Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lots of news....

I've been very busy with stuff here at home and blogging had definitely escaped my to do list....

So here is an attempt to update everyone...

First I QUIT QUIT QUIT my job at Dairy Queen!!!!!
Without going into too many details...the only reason I got the job at DQ was to teach me a lesson about working in the outside world (hadn't done it in 14 years) and for me to appreciate my "gift" as a childcare provider and the blessing of being able to do it in my home.
It really got tough for me. You see, with Mike gone, and taking care of everything around the house, schooling, buying a house, dealing with a sick parent, a troubled sister, etc....I was about to a breaking point. So, Mike agreed that I could quit. What a great great GREAT day that was!


The closing date on our new house is still May 4th pending appraisal. As long as the house appraises at the asking price, then we are all good to go!
We need electrical updates done on the house and the one estimate we got was for about $2300. Guess thats not too bad.


School has taken a round of change. I see Tony's learning style changing. He loves GARDENING! You should see his plants and see how much care he takes in them. I ordered an Amanda Bennet Unit Study on Gardening that I hope Angel and Tony can do thru the summer.
I may just plan things like this for the whole year next year if they like to this.


As soon as I get in the new house, (mid may) then I will start my childcare certification process.
I have to take a class on CPR and First Aid and get my house ready. I have to get a few references for the state to contact to see if I'm mentally to handle childcare.
Lots to do but I am sooo looking forward to doing it again. I really can't wait!


Kids are doing ok. Besides fighting off sickness that is.
Wednesday night I got the stomach flu worse than I ever had it. It was absolutely horrible.
Then the next day, Joey came down with a horrible cough and cold. It took a couple of days but I do feel better today.


Well, there is the update.
Be Blessed

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