. Maybe someone else is out there who will read this and having the same struggles that I am having and maybe my blog will insprire someone. You just never know.
Ok I'm done now.
I will post another update on my diet soon ...and hopefully next week when its weigh in time, I will lost more than ONE STINKING POUND!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Good thought for your morning!!!!
'Oh no...she's awake!!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Joey's coming home today!
I will be very happy to see him but very sad knowing how sad it will be for him to leave Virginia.
You know......some of the abilities a mother has is hard to swallow sometimes. Being able to really feel your child's pain when they are sad is hard!!!! Its like taking on THEIR pain.....don't us mom's have enough pain of our own lol.
Well, yesterday was day 2 of working out!!!!
Here is a little joke I recieved in an email about working out...
Weekly Fitness Plan
Day One - Beat Around the Bush
Day Two - Buckle Your Shoes
Day Three - Drag Your Heels
Day Four - Jump on the Band Wagon
Day Five - Shop Til You Drop
Day Six - Pave The Road
Day Seven - Toot Your Own Horn
On Alternate Weeks, you may employ this program:
Day One - Jump To Conclusions
Day Two - Push Your Luck
Day Three - Run in Circles
Day Four - Grind to a Halt
Day Five - Throw Fuel on the Fire
Day Six - Put Your Foot in Your Mouth
Day Seven - Lift Your Spirits
Be Creative
Do you have some exercise equipment collecting dust in the corners?
If you do, here are a few - tongue in cheek - suggestions to put it to good use:
Got some dumbbells? They make great meat tenderizers, especially if you want to save some money on the cheaper cuts of steak - beat them silly with the dumbbell and you'll have a great meal to chase the workout with.
Got a thigh master? Perfect for wedging your child's door open at night, without letting the animals push it wide .
Rubber bands stuck in the drawer? Kids love these for toys and it's a great way to play tug of war with the dog.
Resistance bands just laying around? Stretch them between two hooks and you have a great place to hang clothes up out of the way.
Exercise ball taking up space in the closet? Kick ball in the backyard just got pretty hilarious, but don't let the kids smaller than the ball get hit with it - they may get run over.
~~~~Nikki here again!!! That really hit too close to home there!!! But it made me laugh.
But seriously, yesterday was day 2 of working out. It was a good one. Not only am I running, but I'm using the machines as well.
First of all, I walked right past that thing that tells you how FAT you are....but knew that if I got ON it, it would give me even more determination to lose what I need to lose so I got on and got weighed.....EWWWWWWWWW 159 pounds. YES, I'm actually posting my weight here for everyone to know. Now understand this, 159 is what I weighed at 20 years old when I was 9 months pregnant with Michael who is my oldest son almost 20 years old. I was not happy to see that number. At least Mike was kind and said I didn't look like I weighed that much.
I would like to see 125 pounds again but that means a loss of 34 pounds. Mike said he doesn't think I need to lose that much. But I am bound and determined to at least lose 25.
So, here is what I'm doing. I still enjoy my few cups of coffee in the morning with my creamer.
But during the day, I drink water and have my V-8 juice. I eat low fat vanilla yogurt with grapenuts and honey. I eat toasted whole wheat bread with just a smidge of peanut butter spread on it. YUM!!!
I am very careful with what I'm doing because when I work by butt off at the gym, I don't want it to be for nothing. I have to do this. The people I go work out with go in the pool and hot tub. I haven't had a bathing suit in years. Haven't felt confident enough in a bathing suit in years......but I need to get one and swim some SERIOUS laps!!!! Now THAT is exercise. Now, my gym membership is good for 3 months.
I ask myself ...what after 3 months. Will I continue? My guess is probably yes. I'm not a young'in (hahah) anymore. I will be 41 in December and as a woman ages, and her body stops producing estrogen....EWWW I HATE THAT WORD.....then my bone density starts to decrease...(along with the brain cells in my noggin ) so its best to keep up with what I'm doing even if I don't have weight to lose.
So, once I lose the weight, what happens to all my fat clothes?
HAHAHA....SOme people keep them around ...JUST IN CASE....I'll see my mental state once I get to that point.
Well, my post wasn't intended to be funny today...except for the little joke I threw in there.
But I hope it added a little giggle to your day.
Does anyone read this blog at all anyway?????
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Need a motivator!!!
Well, today that will seem like me!!! Its a good thing Angel and Tony are such good helpers!!!!
Days like today I wish I had a laptop with wireless that I can sit on the couch in the living while the little ones play cause I can chat with ADULTS on the computer....while my brain is turning to mush with these little ones!!!!
