Friday, March 02, 2007

Stand out in a crowd

Are we afraid to be different?
Are we afraid to be stared at....wondered about....?

God calls us to be different...set apart.
We aren't to fit the "norm".

When you decided to obey the gospel, you made the committment to no longer be as the world is, but to be different. You NEED to be noticed in a crowd.
Now, since you know that you WILL be standing out among those in the world, are you ready for that challenge?

Many Hollywood movie stars have the papparrazzi following their every move. They are hiding out from the cameras and from crazy fans young and old.

Are we hiding from the world who NEEDS to see the love of Jesus in us?

If so, then we need to stop it!!

How else can they see Jesus but to show them !!

I wonder what snapshots that have been taken of me (just a figure of speech about the book of life) that I would be embarrassed about.

Remember to live you life like you are on display...24 hours a day, 7 days a week, because , face it...YOU ARE!!!

Be Blessed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. Our theme for the youth retreat in May is "Called Out! You in or out?" What you wrote about will be the thrust of the weekend.