Tuesday, May 22, 2007

8 days late...

Wow, I am really not keeping up with my blog am I?
Its been about 8 days since my last post so my apologies to those who check often to see what I have to write about and nothing new is written lol.

We have been moved into our new home.

Quite a process for sure. Still have some things left at the old place and still have to clean it yet. But I still have 10 days to get it all done.

I got my gas stove delivered and installed yesterday. Its not new but got it 2nd hand for a great price and it looks and works like new!

Now, today, my telephone isn't working. Comcast just came Saturday to hook it all up and last night, it quit on me. No dial tone...nothing. Bad stuff especially when I don't have a cell phone either...

I got quite a bit done since moving in on Thursday but still so much to do. Why do I feel like I have to get it all done NOW? ahhahaha...

Not long now till we enter civilian life. Mike should begin his drive home on June 1st. Oh I just can't wait. I feel like we are beginning a new life. He's been in the Navy for our whole almost 20 years of marriage and I feel like we are "in a way" starting over. Is that strange to feel that way?

Kids are all doing great...this has been hard on everyone. Each child has his own way of dealing with our situation. With Mike being gone, and moving for the 2nd time in 7 months....this hasn't been easy at all. But we are hanging in there...

Thanks to those who have been praying for our family. I often feel God's hands wrapped around our family. What a comfort!!

Today....what will today bring?

I hope to hook up my washer and dryer....
Finish bringing stuff over from the old house..even if I have to march it up to the attic to go thru later instead of the kids dropping it right in the middle of the living room floor lol.
Finish cutting grass at new house and do the old house grass too.

With everything that I HAVE to do, I'm also trying to slow down and enjoy my house. Its hard to do with so much of my house in chaos and I have a hard time relaxing like that.
But I will try :)

Remember to thank God today for each and every circumstance that comes your way. Whether good or bad.....because all things can bring glory to God.
Be Blessed

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