Friday, January 08, 2016

Distractions and Priorities

One of the hardest things for me to do is Let Go...of anything!
I mean, when I'm angry I am the first (usually) to apologize to the person I'm angry toward. I don't like fights or any kind of confrontation. When someone is upset with me, it drives me no end. At least until the relationship problem is resolved and things are back to where I want them to be. But last year, something happened in my life that really threw me. I had a friendship that I had to let go of because she really wasn't a friend in the first place. I unfriended her on facebook but I kept " checking in " on her because I was hoping to see that she was sorry for what she did to me. I never saw anything that showed remorse of any kind. So, one thing I did 2016 was block her. I didn't do it so she couldn't see me, I did it so I couldn't see her anymore. I knew that I had to find a way to completely let go and that is what I did.

When I care about someone, I care about them for life. I'm a " lifer". That's who I am and sometimes its a terrible thing to be. But I am learning that sometimes, in order to be a more positive person for myself, my family, my friends and those I choose to be a " lifer" towards, then I have to let go of the things in my life that bring me down.

At our Wednesday evening Bible study, we talked a little about distractions in life that take our focus off of God. I mentioned even good things can be distractions. But only if we let them! Family and friends and fun things are all good things! But not if you put them over your relationship with the God who blessed you with them in the first place!

Take the time to thank God for all of the blessings in your life each day. I find my time to say thank you is right before I close my eyes at night. Its when I feel most connected to Him and I don't have the cares of my day to bog me down.

Find your time.

Make the time if you have to.

And let me end this saying Thank you to the ones in my life that choose to stick around with me.
You all know who you are.

Until next time!

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