Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well, MIke and I have been looking into different ways of making things work when he comes home.

I will still need to work part time but we are finding a way to make it easier on me to have a van.

If all works out...and everything gets approved, we are....

BUYING OUR VERY FIRST HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so beautiful and I can't wait!!! Its been sold right now straight thru the owners, and going to take a second look at it today. If my father in law says its all good to go, we are going to start the paperwork on getting our VA approved loan. You see, with the VA, they guarantee our loan thru the banks they work with. No down payment or any money up front at all!!! THe payment, with adding in an extra bill to pay off, will be less than what we pay rent right now!! Saving us probably $100 a month. Hey, anything helps at this point. THe roof is only about 8 years old, a new heat system was just put in a month ago, and a new water heater too. Its about 2100 sqare feet of living space too. Oh , the living room has a fireplace with gas logs. It is soooo nice of a house!!!!! Please pray that this works out. I believe this is God's will....how I found the house, the people that own the house know my father in law....we sat and talked for over an hour, they are great people!!!

The only thing is this...those who will help me move, will have to go up some serious stairs to get the furniture in the house :(, but hey, it gives us exercise right? lol

I will be feeling the pain too cause I will have a ton of stuff to move ...more boxes to carry but it can be done a little at a time.

I am soooooooooo excited, the kids are excited, and we can't wait to get this moving and get our letter stating that we are approved!!!!!!

More to come

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