Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday May 19th

Hello everyone! I've been keeping some jeans in my closet just waiting for the day that I would lose the weight and be able to fit back into them once again.
Well, today I decided to get brave.
Pants that I couldn't get past my legs I fit into today without any trouble at all.
I've lost about 2 pant sizes.

Now, about the pants that I have that are now 2 pant sizes too big.....I don't like to waste and I am very cheap when it comes to spending money, I don't know what to do with these. I will wear these as long as I can, even if I have to wear a belt with

So, that was a big pick me up for today. So much so that when we go out to eat tonight (Fridays are our eat out nights) I will not have the burger and fries that my kids will probably have. I will find something decent for me. My goal is to lose 2 more pounds in the next week with Mike getting home on Thursday! That will bring my weight loss total for the 6.5 weeks to 10 pounds.

That will bring me down to 144. I still would like to lose another 15 pounds. The weight I was at when I got married was about 125. I would LOVE to see that again but I was very thin. I will be happy with 130.

Anyway, nothing else new to report. My Joey will be 14 on Tuesday. Where is the time going?

God is soooo good. Thank you God for my family and giving me the ability to be a mom to them and a wife to my best friend in the whole world.

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