Actually, I'm hoping to try to change my perspective. If I had to do this to live....I wouldn't be complaining. I know alot of single parent daycare providers that run their childcare from 6 in the morning until midnight just to make a living for their family. Wow!!!!! They don't even complain :)
After my work day today, I plan to go get a gym membership at our local Y. I am approximately 30 pounds over weight and its time to change that. I hate my clothes I wear, and I hate even trying to think about taking my kids to the pool this year. Sooooo, add that to my crazy schedule 3 evenings a week.
I know I can do anything I set my mind to with God's help. I need help to find the energy to be able to do this.
Ok, I'm off to change the life of a child!!!!
God Bless
Monday, May 05, 2008
Diary of a Madwoman!!!!
Those who live a pretty slow paced life look at me like I'm completely crazy.
Here is my life, summed up in a paragraph or two.
I have a FULL childcare.
Full time I have twins that are 21 months, a 3 year old and a 4 year old.
Then 3 days a week add to that a 1 year old about 8 hours each day.
Then after school, I have a 6 year old, 7 year old and a 10 year old. The only thing is by the time the afterschoolers get here, the twins leave.
Add to that my NORMAL routine of house and home and groceries and life with kids...AND HOMESCHOOLING!!!....well, the mind starts to twist a bit.
THEENNN...add to that my 71 year old dad coming to live with us in 2 weeks. Trying to get a room renovated for him.
Am I crazy? Am I just do far gone to even see it????
Some days I feel really gone ...especially when the hormones hit me. THEN, it takes all I have just to make it thru my day. Thank God for friends who try to give me some sanity back.
Joey is in Virginia Beach this week visiting friends. He comes back Friday around midnight ...so actually its Saturday.
I hope you all take what I've written above pretty lightly lol.
Yes, I'm very busy but its always been like this really. Just lately I've gotten back into the childcare setting full time so it will take me some time to get in the swing of things again. Somedays it does SEEM harder than others...but most of the battle is in my own mind. I need to work with my own thinking and making it positive instead of negative and it really helps alot!!!!!
God Bless you All
Friday, May 02, 2008
Positive Quote today!
I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for
myself... and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my
-- Shirley MacLaine
I know that we have choices to make each day that when made, have consequences to lead to what happens in our lives daily!
For example; Your child does something wrong. You can correct the wrong in a way that would be good for that child and for the relationship as mother and child or you can put that child down which also is making that child make bad choices when he or she grows up by modeling the behaivor he or she has learned from you.
I will try to live out my life on stage as a Broadway play.
Have a favorite one?
I do..Sound of Music.
So, would my family think I"m nuts if I start singing "The Hills are Alive"????
Have a blessed Day
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just more me stuff...
-Brother Lawrence
Hmmm.....I got that in an email today.
Now, if we are doing things differently and changing our perpsective on why we do what we do, won't that sometimes mean CHANGING what we do?
I think the first part AND second part of the above quote go hand in hand.
Anyway, whats new here?
I'm getting Joey ready for his FIRST plane ride. At 3am we leave for the airport then he has a flight that leaves at 5:30am. He should arrive in Virginia Beach around 9am....He will return on Friday night the 8th close to midnight. I hope he has a good time but he's never been on an airplane before. I'm sure he will be fine but its a learning experience for sure.
I'm also trying to find all..yes ALL of my regular photographs and scan them into my computer to save on disk. That is a huge job but I think it will keep them safe incase anything should ever happen to them.
I don't know why I make more work for myself lol. I'm always trying to complete some grand project even though the daily things I have to do don't even get done because I just don't have the time.
Well, gotta straighten up the house. Kids should be gone within the hour then bible study 2 hours later.
Hope you all enjoyed the update
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Usborne books!!
I was shocked!!!!
You can look at some of the books and see the fabulous quality these books are!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am hoping to be able to furnish my childcare with these books and help promote education thru these as well!!!!
If you want to host a show, let me know!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
How to spend our surplus checks!!
How to use Your IRS Rebate check
As you may have heard, the Bush Administration said each of us would
get a rebate check to stimulate the economy.
If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China.
If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs.
If we purchase a computer it will go to India.
If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras,
and Guatemala.
If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan.
If we purchase useless junk it will go to Taiwan and none of it will
help the American economy.
We need to keep that money here in America. The only way to keep that
money here at home is to spend it at yard sales, since those are the
only businesses still in the US.
Monday, April 21, 2008
---this is a Calgon take me away moment!!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
It's friday!!!!
