Thursday, May 24, 2007

Another update

Things are coming along well here at home.

Things are getting put away, the other house is getting cleared out...and the days are passing quickly...which is my favorite part cause that means on June 1st Mike will be home for good.

I sooo need some kind of break from all of this madness.

THis past year has been sooo incredibly full.

I was just sitting back thinking of what I've gone thru this past year.This is in no specific order..some random order my mind...:)

Moving to ohio in October...then finding out not long after arriving that my sister tried to commit suicide, then she did it again...then I had to have her committed into the hospital for a couple of days..and oh joy, she just LOVED that...Dealing with seperation from Mike, the kids upset about the move, me missing my friends in Virginia Beach and my singing group...
Sick kids all winter long hahaha, working outside the home for the first time in 14 years....getting used to being around family again....finding out my dad had cancer 5 years ago...trying to diet and lose weight, trying to single parent my kids and still homeschool in all the madness....
Then....having mike's plans change from pizza to something else....then deciding to buy a house and search for one....and then start the process ....then take care of TWO houses.....arrange the moving and helpers....teaching sunday school....(which i enjoyed but it was hard making and keeping that committment with so much else going on)...getting Michael back and forth to work....mike coming home....but only for 10 leave again, and take the van...being without a vehicle for 6.5 weeks.....But its almost done. I have accomplished alot but I am tired. REALLY REALLY tired....

Well, today I'm off to take Michael to work, then to the mall.....then who knows...but picking Michael up at 4 then Birthday dinner for Joey at my mother in laws.....
Cyall laterz

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