Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Report cards for parents

City Considers Grading Parents

MANCHESTER, Conn. -- A member of the Manchester Board of Education has proposed grading parents of the district's students with report cards.

Steve Edwards said the idea is meant to get more parents involved in their children's academic careers and to make them more responsible.

"There are people who see it as anti-parent, I see it as pro-parent," Edwards said.

The idea stirred controversy in Chicago after a short-term implementation.

Parents who spoke to Eyewitness News said that they are considering the idea.
"I think it's a good idea because I don't think parents step up to the plate these days," said Manchester parent Maureen Madrak.

If passed, teachers would keep tabs on parents in five different areas. Teachers would evaluate whether students are doing their homework, arriving at school on time, eating a good breakfast, dressed appropriately for the weather and if parents are actively participating in parent-teacher conferences.

"This isn't a program to evaluate a program or someone's lifestyle -- this is a program to help figure out how kids can succeed in school," said Edwards.

Edwards said currently the plan is just an idea and that he plans to discuss it more at future Board of Education Committee meetings.

~~~~Nikki Here.....Interesting article. Hmmmm if parents fail on their report card, do they get grounded by their child??? Detention maybe? Joking aside....Parents need to be involved!!!
There is a book I am very interested in reading called Screamfree Parenting. I will start reading it soon and posting info about it here. If its really good, I might want to start a once a month book club about this book. OOPS, if i say it outloud, I might have to actually do it :) :)
Be Blessed

1 comment:

MarlaQuack said...

Can anyone say Big Brother?