Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Whats on YOUR spiritual menu for today?

Women usually start out their mornings planning meals for the day. Some of that may depend on how many people you need to feed. Are there children to feed? If so, what's the ages of the children? Anyone allergic to certain foods? What are the favorites? How much time do you have to prepare the food?

But I challenge you to prepare a DIFFERENT menu for the day?

Spiritually, what do you plan to do for breakfast? If you JUST have a quick "cup of Gods word" , then how long will that hold you off? Will that last till lunch? Does it have enough "substance" to make it till your next meal? If you work outside the home, I encourage you to make sure you really fill yourself up spiritually BEFORE leaving the house. The world to  me is  a spiritual black hole to Christians. It can suck all spiritual nutrition out of your soul if you aren't "filled to the brim". 

If you do not plan your "spiritual meals" then you might end up with a quick " pop tart" as you run out the door on your way to work. You may "think" that pop tart is doing its job just like a quick prayer to God as you are running out the door. Yes, quick is better than none but I challenge you to PLAN! 

Each persons spiritual meal will be different.  But make it a meal. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day!

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