Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday November 12th

Good evening blog world!!!
I know my fellow Brother in Christ John, put a link to my blog on his so to those who are reading about me for the first time, let me please say WELCOME to my world lol.

I want to talk tonight about how Satan is at work ...
He twists and turns things in people's minds that make them want to end their life. I cannot understand that kind of desperation. All over a boyfriend? I mean, not that someone like a boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter, isn't important but isn't LIFE more precious than that?

I feel like I"m writing my sisters obituary. She is Satan's focus lately. No , she isn't a Christian and seems to have no desire to be one. But as long as she is taking her breaths, she still has hope because God loves her just as much as he loves me.

People , don't take your Christianity for granted. Especially those who grew up in the church. I did not and neither did my husband but my kids really don't know anything else. I don't want them to get so comfortable that its just routine. Don't just make God routine. He deserves more than that. I try to think back and remember where I came from. He has brought me and my family through so much I can't imagine any other way than to be a child of HIS but my sister has lived without him all her life and He keeps calling and calling but she refuses to hear.

Our Sunday morning message struck me today. When Jesus calls, are we we WANT to hear his call? Maybe its selective hearing....because if we hear his call, we feel an we choose to not hear anything at all.

Don't shut him out!!!!!!!!!!! Choose to listen because if you do, you will not be sorry!!!!

I am very thankful to God that He has brought friends in my kids lives here in Ferry. God is soo good. I knew He had in His plan for us to be here and that He would work out everything and I can see exactly that happening!!!

Please pray for my son Michael as next Sunday the 19th he takes his first plane trip to Virginia Beach to visit friends and will return on the 4th of December. He has never ridden in a plane before so he's a bit nervous. Pray for safe trip and return. Thanks and God bless!!!


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