Friday, June 13, 2008

Now, THAT"S what I'm talking about....

Ok, I jumped on the scale again yesterday and since Monday I've lost another pound!!! I'm HOPING that on Monday, the scale will go down even more!!!
I worked out in a class called Bootcamp yesterday. WOAH!!! Its a very hard workout but when I feel burning, I know its working.
So, I'm down to 155.5. Seeing it working is giving me the encouragement to keep with my diet and get these pounds off!!!
Ok, another church sign saying that stuck out to me:

The Lord gave us commandments. He didn't mention amendments.

Think about that one.
Don't we try to amend what God has commanded? I know I do sometimes.


Ok, I'll try to update again soon.
I got a few comments that have told me to write more "informative" things.
Let me ask you all this:

What would make my blog more interesting to you guys who read it?


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