Monday, June 04, 2007

This and that

Hi everyone.
First let me say thank you for all of the caring and praying done on behalf of me and my family this past 7 months...

This time apart from Mike has been very hard but no one seemed to tire of hearing me talk about him or him returning home safely.

God has brought my Navy guy home safe and sound and for that and many other things I am soooo thankful.

Our family has survived Navy life for 20 years. Its amazing. I was with Mike when he joined the Navy. We've been together for the whole thing. Its amazing to see how much things have changed and how much the experience has changed us and made us into stronger individuals.

It wasn't easy...and there were times I felt like I was being put thru fire.
But I KNEW...that there was a reason for that fire.

God knows what is best for us and sometimes he allows a little fire in our lives to teach us things He wants us to learn. Its happening with you too. Are you in tune enough with God and the Spirit inside you to know what He is doing and what He wants you to learn?

Since I've been without Mike for a long time, I've learned to lean on God because He was and is the only person who was there for me for it all. No human can do what God can do. Humans make mistakes, say the wrong things, and well...........just do humanly things. God never hurts us....
He has been my rock for many years.

Thank you God for everything!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad he is back. I am also very grateful for his willingness to serve our country and your support that allows him to do so.

Thanks so much!