Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just more me stuff...

The depths of our spirituality does not depend upon changing the things we do, but in doing for God what we ordinarily do for ourselves.

-Brother Lawrence

Hmmm.....I got that in an email today.
Now, if we are doing things differently and changing our perpsective on why we do what we do, won't that sometimes mean CHANGING what we do?
I think the first part AND second part of the above quote go hand in hand.


Anyway, whats new here?
I'm getting Joey ready for his FIRST plane ride. At 3am we leave for the airport then he has a flight that leaves at 5:30am. He should arrive in Virginia Beach around 9am....He will return on Friday night the 8th close to midnight. I hope he has a good time but he's never been on an airplane before. I'm sure he will be fine but its a learning experience for sure.

I'm also trying to find all..yes ALL of my regular photographs and scan them into my computer to save on disk. That is a huge job but I think it will keep them safe incase anything should ever happen to them.

I don't know why I make more work for myself lol. I'm always trying to complete some grand project even though the daily things I have to do don't even get done because I just don't have the time.

Well, gotta straighten up the house. Kids should be gone within the hour then bible study 2 hours later.
Hope you all enjoyed the update

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