Tuesday, August 28, 2007

School year appoaching!

Well, another school year is approaching for this homeschool family!!
THis will make our 12th. Hard to believe sometimes. I hear so often, " So are you STILL homeschooling?" And of course my answer continues to be, " Of course!" I can't imagine it any other way. John Taylor Gatto wrote a book called Dumming us Down. If you have never read it and have children in the system, you should read it. He was a public school teaching in New York City and it is excellent!

As this year approached, I find myself focused on more spiritual things with my teaching. If my children have the best academics available but have no moral or spiritual teaching, then they are gaining knowledge of the world and losing the wisdom of God. I need to keep my priorities straight.

We are trying something a bit new this year. Unit studies. At least for Angel and Tony. Joey is still enrolled with the American School of Correspondence and then we add in our own subjects as he needs.

Ron's lessons on reading the bible have touched me tremendously.

So, here is my questions for you today.

Where is your bible? Dusty? Feeling neglected?
Remember, no other place in the world can you find the actual words of GOD!!

Think on that :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband is the education director at church and we have been having this same discussion. How do we emphasize that the Bible needs to be included in each child's studies? We are going to start sending work home with them to be returned the next Sunday. We are praying that the parents will take an interest. I made a small poster to take to the area colleges with the heading "Is this book missing from your studies while you are away from home?" I made some business cards with a picture of the Bible on them and our services on the other side. I attached them to the poster and will have them put on bulletin boards around the campus. A few years ago we had a dozen college students who began attending church services on a regular basis. Now we don't have any from out of town, but we haven't given up yet.

You also stated that you have concerns with getting your boys to be of service. Of course the obvious would be to mow lawns or wash windows for the shut-ins and elderly. You could also take them to the nursing homes to visit. They can certainly send cards. Teens could also take an interest in the younger boys ... sport outings, camping, just hanging out together. We are losing the male influence along the way.

I enjoy reading the magazine Christian Woman (thru the Gospel Advocate) It always has great articles. We also get the Gospel Advocate and The Spiritual Sword.

Hope this helps ... have a blessed day.