Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another BEE-U-TEE-FUL Day

Its a beautiful day outside.
Birds are singing their songs...
Kids are playing....
Spring is blooming....
and my husband is almost home safe!!!

Its not just the aspect of missing him since he's been gone so long...but him being safe and sound.

Just because he is on a ship doesn't mean he is 100% safe cause trust me , he isn't but its almost done and I really imagine God is guiding that ship . I know its not like there is a pillar of fire or a cloud to guide like God with the Israelites, but sometimes I imagine it like that but you just can't see Him. I see His guidance in my every day life as well.

The ship crossed another time zone so the difference in time now is only 3 hours !!!!!
Oh its getting so exciting.....

I'm just like a school girl at heart. I have butterflies already. It will be so hard to drive to the airport on Wednesday to pick him up....Where is a free limo and limo driver when you need him !!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who is praying for his safe return.

I can't wait for everyone to meet him.


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