Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer and stuff

Our summer is off to a good start.
Bathing suits and swim shorts are bought.
Plans are being made for summer.
Kids teams are playing and you can see the popsicle papers on the sidewalks, and the smell of freshly greased french fries as you walk past the ball fields.

Humidity is up...
Kids playin on the sidewalk with hoses...
Mosquito bites, scraped knees....

Enjoy your children this summer.

We plan to head to Benwood pool for fun in the sun and to play some miniature golf soon.

I want the kids to enjoy their summer so when September 2nd comes, they are ready to settle down into their studies.

All kids want is time with their parents.
Listen to them...play with them.
Enjoy what they have to say..

Today is summer reading program day at the Martins Ferry Library.
A gentlemen is talking about drums and we are heading there around 1...
Should be interesting!!!!!

Later gater!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Summer is definitely here! 100 degrees for sure, some say higher. Thankfully we do not have the humidity issues any more. Colorado is so much better than MN!!!

Today was the first day of my two little girls' swim lessons. The water was cold, but I bet they would have really appreciated it later in the day!

Have a great summer!