Monday, December 18, 2006

Looking back..regret or joy?

I have been reading a few blogs lately from other Christians. They all have something in common..Looking back.

When we look back, which alot of us are doing as we near the new year, how do we feel?

Do you have regrets? Do you look back with joy?

I had to sit and think about this. I don't have any regrets. WOW....I can't believe I said that. But what I mean about that is this....

THe regrets I hear are

I wish I had spent more time with my kids.
I wish I had helped more people.
I wish I hadn't done this or that....

Well, here is what I think. (if you don't care what I think , stop reading lol)

Make the most of every day and when its over, no regrets.
NO matter what you are doing, make the most of it. If you didn't do what you wanted to do that day, try the next day. Keep trying but if you fail, ask God to forgive you, ask Him to help you do better and keep on the path. NO REGRETS.

Regrets just cause you to think upon things that you have no control over anymore anyway. Why keep stuck on something in your past that might have made you into the Christian you are today?

I have alot of things in my life that I wish I hadn't done...sure...don't we all.
Some of our regrets even come from things that we didn't necessarily do wrong, but just have regrets about.
I know that those things brought me to be a Christian and to turn my life over to God.

For example, my mom died of cancer when I was 11.
Oh how I wish that I had had a mother growing up. I feel like I missed out on so much sometimes. But .....
being with out my mom made me cherish my family even more because of not having one. I cherish my husband , kids and friends even more because I know what its like to not have a mom and to have someone taken away in an instant. When you are a kid, you feel like your parents will always be around. I know I did. Most kids do too. Thats why kids mistreat their parents. Oh the regrets they will have when their parents pass away. But really, no regrets needed. Just make the best of what you are doing today.

If you made a mistake in the past, try to fix it.
Angry with parent? Call them and tell them you love them. Its never too late.
Problem with sibling? Go out bowling and have a cup of coffee.

What if that parent or sibling or so upset over what you did they don't want to make amends with you?

You don't have control over that either. Pray God will restore that relationship and just go about your day at a your life for God and know that you tried. You gave your best effort and in time, who knows.

You get my meaning with this?


Start need to wait till January.
You can make a list of things and do you best to remedy them. IF they can't be fixed, God's grace already covered it if you had asked Him .

Be Blessed All,

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