Thursday, December 20, 2007

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people? That was something that was discussed in part in our Bible Study last night.Because of the tragedy of Opal Thomas, there are alot of things that might be going thru the minds of Christians and Non Christians alike.

Maybe some doubting questions..." Why would God allow this to happen to such good people?"

I have asked myself questions like this for a long time. I think the biggest tragedy that happened in my life was when my mom died of cancer when I was 11 years old.
It was awful to watch my mom dwindle away and not see family pulling together. My own family was falling apart in so many ways.

But here is the thing....

The person I have become today is (I believe) very much related to what happened to me in my life. That tragedy made me focus on the person I wanted to be and how much children, husbands and family really mean. Of course, I didn't REALLY come to realize it all until I became a Christian many years ago, but when my children need me, I'm here for them. I try not to take my family for granted because I know first hand it can be gone in a moment.

Why did this happen to the Thomas's? I do not know. But God knows and I know that Harold loves God and trusts God. The song that comes to mind is " My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name, On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand...." Our faith must be on Christ and what He did and what promises God has made us time and time again in scripture. Maybe this was Opal's time and God wanted to spare her the suffering by taking her in a way that she didn't suffer and the docs have said that she did not suffer so that is great!!
Alot of people will see how Harold and his family from National Road are handling this loss....What a statement to make to the world!!!! God may be bringing many people to Him thru this loss. Yes, its our loss but her gain. She is with the Lord. She will be there waiting for Harold for when his time is called up yonder and those she left behind. Oh what a sweet reunion that will be.

Harold and the Thomas family, I am very sorry for your loss. I will be praying for your family during this incredibly hard time. I didn't know Opal well, but what I did know of her was all fantastic.
Harold, please know that if there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask.
A little poem I found online..


Surrounded by friends
yet all alone
the one I loved
God has called home
the hugs of friends
helps ease the pain
and I know my loss
is my loved one's gain
but tears now flow
across my face
as I long for just
one more embrace
then comfort comes
and I see Christ's face
He hugs my loved one
and I feel God's grace.

Author Unknown

Opal, you will be missed here on this earth by many, many people.
But someday, all of God's children will be together and the reunion will be sweeter than our imaginations can even conjure up.
Until then dear sister,
Until then
Nikki Vilano

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You did a good job of writing deep thoughts.

You know... it helps to get these ideas out in the open so you can examine them over and over again.

