Friday, April 21, 2006

Its FINE Friday

Boy am I glad its Friday today. One reason is my work week is over. No more daycare kids for at least a couple of days. Secondly its our eat out night and we are off to CICÍ pizza tonight. Michael and Joey are having two friends spend the night so they will accompany us and my friend Becky and her two kids will probably come as well. I've been great on my diet all week and even did DDR today.....for over 30 minutes.....but i am ready for some good eats with a POP!

Michael finished up his last subject yesterday. He completed his classsroom portion of drivers ed online yesterday. He took the final exam that he has to have a 90% on and passed it first time. Didn't even study....not sure whether to be proud ...or jealous HAHA.

But he is finally done. Sending in our transcript information to our cover school and get his diploma soon. I can't believe he is done. But I still have 3 more kids to get thru their schooling. Joey started his 9th grade year. He wants to complete his high school in 2 years. He can do it as long as he stays his course. He tends to have a few lazy do we all.

I was reading a fellow Christians blog today and I love his idea that he puts a praise to God at the end of each writing.

So, not to completely copy what he does, somewhere in my blog i will put a praise to God. .....HOPE THATS OK JOHN LOL.

I am very thankful to God that even though i only have a high school education, and no Christian upbringing as a child, that God has given me the abilities as a mother(my mom died when i was 11) to teach, and train my children in the Lord. I am amazed sometimes at what God has done in my life. I never thought I could successfully teach my kids. Self esteem issue maybe? But I've done it and my kids are great. Not perfect....but two out of the four children I have are baptized believers in Christ. They are smart, well mannered, (mostly), get along great together,(except for when they don't lol), and just didn't give me any of the trouble I expected when I thought of raising children. I thank God for that because with the background that I've had, my kids shouldn't have turned out so good ...But with God ALL things are possible.

REmember that...

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