Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Whats on your worried mind today?

We all worry.

Some more than others but we ALL worry.

Yesterday was one of those days that worry consumed me.

But I had tasks at hand and I knew that there were no room for distractions if I wanted to accomplish my set goal.

Today I opened up my Daily Bible App and my Jesus Calling book.

The Daily Bible App message was something that really touched me this morning.

We are God's handiwork.

We are created to do Good Works.

Have you ever created something? I mean as adults sometimes we forget that we were made to create.
Children love to create. They will cut up paper, and odds and ends and just put it together to make something they are so very proud of. They can't wait to show it to you. Your response to their creation really can change how they feel about themselves and their ability to create more. When adulthood happens, we get so busy with responsibilities that we lose sight of what we are created to do.


Bless someone today. It just takes a minute. BE CREATIVE in your ways to do that.
Maybe you know your neighbor is having a hard time. Drop a handwritten note or card off to them. You don't have to stick around and talk. Just take a minute to show you care.

Take note of who you come in contact with each day.

I'm sure you will discover ways to put a smile on someones face today. Once you start to LOOK for ways to DO GOOD WORKS, more ideas will come. Funny how that works sometimes.

In my Jesus Calling Book it was all about worry.

In other words...


God's got this.

(Not sure what is going on in YOUR life, but worry was a part of mine yesterday)

But even though I was worried, I still persevered and got my goals done for the day. (except my diet goal to restart lol. Hey, don't judge me!!) hahaha

Hope this blessed someone today!
I would love to hear your thoughts!

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