Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What is happening to our children?

I want to know what is happening to our children?
All of this violence against others and themselves?
These children are killing their family...their friends?

I do not remembering this happening as a child growing up.
Was it still there but I didn't notice?

Every day I read the news and I see some kind of child or teenage violence.

I don't understand.

Some say, "oh kids are kids"

Thats bull!!!!

Parents, take the reins from your children and start giving your children some old fashioned discipline.

I'm not saying to give them a beating. Discipline means TEACHING. I'm not saying to Punish them, but discipline them. Are there any parents out there who know the difference between these two words?

Both of those words can be done in love.
Parents, are you investing more time in your job than in your own children?
Do you take time to really listen to your children?
Do you know your children well enough to see, just by the look on their face, that something is bothering them?
Do your own children trust you enough to tell them where THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!!!!

Children are a blessing from the Lord. Treat them that way.
If you recived a set of china as a gift. You would take care of that china so well. You would display it for everyone to see. You would handle it with care so it doesn't get broken.

Children also need handled with care.
If their spirit gets broken, sometimes a little glue just won't fix it.
If their spirit gets broken there is a scar that can be left that never mends.

Do you want that for your own children?
Think back to your own childhood. What happened in your past that hurt you so badly that to think about it again brings pain to your heart?

Do you want that for your children as well.
Parents, do what it takes to get your children back?
Mothers, be home with your children if you can.
If you can't then you need to work EXTRA hard to be there for them whole heartedly when you ARE home.

This isn't an easy task at hand but your children are worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I will get off my soap box now.

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