Friday, February 12, 2010

New mom?

One thing I've found from having Sergio is that I feel like this brand new mom all over again.
Its weird...I mean, I have the knowledge and wisdom that comes from experience but this newly found feeling of awe is just interesting to me.

He wakes up in the morning, and when he smiles and plays with me, I have the feeling well up within me...that I just want to squeeze him! Like I've never played with a baby before.

And these feelings I have are not only with Sergio, its with each one of my kids.

Michael, although he is 21 and will be 22 in June, I just want to hug him so tightly!
Joey, yes, he's 17 and 18 in May...even though he has this Mr. Tough guy persona....I just want to squeeze him till he pops.
Tony and Angel...same thing. I look at each one with such amazement now. How in the world can this happen?

I believe a baby in your life gives you a brand new appreciation for life in general. Look around you....everything is new and exciting when you look at it from a baby's perspective. If you do something new, he's never seen before...he is amazed. Why not take on that new found excitement in our own lives. Look for things to be amazed at. God created this beautiful world and universe for us to explore and be amazed by. Enjoy it! Take it in!!! and while you are enjoying all of it...don't forget to thank God for it too!

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