Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Another one from NIKKI???

Am I on a roll or what? I guess lately I've had alot to talk about.

I plan to try to put up on my site alot more information on Creationism. This is a topic that is very close to my heart. I hate that Evolution is taught in public schools and I try to promote all the "scientific" evidence of Creationism as much as possible.

Think of this...

Science says a big bang just created everything.....
Oh please...

If you break a watch into its many many pieces, throw it up in the air and let it fall to the ground, do you think that it will just make a watch? NOPE. The watch had a person who carefully and thoughtfully planned this intricate invention. Just like our world took a creator.

It just makes me very sad when the world doesn't give the credit to God for his creation.

We must give our children the tools to tell others about God and His creation.
Equip our kids so they can "go into all the world..."

Be Blessed today

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