Monday, May 14, 2007

What doesn't kill us.....

Do you ever wonder, I'm sure you do, why God allows us to go through so many of the tough times we face?

I am a strong believer that everything , yes EVERYTHING, happens for a reason. And if you are a Christian, God allows things to happen, not to make us miserable, but to strengthen us in some way.

The older I get, I realize more and more what God is showing me thru my trials.
Sometimes, I feel like I can't hold another thing on my plate and then I manage to make it through, and hold even more because for some reason, even though my plate looks full of hardships and trials doesn't get heavier, it actually gets lighter. According to our worldly scales, if we had to put a weight on the amount of hardships we are going thru, it would go off of the scales , but when you have God, HE is what makes our burden lighter.

I am thankful to HIM that HE knows what is best for me.

I am very blessed.

I have a great family.
I have 4 wonderful kids, a wonderful husband, many friends, a fantastic church family, and God recently blessed me with a new , big and beautiful home.

I have alot to do this week with my big moving day being Thursday, but I will try better to update my blog better than I have been.

I appreciate each comment and each reader.

I hope in some fashion, I can encourage you all to live a Godly life and to look above for your strength daily!
Be blessed,

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