Monday, January 29, 2007

Trusting God in the Unseen

When changes come up in life...ones completely unexpected, what do you all do?

I get scared and start to panic.

Should I react that way?

Not from all the times in my life that I have seen God work.

Without going into a lot of detail, plans may be changing with "Job after Navy".

At first, I was scared. Then angry. But still stayed calm. Then God reminded me that He has taken care of me in every situation that has come up so why would this one be any different.

Ok God keep reminding me. I need it daily. My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.....and in the world---- the promises that God has proved over and over again.

May I accept change as a challenge to my faith to grow stronger in Him. We have to live with our human perspective. Sometimes it feels like our vision is soooo blinded. I can't see very far ahead...not even one second. So, why not trust in God?

Pray, Pray and pray more. I know I can approach God with my concerns and how my heart is feeling....then leave it with Him and not stand in Gods way.

I am looking forward to Ron's lesson on how God works providencially in our lives. I know it to be true and to not see it is discounting God. Do not put limits on God. As there is evidence in scripture, then if He said it, I believe it!!!

Be Blessed


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are in our 9th year home educating. Most people I know are supportive of what we do, but there are always the nay sayers.

Hope your year is going well!!