Wednesday, June 01, 2016

What a beautiful day!!!
I could easily spend all day on here writing why I'm just so happy but truthfully it would be so hard for those not going through this journey to understand. But maybe once you keep reading this you will begin to.

It really all started in August of last year. I had some serious health issues that left me feeling helpless.

Enter, DoTerra!

Exit Feelings of helplessness!!!!!

Then I just started using the oils as much as I could.

Then I realized by reading other facebook statuses and by friends around me telling me how they had so many health issues too, that they needed to know there was a natural route to go that will empower you to make more educated choices on the way you take care of yourself and your family.

So, my sharing oils journey began.

and here I am MONTHS later still sharing.

Part of this journey is about self development! Alot of you might ask , " How does oils have anything to do with reading books on personal growth".


I couldn't even try to explain how working on your self really changes your outlook on everything.

My go to book has always been my Bible and as a Christian, it should! But I have learned that there is nothing wrong with other books to learn from as well. I feel such incredible change happening so fast that its almost like its not even me but I'm watching a movie of someone else ha.

That is why I have to start writing again here. I am welling up with so much excitement that it has to come out somewhere!

So to those who follow my prepared!

When something excites me during the day....I will probably write about it here.

 Its interesting how when I started " Nikki's Ramblings" almost 10 years ago I didn't realize how it will still fit my personality and writing style even today in 2016.

Stay Tuned everyone!!!

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