Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Things to look forward to...

Mike and I have been doing alot of talking about the future. We have alot to look forward to if we get our debts paid off! We want to sell/rent our house that we have now and build our dream home and before now...our dream home was just that...a DREAM! Whats funny is when he asks me what kind of home I want I realized ...somehow in the past 15 years or so...I have forgotten how to "DREAM"!! How can that happen??? So I've had some thinking to do...I've become so complacent with things in my life...I had forgotten what it was like to dream ....

Log home?
Old house in the country?

Anything is possible.

It really is exciting to think about. But it will take baby steps to get there. We already have started our baby steps by getting Mike his Sam's Club card last night. Also since he works in Pittsburgh we realized that he drives past the Army Commissary quite often so he can shop for us there!! Just writing about this makes me excited...and even scared a little.

Do we have what it takes to follow thru on this and make our dreams a reality??

I pray we do! We tend to start alot of "projects" only to never finish. Our lives and those lives' around us could change dramatically if we can pull this off. To have more time with my family is a change we haven't had in probably 20 years. For me to focus more on my kids ...and our plan outings...trips...more opportunities for many things to look forward to if we could just pull this off! Please do me a you read this...if you could please add my family to your prayers daily. I want God to get the glory for when we succeed!! God doesn't want this debt. Its like having these huge boulders around our feet.

God doesn't want us bound...He wants us FREE!!

Pray that we keep moving forward!
God Bless You All

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