Monday, March 12, 2007

A little of this..a little of that

Hello everyone.
I was surprised that its been since Thursday since I last wrote but it would be an understatement to say that I've been swamped.

Today's blog is just a bit of an update so here goes:

Still no news on buying a house. The house that #1 on our list won't happen. The owners that were selling, were supposed to close on the house that THEY bought but the closing didn't happen because the owners changed their minds so not only are THEY out of a house, but now they can't sell THEIR house to US.

That made me a bit sad but obviously that door was closed for a reason. So waiting upon God to open another one.

Michael has his girlfriend here for a few days from Virginia Beach so its been a nice visit with her.

The weather has definitely been feeling like spring but I hear a touch of winter is still right around the corner...


Preparations are being made for Mike's arrival on the 4th. It won't be long but some days it still feels like forever.
Especially with me trying to do my daily thing AND look for a house for sale. Mike wants to be in it by June 1st...but we have limitations..we only want to be in the city I live in now which doesn't leave us too many options.

Well, in order to accomplish my goals today, I need to get off here and get a move on it.
Everyone reading, please , remember Who's got the Whole world in HIS hands...
Be Blessed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have the right attitude about the house. Sorry it didn't go through as you hoped, but there must be a really good reason that you may never know about.

We had a four family contingency with home selling/buying that we went through Dec. 1. The one couple that everyone else's hinged on almost backed out due to a curtain mix up. It was crazy. It all worked out in the end, but my it was tense for about an hour.

I look forward to hearing about what home you end up in.

BTW: I make cross necklaces too. That is how I ended up here today. I replied to your question and saw your link.