Friday, October 07, 2016

Marriage is a journey

Yes, today is the day that I have been married for 29 years.

SO many thoughts and emotions come to mind today.

I've been with Mike now for over 30 years. But married 29.

Not many people make it this far. I can't say that we haven't had struggles. I've seen MANY struggles over those 29 years. I see others struggling and giving up and I say ANYTHING can be fixed if you truly desire it.

But it takes 2 people...2 very very dedicated people to make it work. One persons dedication is not enough. I couldn't do it with him and he couldn't do it without me. And of course, we couldn't do anything without God. God has been the center of our marriage almost the whole time. That is why I believe we are going strong.

No, its not perfect with roses and romantic calls or texts.

Yes, we frustrate each other almost daily.

Yes, we know each other so well that sometimes we need space to just be our own person because sometimes identities get mixed and we can easily lose our individuality.

Yes, we disagree about how to raise our kids sometimes .

Yes, sometimes I think he's too rough and he thinks I'm too soft.

Yes, sometimes he gets mad at me because I move things he doesn't want moved . Yes, I get mad because he leaves things out that I have to put away time and time again.

Does he do dishes? nah...but its because I've always done them. Or the kids will.

Does he take out the trash....nope.

And its just dawned on me why.

He served our country for 20 years in the Navy. During many many deployments, I had to do it all. I went from being this young, scared and frail young lady to being this independent strong woman who can do anything I set my mind to. Yep, I CAN and WILL do whatever my mind tells me I can. I was always the type of woman that took care of it all because he was away so often, I didn't want him to have to lift a finger when he came home. Now that he is retired, nothing has changed on my end. I still do it all because its what I've always done.

Even though he is retired from the military, he's by no means retired. He not only has a full time job that takes him away from home for sometimes 12 hours a day but he acquired his business degree WHILE working that full time job. We support each others dreams and sometimes its hard. Sometimes its VERY hard...and sometimes its so very easy.

That's OUR marriage. That's the way WE work.

Today I read a status on Facebook of someone who lost their husband last night suddenly. Left behind a wife and 2 girls.

NO ONE is guaranteed tomorrow. ABSOLUTELY no one.

A Happy and fulfilled marriage is promised to no one but if you took vows before God and made promises,,,then you owe it to yourself and your spouse to keep it.

Happy Anniversary Mike. Look at us! 5 children. 3 grandsons. Look at what we've accomplished together. Our 4 sons and our daughter just amaze me. They are so gorgeous, smart, gifted, independent, ...just incredible kids. My grandsons have such a huge piece of my heart,,,I cannot imagine it any other way. We did a good job so far. Mistakes? Sure....but what marriage doesn't have mistakes. Those mistakes helped us to be who we are today. Courage and adventure are one of the prime elements of what makes us who we are. Do we go on worldly adventures traveling the world...nah....but our marriage and raising our family has been an adventure of a lifetime so far and each day brings a new one.

I'm so glad I get to face each adventure with you.

Here's to the next one...and the next one...

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