Monday, January 02, 2017

2017 is all about me

WOW, just writing the title of my article today made me hesitate. Almost nothing I do is just for me. BUT, I think its about time this year be the year to change that. 

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean Nikki will become a self centered person only taking care of her own needs and forgetting about others. 

That's not what I mean at all.

I haven't loved myself in such a long time. 

And years of self abuse have taken its toll on me.

If you hold back love from people around you, its considered neglect and its very damaging. We were created to love. We need love. People need attention. We weren't meant to be alone. 

Well, I haven't given myself the attention that makes me healthy. 

THAT is what I mean.

THAT is what I plan to change this year.

You can say its because this coming December I will turn 50 years old. 

I can give any reason I want to ....but as long as I just take the time daily to love ME, it doesn't matter the reasons I give.

Just as long as I take the steps each and every single day to love myself the way I deserve to be loved.

And its started today.

I can't stand disorganization or clutter. It truly makes me uneasy.

So, today to show myself love, I started getting rid of it. I started by cleaning just a few of my kitchen drawers. I said to myself I would get rid of just ONE kroger bag of junk daily. Its not hard to fill up just ONE. So, there are no excuses. 

I plan to write daily here too so that I can keep track of my progress this year. We are sometimes so hard on ourselves with our progress because we focus on our failures and FORGET how far we have come and the positives we've accomplished on the journey. Writing daily here will change that also. This is for ME. I share this blog on facebook only that maybe someone else out there might be going through the same thing as me and need some encouragement. 

Loving myself has to be done. Its holding me back from being healthy, looking the way that "I" want to look, attaining the goals in my business, being able to cook the way I want to cook, or take care of the relationships with people close to me etc. 

So, It has already began because today, I did the Kroger bag fill up and throw out. I chose to not eat the big unhealthy breakfast others ate. I've written this article which I also told myself is one of my daily goals. 

Its about daily steps. 

New Habits.

New Nikki.

New Beginnings...

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