Anyone else sooo glad its Friday?
I appreciate my weekends so much more NOW than before I was doing childcare.
I love my weekends mostly for the aspect of sleeping in!!! I wouldn't mind doing childcare on a Saturday as long as I could sleep in until noon hahaha.
I had an interview with a mom of an 11 month old. Hopefully, everything will be approved for her for state paid care and I will have him 2 days a week, a total of 10 hours a week and I will get $75 a week. If I have a child Part time hours, which is between 7 hours and 25, then I get that amount for care. Thats not bad for only 10 hours. But if she doesn't get approved for state assistance, then I will probably only have him 5 hours a week which means only $3 an hour. Anyway, it won't be too bad. Any little extra helps out!
What else is new?
Well, my visit with my dad comes to a close today. He's been here almost a week and he leaves today around noon. I will miss him but I'm hoping he will be back to stay for good in a couple of months.
Even though tomorrow is a day off from daycare, I still have to go to a Child Abuse Class from 9am until 4pm. YUCK!!! I hate this kind of class. I will walk away sickened by this and it will rip open my heart. But its a required class that I have to attend so ....I do what I gotta do.
I'm trying to sell my wax dipped scented bears again for Mother's Day that is coming up.
I am in the process of uploading pictures of the animals I have for sale onto my blog site for the little creatures.
Two scents are the top sellers. Love spell and Bouquet of Roses!!!!
Let me know if you are interested. I will post the blog address soon
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What is happening to our children?
All of this violence against others and themselves?
These children are killing their family...their friends?
I do not remembering this happening as a child growing up.
Was it still there but I didn't notice?
Every day I read the news and I see some kind of child or teenage violence.
I don't understand.
Some say, "oh kids are kids"
Thats bull!!!!
Parents, take the reins from your children and start giving your children some old fashioned discipline.
I'm not saying to give them a beating. Discipline means TEACHING. I'm not saying to Punish them, but discipline them. Are there any parents out there who know the difference between these two words?
Both of those words can be done in love.
Parents, are you investing more time in your job than in your own children?
Do you take time to really listen to your children?
Do you know your children well enough to see, just by the look on their face, that something is bothering them?
Do your own children trust you enough to tell them where THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!
Children are a blessing from the Lord. Treat them that way.
If you recived a set of china as a gift. You would take care of that china so well. You would display it for everyone to see. You would handle it with care so it doesn't get broken.
Children also need handled with care.
If their spirit gets broken, sometimes a little glue just won't fix it.
If their spirit gets broken there is a scar that can be left that never mends.
Do you want that for your own children?
Think back to your own childhood. What happened in your past that hurt you so badly that to think about it again brings pain to your heart?
Do you want that for your children as well.
Parents, do what it takes to get your children back?
Mothers, be home with your children if you can.
If you can't then you need to work EXTRA hard to be there for them whole heartedly when you ARE home.
This isn't an easy task at hand but your children are worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I will get off my soap box now.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Nikki on April 14th
Yes, its 6:15 am and I wish I were still in bed.
I wanted to write about my weekend and the thrill of a life time I had. YEAH RIGHT!
I found out a few days ago that Deal or No Deal was coming to Pittsburgh which is about an hour drive for me. I've ALWAYS wanted to be on that show so I said, OH YEAH!
I drove an hour. Stood in line OUTSIDE the mall in the cold for 8 HOURS, then inside the mall for another hour, and for what? I got 20 seconds to tell someone something exciting about myself. THen I was told thank you very much. Now, that might now mean anything. It doesn't mean its over for me because this happened to alot of people and later got called to be on the show and win alot of money. But it was something interesting to do thats for sure.
They should have given out T-Shirts to everyone though. We got nothing but 20 seconds lol.
The things I saw while standing in line though. There were mothers with SMALL babies there in line for those 9 hours. Remember 8 of them were OUTSIDE IN THE COLD!!!! These babies were only a couple of months old...
There were people in short shorts and tank tops..and least they STARTED OUT that way. Then off to the mall to buy some REAL clothes hahaha.
THere were people in costumes, trying to get theirselves noticed!!! It was interesting to say the least. One of the questions on the application was " What was the most outrageos thing you've ever done"-----Going to this casting call has topped my list now!!!!
And on another note, where did the nice weather go?
My weather says it feels like 30 degrees outside? I like the 70 degree weather we had a few days ago....and so did the trees and bushes cause I see buds beginning to appear.
I guess I should try to be content with whatever weather the good Lord gives us. He determines it all anyway :)
God Bless