Wednesday, January 06, 2016


So this was my very first blog back when I began many years ago. Last year I started a new one but because of closed doors that I chose to slam shut I have decided to go back to my original blog.

I also remembered why I chose to write in a blog.
Back when I was a teenager, which seems like another life time, I wrote the cheesiest poems about anything and everything. I even won my dad father of the year once because of a poem I submitted.
Now, I don't like to write poetry anymore but I do love to put my thoughts onto " paper " and share with others hoping to help someone who might need it.

So, since I titled this post Originality, I mean to say that I'm going back to my very first blog and keep it going.

Hope you all still will follow me and comment and let me know your thoughts on what I write cause it means the world to me.

So, Nikki's Ramblings is reborn.

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