Friday, January 02, 2009

Hello everyone....
I know its been a very long time since I've written last and all I can come up with for an excuse...
Just don't feel like writing.
As it got closer to 2009 I felt myself sinking into a depression.
Alot has happened in the past year that I really cannot go into here.
But I don't think I have the brain energy to put into this blog on a regular basis.

I am thankful for all of my faithful readers and hope to write when I can.

Be blessed everyone!


Anonymous said...

each one of us has the perfect opportunity in the New Year if we will only remember

Let our Light Shine
Think on Things Divine
in two thousand nine

God bless you and yours.
I enjoy reading your blog. I thought about looking you up when my hubby and I were home (Moundsville) for our 35th wedding anniversary. We spent the majority of the time visiting with my sisters, brother-in-law, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and 2 great great nephews. We stayed at Oglebay for a few days where we had spent our wedding night. We were blessed with snow when we wanted it and none when we needed to travel around visiting. Thanks for a little piece of home when I need it.

Charlie Wade
South Daytona, FL

jaci said...

Hey Nikki,
I will keep you in my prayers. I don't check in very often but I have always enjoyed your blog. {{{HUGS}}}

(from ccu)