Friday, October 28, 2016

Incoming Vent!

This may be for everyone....this might be for no one.

But today...this is for ME.

People make me mad!!!

And today, since this is MY blog...and a place for me to put MY thoughts...I am going to say what I want to say and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Rant #1

What parents post on Facebook appalls me!

I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!

Yes, I said PARENTS. If you have kids....and are posting stuff that they may google your name someday when they are teenagers, and NOTHING ON THE INTERNET EVER GOES you really think what you posted...things you you shared...will be OK FOR THEM TO SEE????

Rant #2

KIDS...what you post.....

Someday...your possible future employers will do a google search on you TOO. What you post may come back to bite you ...and bite you hard! I hear all the time:

" Its my personal facebook and I can say and do whatever I want"

Yep, it sure is....but guess what people.....there are consequences for the things you write. You might not have the foresight to see it now...but I guarantee you ...that might be sorry for the picture you posted...or what you vented when you were angry.

Rant #3

I am mad at MYSELF!!!

I get so pumped up about stuff...

Exercise...Yeah me. I run ...surpass my expectations....only to totally quit and eat so bad my weight comes back on.

My Doterra business...I come up with the most awesome ideas...I buy everything I need....I get all ready...then BOOM....I DO NOTHING! I STOP. I do not know why. But I hate this one thing about myself. I think its my thing I hate the most about myself.

My writing...I have to admit to myself...I am great with putting my thoughts into words that encourage others. Sometimes, the words flow so freely that I can't do anything but type. Then I look back and think " WOW"...where did that come from? But again....I start something...and don't keep up with it.


I am a fixer.

I am great with fixing everyone else.

I can give encouragement and solutions to everyone else...but when it comes to this personal issue...I truly have no clue.

Someone might say, " well, just make a plan and stick to it".


Yep, tried that.

I wrote myself remind me to write...then I forget where I put those reminders.

I have prayed that God would help me find a solution to this issue because its hindering my success in all the areas of my life that I want to be successful with.

If anyone has ideas....let me know!

Rant over...FOR NOW LOL

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