Wednesday, February 03, 2010

On my mind today...

Its Wednesday and for our family this means Bible Study tonight.
Truthfully I find myself reluctant to go. Ever since Sergio was born, I find it very difficult to motivate myself to do much of anything outside the house. I can't really leave him home...and it takes so much energy and preparation to take him with me...I just want to stay at home.

Now, before you all start telling me how important it IS to go...I know this very well. Yes, it sets a good example to my kids and to others. I know this....But I'm in the process of finding motivators to go.

I am thinking of either teaching or help to teach the cradle roll class at church.
I am not ready to leave Sergio. He's only 8 weeks old...and he's not ready to leave me either :)

Now, to leave my house to go anywhere besides church? Its getting easier. I took Sergio with me to pick up Joey from work and usually he cries in the car seat ..and not just a whine. We are talking full cry ...chin shake cry. Mothers, you know what I mean.

But he was awake in his seat and very content. So many changes in just 8 weeks of his short life so far. Thank you DEAR LORD for giving me my family. I love my a wife, and mother and teacher and caregiver. May I never take it for granted!!

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