Thursday, December 28, 2006


Ok, this blog might sound a bit old fashioned, but why wouldn't it, cause I am when it comes to this subject.

With my husband being gone most of the past year I find myself really looking back at all the mistakes I made with him. (not regret...just reflection lol)

I was reading a book lately and in it the author wrote about greeting your husband when he comes home, taking time to put some make up on, preparing for his homecoming.

Does anyone do this anymore?

I know that when I had the time....and I heard Mike coming thru the front door, everyone would be waiting at the door for a " Welcome Home Daddy!!!", all in unison. He loved it.

Now, with him gone so much, I am again thinking how I can really do my job as helpmeet better.

So, for the next 3 months, I want to do alot of reading on ideas to prepare house, kids and myself for my husband to make his home his castle.

January 2nd, I will begin my diet and exercise. I've let myself go. Why? I have no one who cares if I am in sweat pants all day and no makeup on. But I know Mike cares. So, time to prepare.

Its a time to prepare my heart also as Mike is my number one priority under God.
I remember when Mike would tell the kids to find something to do so he and I could actually sit together UNINTERRUPTED, and play a game together. I actually got upset with him when he would yell at the kids when they KEPT on interrupting this time. My excuse was, " but the kids need me". Oh I see....HE NEEDED ME MORE!!! It may seem silly, but he really is first before my kids. Oh why didn't I see that. Well, I want him to feel important too.

So, if you have any books that you have read on the subject of house, home, husband, kids etc, please feel free to either email me at or put it in the comment section of my blog.

I really would love some feedback here.
Be blessed,

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