Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I had my initial inspection to get my certification for childcare today. It lasted a whole 45 minutes and it was easy. Let me say this...God surely blessed my inspection today. THere are soooooooooooo many things she could have really given me a hard time with but she didn't. I've been working on this since summer and it went great.

Let me say this....God is good. For the longest time, I have NOT been looking forward to doing this. I've been dreading it actually but the past month or so...I've noticed an attitude change. This is MY business. My OWN buisness and yes if God blesses it, it will be full and run smoothly.
I am gaining some self esteem that I've been missing for a while. I know being a mother and teacher to my own kids is very rewarding. But no one really gives you much praise for doing it.
With daycare, I hear people tell me how organized I am, how well I work with kids , etc. I don't say this to brag so I hope its not coming off like that. I love being a wife, mother and teacher.
Now, I have a chance to really make difference in lives of children that are not mine.

I also have the chance to teach my children the aspect of this buisness as well. I incorporate my kids into this as much as I can cause there are so many life lessons to be learned with what I am doing.

Thank you God for changing my attitude.
Thank you God for blessing me with this certification.

Now, just to wait for all those wonderful phone calls....

God Bless you all,

PS Keep us in prayer please as we just got over the bad flu and now Angel and I are sick with COLDS ....will we ever recover completely???????

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