Friday, August 31, 2007

Watch this fantastic video!!

I came across this on one of my emails.
Now at first, I wasn't sure what I was watching but as you watch, you will catch on. It brought tears to my eyes. Its a skit put on by some teens....

Its fantastic..a little long but worth the time to see it..

Delinquents...who are they?

I came across this...I like it. Tell me what you think?

We read in the paper, we hear on the air, Of killing and stealing and crime everywhere;
We sigh and we say, as we notice the trend: “This young generation . . . where will it end?”
But can we be sure it’s their fault, alone?

Too much money to spend; too much idle time;
Too many movies of passion and crime;
Too many books not fit to be read;
Too much evil in what they hear said;
Too many kids encouraged to roam; Too many parents who don’t stay at home.

Youth don’t make the movies;
They don’t write the books that paint
The pictures of gangsters and crooks.
They don’t make the liquor, they don’t run the bars,
And they don’t make the cars;
They don’t make the drugs that addle the brain:
It’s all done by older folks, greedy for gain.
In how many cases we find that it’s true . . . The label, “Delinquency,” fits older folks, too.
—Mrs. E. B. Grant

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Attitude is everything..

(recieved this in an email and wanted to pass along)

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs onher head.
"Well", she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?"
So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
"Hmmmm," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?"
So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
"Well," she said, "today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YEA!" she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything ..

Is your glass half empty or half full?

PS. I am looking for a list of good, Christian literature.
Send me your faves my way!!
Just comment me with title and author :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

School year appoaching!

Well, another school year is approaching for this homeschool family!!
THis will make our 12th. Hard to believe sometimes. I hear so often, " So are you STILL homeschooling?" And of course my answer continues to be, " Of course!" I can't imagine it any other way. John Taylor Gatto wrote a book called Dumming us Down. If you have never read it and have children in the system, you should read it. He was a public school teaching in New York City and it is excellent!

As this year approached, I find myself focused on more spiritual things with my teaching. If my children have the best academics available but have no moral or spiritual teaching, then they are gaining knowledge of the world and losing the wisdom of God. I need to keep my priorities straight.

We are trying something a bit new this year. Unit studies. At least for Angel and Tony. Joey is still enrolled with the American School of Correspondence and then we add in our own subjects as he needs.

Ron's lessons on reading the bible have touched me tremendously.

So, here is my questions for you today.

Where is your bible? Dusty? Feeling neglected?
Remember, no other place in the world can you find the actual words of GOD!!

Think on that :)


Friday, August 24, 2007

Teaching service to our children....long since forgotten teaching!

How can we sucessfully teach our children to get out of "themselves" and learn to be more of servants to others?

I would love to get comments on this question.

Alot of times, I hear that girls are good at this...girls write letters, send cards, draw pretty pictures....but what can boys do and how can we teach service to our children.

I wasn't brought up in the church and neither was my husband so we didn't have this teaching growing up and I want my children to understand this. Jesus talked very highly of serving others.

I want my kids to understand it ....geez, I need the lesson as well :)

Looking forward to the comments and ideas...

Ok, Don't be shy!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just when you think life is getting easier....

Then your oldest son leaves home.....
It started out just for a 2 week visit to see his girlfriend in Virginia. Then he said he wants to try to stay. He left with nothing but a suitcase and some money in his wallet. (and a sad but proud mom at the airport)

Some people wonder about homeschoolers. They think they are unsocialized, afraid to leave home cause they've been with mom so many years...etc. Well, not so with my kids. The stereotype is wrong! But I am proud that my son wants to at least give it a try on his own. Not sure what his plans are or how he is going to accomplish them but I applaud him for at least trying. He wants to come back to Ohio next year, but in the mean time, I definitely feel alot of weirdness.

I hear, " Well, you still have your other family at home." Yes, true. But this is my first son. Its not like I've been used to being away from him like some parents are. Some parents don't teach their own children at home which means even MORE time spent with their kids. I haven't worked much outside the home in his childhood years so that also means I've been with him alot.

Yeah, this is tough. Letting go and letting him make his way.....
I just pray God will keep Michael near to Him. God can take way better care of Michael than I can anyway.

Man, what I've gone thru this past year......

Things here at home are doing fine. Mike had an interview with a security agency up in Pittsburgh. Not sure what will happen with it but it seems very promising.

Our van is broken right now. I think its the starter but hopefully it will be fixed soon as that is our only vehicle. Im thankful we had Mike's dad's truck so at least we have a way to go to church. It only fits 4 comfortably so we are doing service in shifts. Mike and Joey went this morning and me and Tony and Angel will go this evening.

Ok, time for some coffee. I don't get many comments, does anyone read this ?

Cya laters

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another day, Not much to say

Hello everyone.
I am surprised each time I log onto my blogger site to see how long its been since I last wrote anything. I really haven't had much to write about so thats probably why.

Mike is still looking for work but any day now, he should recieve his discharge papers which SHOULD have been mailed on the 1st of August! But at least with this paper, he can apply for Federal Jobs and also apply for unemployment. Also with this paperwork, we all can get new ID's so we can continue with medical care. Right now our ID's are expired lol.

We are also gearing up for another homeschool year. I am excited about this one as we are doing unit studies this year. The kids seem excited....I just hope it continues :)

Our new house is coming along. Without having extra money right now, we are just doing the necessities to get my house ready for daycare certification but I still love this place and am very blessed that God gave us this home.

Mike has been home for good now since June 1st. We have been enjoying him and I believe...hahaha...he has enjoyed his time home as well. It tough looking for jobs around here.
But we have faith that God will open the door where He wants Mike to be.

In the mean time, we are concentrating on family and God and making the best of each day that God has given to us.

Please pray for Michael as he leaves Saturday ON A PLANE...hahah...for 2 weeks to visit a girlfriend in Virginia.

How am I doing? I'm good. Learning lots of lessons right now from all of this. WAIT upon the Lord !!!

I love to hear from you all...
Send me a comment or message or something :) :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Fight or Flight?

Here is a little story sent to me by email...

At one Army base, the annual trip to the rifle range had been canceled for the second year in a row, but the semi-annual physical fitness test was still on as planned.

One soldier mused, "Does it bother anyone else that the Army doesn't seem to care how well we can shoot, but they are extremely interested in how fast we can run?"

The lesson I took from this is :

Sometimes when we see a temptation in front of us, we must make a choice....fight or flight.
Sometimes its best to just flee.
God tells us to flee from evil, whether it be from evil desires or sexual immorality.

Put on your running shoes, you never know what evil lurks around the corner!!!
Be Blessed

Praise list :

Time with family (even without a full time job ...)