Thursday, February 07, 2013

You have many more blessings than you think!

Lately I've been going back and reading my old blog posts. I really enjoy writing here but I rarely even remember to make this a part of my daily routine. Its so therapeutic I really should make sure I write things daily.

Today, I decided to write down each and every blessing that I can think of in my life. I'm sure most of what I write will be the things that are first and foremost in my mind but thats ok . From what I've heard, writing those things will uncover MUCH more that you hadn't even thought of. THATS what I'm hoping for.

So, 1st, before anything in this world , I want to say God and Jesus are my number one blessings. Without Them, I would have NOTHING. So I needed to get that said and done first.

Now, to my family.

Mike: I've been married to him for 25 years. I've known him since I was like 15 years old. He has seen me thru all the things that we took vows for. Good, bad, sickness, health, rich, poor...all of it. And that man is still here. I carry alot of baggage with my from a terrible childhood and he endures it all. To him, I say thank you. <3 br="" mike="" u="">

Michael: My first born child. Boy the things I learned from him. (and the mistakes too). He taught me that mothering is the most important job there is. He knows what mistakes I've made in the mothering catergory and loves me anyway LOL. <3 michael.="" p="" u="">
Giuseppe: When he came along I knew right off that he was dancing to his own music. He showed me that no two kids are alike but they are both such blessings and gifts to me. He was always getting injured! How many trips to the ER we had to make !! Heart of Gold he has. <3 giuseppe.="" p="" u="">
Antonio: My VERY quiet son. He keeps to himself but when he speaks, he amazes me. To listen to him talk about things that I didn't even think he knew about...He grew up with two great examples and I always wondered which one he would mirror more...and I would probably say neither. LOL. He does his own thing. <3 p="" tony.="" u="">
Angelina: My only daughter. Before she came along, I didn't think God was going to bless me with a daughter because I didn't think I could be a good mother to one. But here she is!!! She is beautiful, smart, and she tends to take more after Giuseppe than he OR she thinks. They both love music!!
<3 angel="" p="" u="">
Sergio: 12 years between he and Angel. I see a little of each one of his siblings in him as he grows up. He is loved by everyone. Sometimes I call him my do-over child. I get to try things on him that I didn't try with the others. LOL. <3 p="" sergio.="" u="">
So , there you have it! The beginning of my list of blessings. I hope you enjoyed reading!

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