Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A little of this and that...

Fall is my favorite time of year!!!!

Anyway, whats new with me?
Let see, I have a full childcare. PRAISE GOD!
The 5 year old girl I was watching until 11pm is no longer going to be here that late. She will get picked up daily around 4:30 or 4:45 so I have my evenings free again. I am very excited about that cause I will still get part time hours on her and be able to have my evenings free.
According to my doctor, I am beginning the wonderful phase of peri-menopause.
Do a google search on that if you don't know what that is but its about 10 years of being miserable lol.
I'm over-exaggerating on that a bit. I know it won't be a piece of cake but hey its something all women have to go through.

I am almost done with a book that has really gotten my thought processes working a bit more than they are used to. I'm used to reading Berenstain Bears books. Not much thought needed for those :)
Its called The Giver by Lois Lowry.
I think its going to be needing to be read a second time through. Its very interesting and to grasp everything that is happening in this story, a second read is definitely called for with this story.

Kids are all the same.
Hard to believe that the weather is changing and soon, I will have to turn the heat on :(
Heating this house is so expensive.

Do me a favor!
Take a moment to look around. I mean really STOP and look around. I know you are all busy and each one of you is going thru something in your own life that makes life a bit difficult.
But look around and find something to Praise God for !
Once you find one thing, I'm sure you can find many!!! Soon, your list will just keep growing and growing.
I am so thankful for a wonderful family.
I have a great husband and 4 wonderful kids.
I have great friends!!!
I have a great church family!!!
I have a nice home !!
I have a full childcare!!!
I have the freedom to homeschool my kids!!
I have telephone communication that I can call anyone I want to, ANYTIME I want to .
I have air conditioning so I don't have to suffer thru the heat of summer.
I have my good health and the good health of all my family.

I am blessed!
Thank you Lord!!

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