Monday, June 06, 2016

Days can be so very very hard.
You wake up and have NO idea what event or events that are going to happen today that may test your emotions and your patience.

One thing I have started is before I even move my feet out of my bed, I pick up my phone, and I do my Jesus Calling and my Daily Bible Quote.

Then I have pictures of my affirmations on my phone. I read through them. A few times.

Before my feet hit the floor I've started to prepare my heart and mind for whatever lies ahead.

Do I do it perfectly?

Nah, this is me? Remember??

I forget things.
I forget things alot!

But I do my best.

I am glad I remembered what I did today because today was a bad day for me.

But its almost time to settle myself down for the night.

Its a new day tomorrow.

New starts.

New choices.

New chances to add value to someones life.

What will YOU start your day off with tomorrow?

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