Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello everyone!

Hello...ello....ello...(do I hear an echo here)

That's probably because I have no more followers here since I haven't written anything in AGES!

Oh well...I'm giving it a good try anyway.

Whats new with me?

Lets see...I was thinking about seriously going into the nursing field but lately I believe God laid something upon my heart and I've changed my mind. Mike has alot going on with his job and will probably start his schooling again to get his degree so he can further his job possibilities and with that..I know that my family needs me doing what I'm going at. I need to be the stability here at home. God blessed me with my family and I know in my heart that I need to be home taking care of things on the homefront. I know I am good at what I do. God gifted me with being a helpmeet to Mike and a mom to my kids. So i've decided to better my skills in the job I'm already doing. I want to learn to be more of a couponer. I think it would be fun to go to the store...and have $300 worth of groceries ring up for almost nothing :) So i'm trying to learn more about couponing and saving money. I'm also revamping my daycare. I want to change some things and find ways to make more money doing that. I also want to try to work on my soaps and stuff more. So much is happening in my life right now. Some people that are dear to my heart have left my life...and those that I thought were gone...are back and I am THRILLED!

Life constantly is changing. I used to get great amounts of anxiety when things changed. I think its cause I like to control things around me. Growing up...I had no control over things like my dads alcoholism, or my mom death. I suffered much growing up and I had no control over any of it so I try to control what I can and that actually causes great amounts of stress. So I NOW do my best to take care of what I can and LET GO AND LET GOD take care of the rest :) Works pretty good !


Michael is still working at the Whg PD. He's been there over 2 years now. I am very proud of him and he's very good at what he does. Lately his life has changed quite a bit too. I think it kinda hit him like a brick wall but its all a VERY GOOD THING!

Joey is still working at Wendy's and pursuing his music with his band Call To Arms. He is so talented! He does alot of his own lyric writing (based on the bible) and he has taught himself to play the drums and wow...he is VERY VERY GOOD! Wish him and his band all the luck in the world. I tell him all the time to remember mom when he hits the big time cause I'm the one who opens the basement up to practice about twice a week!! :)

Tony is working on his Freshman year of high school. Yes, we are still homeschooling. He takes distance learning courses thru American school of Correspondence. Once he's old enough to take classes at Belmont Tech, he wants to attend some there to take his computer courses and design classes there.

Angel is in 8th grade. She's doing well. She's very much looking forward to Summer Swim Team in Ferry that starts June 1. Once that is finished, we are hoping to get her involved in the YMCA swim team thru our local Y. She loves to swim and she improved so much last year that I think if she was able to swim year round, she could improve even more.

...and Sergio? Turned 2 in December and daily...DAILY continues to surprise me! He LOVES to draw..and read. Soon we will start our weekly library run and have him start to pick out books to read. He is so smart and wants to learn everything he can. His foundation in learning starts now! RIght now he is suffering with pneumonia. Just got diagnosed yesterday. He gets this soooo often and its usually because the kids in my daycare sometimes pass along a cold to him and Sergio is one that a cold usually turns into either an ear infection or bronchitis or pneumonia. Tony was exactly the same way.

Mike is doing great at ISS Security Services. Lots of changes but they are all GREAT!

ME? Well, between homeschooling, daycare, managing the home, etc... Still working on my soap and stuff! I really try to do all I can to bring in an income as much as I can without leaving my home much and being here when my famil and friends need me!

Hope this has helped you to catch up with me a bit. I hope to write more...but don't hold your breath :)

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