Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just when you think life is getting easier....

Then your oldest son leaves home.....
It started out just for a 2 week visit to see his girlfriend in Virginia. Then he said he wants to try to stay. He left with nothing but a suitcase and some money in his wallet. (and a sad but proud mom at the airport)

Some people wonder about homeschoolers. They think they are unsocialized, afraid to leave home cause they've been with mom so many years...etc. Well, not so with my kids. The stereotype is wrong! But I am proud that my son wants to at least give it a try on his own. Not sure what his plans are or how he is going to accomplish them but I applaud him for at least trying. He wants to come back to Ohio next year, but in the mean time, I definitely feel alot of weirdness.

I hear, " Well, you still have your other family at home." Yes, true. But this is my first son. Its not like I've been used to being away from him like some parents are. Some parents don't teach their own children at home which means even MORE time spent with their kids. I haven't worked much outside the home in his childhood years so that also means I've been with him alot.

Yeah, this is tough. Letting go and letting him make his way.....
I just pray God will keep Michael near to Him. God can take way better care of Michael than I can anyway.

Man, what I've gone thru this past year......

Things here at home are doing fine. Mike had an interview with a security agency up in Pittsburgh. Not sure what will happen with it but it seems very promising.

Our van is broken right now. I think its the starter but hopefully it will be fixed soon as that is our only vehicle. Im thankful we had Mike's dad's truck so at least we have a way to go to church. It only fits 4 comfortably so we are doing service in shifts. Mike and Joey went this morning and me and Tony and Angel will go this evening.

Ok, time for some coffee. I don't get many comments, does anyone read this ?

Cya laters


Jennifer said...

Hey Dear Nikki...I have you in my Bloglines, and every time you put a new post up, I read it there, but I stink at commenting :) Can't believe your baby has left the nest...they grow up too fast, don't they?
Hope Mike's job works out! Keep us updated!! :)

Clint Singer said...

I think the same thing about my blog Nikki. I wonder if I am doing this for myself to read or our there others reading it also. But my mom tells me people are so that is good. If you have any doubt about your son leaving the nest just talk to my mom. I know she wishes I was up there and there are times I wish I was too, but Arkansas has kind of grown on me. I read your blog! I know when you, Craig and John don't write i know you guys are too busy to write.
Later Clint